Will of Willis W. Williams

Dated 7 Nov 1890

Willis W. Williams
Will Probated
February Term 1891
Minute Book E
page 436

I WILLIS W. WILLIAMS being of sound mind and good memory do hereby make and publish and declair this instrament to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void any other will heretofore by me made.

Item 1st: I give to ORA RICHARDSON daughter of my nephew W. W. RICHARDSON all of my Books and book case.

Item 2nd: I want my mill tract of land divided as follows, the Waldon part containing one Hundred and one eight acres, I give to NINA RICHARDSON daughter of my nephew W. W. RICHARDSON. The remainder of the tract to be divided north and south and eaqually divided between ORA and CLYDE RICHARDSON daughter and son of my nephew W. W. RICHARDSON.

Item 3: The balance of Estate in what ever it may consist in, I want sold by my Executor any debts due me collected and with the proceeds to pay my burial expenses and Just debts out of it and an ordinary tomb stone in Cost put to my grave.

Lastly I nominate and appoint my nephew W. W. RICHARDSON as my Exutor to this will without giving any security on his bond.

This the 7th day of Nov. 1890 to all of which I here subscribe my name


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