Will of W. B. LITTLE Probated September Term 1913 Minute Book 9 Page 513 I W. B. LITTLE of Crockett Co. Tenn. Make and proclaim this as my last will & Testament hereby making void all or any other will, that may have been made by me. 1st. I order and decree that my debts and funeral expenses be paid out of any money or personal property that may come into the possession of my Executor. 2nd. I give demise & bequeath my estate real & personal as follow - that is to say; To my Wife THURSIE LITTLE during her natural life all or any of said estate that I may die seized and possessed of; my real estate: consisting of the north half of 77 Acres of land bought by my self & GREEN REECE from J. H. NUNN as the deed will show. 3rd. I will & decree that my Executor pay out of any monies that may come into his hands, to JO LITTLES Children by my daughter who is now dead five dollars: and ROSA GREEN REECE Wife Five dollars, and this shall be their Share or interest in my estate: If my Executor Shall find no money: to pay the two last Mentioned amounts; He will be authorized to sell any personal property he may choose privately and from the proceeds - pay said amounts - as stated. 4th. I will & decree: That at the death of my Wife THURSIE: all the land and personal property - go immediately to my daughter ANNIE LOUIS LITTLE to be used and disposed of by her; as she may see fit. I hereby appoint W. D. PARKER of Gates Tenn my Executor of this my last will and testament, and request that the Court allow him to qualify - without being required to give bond. In witness whereof I have signed and do hereby publish and declare this instrument as my Will This Apl 3" 1909 W. (X) B. LITTLE
Witnesses: |
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