Will of Jonathan S. Moore

Dated 20 Dec 1872

J. S. MOORE's Will Probated April Term 1873
See Minute Book page 198

In the name of God amen. I JONATHAN S. MOORE being of sound mind and disposing memory, but in feeble health do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first of all my soul I commit to God through the merits of Jesus Christ and my body to the earth to be burried in plain decent Christian like manner. It is further my will and desire that all my lawful debts togeather with my funeral expences be paid as soon after my death as practicable. It is further my will and desire that my wife MARGARETTE E. MOORE have the Gold watch which I gave her some time since.

It is further my will and desire that my Executor whom I shall hereafter name shall have full power to sell and convey to the purchaser my house and lot in the corporate limits of the town Friendship (the lot containing by survey four acres). and he is hereby empowered to do so without having to get an order from any Court and when so sold to appropriate the proceeds togeather with all my worldly good and effects of ever sort to the support of my wife MARGARETT E. MOORE and my two children ALLACE R. and LUELLA E., and also for the education of my said children and I hereby appoint SAMUEL H. STRAYHORN to carry out this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal This the 20th day of December 1872.


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The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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