Will of Edward Williams

Dated 19 Apr 1867

Edward Williams
Probated May Term

In the name of God Amen

Being sound in mind and knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainly of death I EDWARD WILLIAMS Make this my last will and testament. I will and bequeath to my beloved Sister EDNA MITCHELL all my means and effects & property of every species Consisting of one mare notes and accounts on various persons too tedious here to name all of which I place in her possession to use as she may think best for her Interest I also will to her all the right which I have in a tract of Land lying in Madison County Tennessee Containing 200 fifty acres It being a part of the Jackson tract I this will all my property to my Sister EDNA MITCHELL because of her kindness and good Care which she take of me and I therefore repeat that this is my will because she is worthy Signed and Sealed this the 19th of April 1867 EDWARD WILLIAMS


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