Will of N. A. McMillan

Dated 3 Jun 1908

Probated Feb.23rd 1919
Minute Book 10 page 293

I, N. A. McMILLAN, of Crockett County State of Tennessee being of sound mind and disposing memory do hereby make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making null and void all others made by me at any time.

First:- It is my desire that all my just debts including funeral expenses be paid by my executrix hereinafter named, as soon after my death as she can reasonable do so.

Second: It is my will and desire that after all my just debts shall have been paid that my beloved wife AZALEE McMILLAN shall have all the rest of my estate both personal and real, to be absolutely hers to keep or dispose of in any way that she may see fit and should either my personal property or real estate be in any way encumbered by Mortgage or Deed of Trust she is hereby empowered by mutual consent, of the trustee or mortgagee to sell any or all of the said property to satisfy said indebtness, and convey title or make deed thereafter.

Third. I do hereby nominate and appoint my said wife AZALEE to be Executrix to this my last will and testament with the request of the court that she be released from making bond, since she is the sole Legatee of this my last will and testament. Given under my hand on this the 3rd day of June 1908.



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