SOPHIA A. COOK - Executrix of the will of MRS. S. F. LOCK, decd. Probated October Term 1883 M. B. C 701 In the name of God amen, I SARAH F. LOCK while in the enjoyment of good health in mind and body yet knowing the uncertainly of life do make and publish this my last will and testament revoking all other wills heretofore made by me. After the payment of all my just debts I give to my Step grand daughter MARY LEE LOCK all my property of every kind real or personal of which I may die seized and possessed. If said MARY LEE LOCK should die before my death, or if she said MARY LEE LOCK should die without issue then and in that event I give and bequeath all of said property to SOPHIA A. LOCK. I name SOPHIA A. LOCK the Executrix of this my last will.
Witness my hand this 10th day of May 1879
Witnesses: [Note: At the top of this will it states that Sophia A. COOK is Executrix, but toward the bottom, Sophia A. LOCK is named Exectrix]
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