Will of Daniel Smith

Dated 10 Dec 1891

Probated July Term 1892
Minute Book E page 670

State of Tennessee Crockett County

I, DANIEL SMITH do make and publish this as my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

1st I direct that my funeral expenses and all other debts owing by me if any be paid out of any money that may be on hand at my departure or if there should be no money on hand then the first money that may come into the hands of my Executor hereinafter to be appointed by me shall be appropiated for that purpose.

2nd I will and bequeath to my grand son WILLIAM T. WARREN and his wife MADA WARREN and his two children EVELINE & JAMES WARREN, a cirtain tract or parcel of land situated in the 12" civil District of Crockett County Tenn Bounded on the north by JEFF TAYLOR formerly owned by J. K. STRAY on the east end by A. T. FIELDER on the south by FIELDER & LOMMONS containing 56 acres.

3d I will and bequeath to the said AMANDA WARREN and her two children EVELINE and JAMES WARREN one sorrel mare mule about nine years old and is now in the possession of J. W. CARMON.

4th I will and bequeath to SARAH E. ERVIN and MARTHA FRANCIS HOWELL my homestead of one Hundred acres of land to be Equally Divided between them Said Tract of land is situated in the 12th civil District of Crockett County Tenn and Bounded on the north by my ninty five acre tract of land on the east by W. J. DAVIS south by G. A. EDWARDS on the west by J. H. DAVIS and JAMES EASON.

5th I will and bequeath to my two grand Daughters MARY J. CARPENTER and MATTIE E. BAKER my ninty five acre tract lying north of my Homestead to be Equally divided between them my will that MARY J. CARPENTER shall Have the south end of said tract so as to Include the Houses out Buildings I do this on account of the Health of ALLEN CARPENTER husband of said MARY J. CARPENTER who is not able to build and improve the place. Said tract of ninety five acres of land is Bounded on the north by R. S. BEAVER East by CHAMBERS Heirs south by my Homestead west by THOMPSON & HARWELL.

6th I will that after my Funeral expenses and all just debts if any be paid that my personal property be equally divided among the following grand children of mine, SARAH E. ERVIN, MARY J. CARPENTER, MARTHA T. HARWELL, MATTIE E. BAKER, WILLIAM W. THOMPSON, MARY M. CHAMBERS & JAMES C. CHAMBERS, my will futher is that MARY M. and JAMES C. CHAMBERS shall have a promisory note that I hold against their Father JAMES CHAMBERS to be Equally divided between them of the sum of $255.77. I Hereby nominate and appoint A. T. FIELDER and DR. T. J. RICE my Executors to Execute this last will and testament in witness whereof I hereunto subscribe my name on this the 10" day of Dec. 1891.



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Last updated 02/18/2019 08:58:33