Will of JENNIE McDONALD Probated April 1, 1946
Bells, Tenn. At my death, I JENNIE McDONALD hereby will my interest in our joint estate to my husband during his life. I also will SAM McDONALD my $1200.00 stock in Bells Light And Water Company during his life. At my death, I will my farm of 178 Acres to my brother BOB CONLEY and sister BERTA FARROW, which is to be divided equally & not sold. At my death, I will my diamond ring and bar pin be sold and the Money paid on First Christian Church building debt. At Sams' death, or rather after both of us have died, I will my $1200.00 stock in Bells Light And Water Company to MARGUERITE CONLEY CURRY, Brother HORACE heir. After both of us have died I will LUM CONLEY my brother ELMO CONLEY and MARY GARNETT CONLEY each a six hundred dollar interest in estate. After our death I will the rest of my interest in our estate to brother BOB CONLEY and sister BERTA FARROW, to be divided equally.
Witness my hand Codicil Apr. 16, 1937 The Church debt is now paid, so I will my diamond ring to JO FARROW, my niece; my diamond bar pin to JANE FARROW, and my watch to LOUISE FARROW and my pearl necklace, and other jewelry to DOROTHY DENT CONLEY, at my death. At R. L. CONLEY'S death his half interest in No. 7 farm I will to go to DOROTHY DENT CONLEY. Witness my hand JENNIE McDONALD
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