Will of David Whitaker

Probated Nov 1877

David Whitaker
Probated November
term 1877 of County
Court see Minute
Book B page 313

I DAVID WHITAKER of the County of Crockett & state of Tennessee, knowing that in the course of nature I can not be much longer...


Son, COLUMBUS SYDNEY, I give the note I hold on him for the sum of fourteen hundred dollars in full of all he is to have of my estate.

Son, LEONIDAS DAVID, I give all the notes for money he owes me which with and in addition to the land I have given by deed to his children is in full of all his interest in my estate & is all that he is ever to have or claim therefrom.

Son, WESLEY WILLIS WHITAKER, I give Eighteen hundred Dollars I paid on his land the sum paid was two thousand dollars but on account of the depreciated Currency at the time It was paid I choose to rate it to him at Eighteen hundred dollars.

Daughters, SARAH F. MAULDIN, HENRIETTA E. MANN and the three children of my deceased daughter EUGENIA A. WORTHAM, I give and bequeath all the lands of which I may die possessed to be devided among them as they may agree among themselves, but in the event that they cannot agree amicable among themselves as to the devision I hereby authorize, empower and direct that my son WILLIS W. WHITAKER to make such division... deducting the share of SARAH F., the four hundred and fifty dollars which I heretofore advanced to her husband CLAYTON MAULDIN whose note for that sum will be found among my papers.

Son, JOHN G. WHITAKER, I give and bequeath in addition to the land and premises set apart by deed of Trust to WESLY W. WHITAKER for the benifit of the said JOHN & his wife & two horses or mules, two cows & calves twelve head of hogs one half of the Corn & fodder on the place at my death all the plantation tools one two horse waggen & harness Three feather beds bed steads & furniture one dozen chairs all the kitchen & Table furniture of every kind & character 1 extension table and three smaller square tables all the table cloths, to him and his heirs forever.

I appoint my son WESLEY W. WHITAKER Executor.



Please note that the preceeding information was extracted, as written,
and includes all names mentioned in the will.

The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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