N. T. LASTER Will Probated Jan. 30, 1929 I, N. T. LASTER of the 11th civil district Crockett County, Tennessee, do make and publish this as my last will and testament and hereby revoking and making void all others at any time made by me. FIRST: - I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monies that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my executor. SECONDLY: - I hereby give and devise unto THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE (20) twenty Acres land at my present home place in the 11th civil district Crockett County, Tennessee and I desire that the said twenty Acres be surveyed off the south end of said farm and running the full length of the south boundary of said farm East and west and as deep into my said farm as to obtain twenty acres, and as ELI STRANGE'S lands is the southern boundary of my farm is the reason for designating this particular Acreage to said THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE. THIRDLY: - I hereby give and devise to ALLIE STRANGE - the wife of WILL STRANGE the remainder of my land in the said 11th Dist. Crockett County, Tenn. and being eighty five acres, more or less, and in this connection I have in mind that there is considerable timber on said eighty acres and having in mind to conserve the timber as long as possible I desire to make it impossible for said ALLIE STRANGE to sell convey or in any way dispose of timber on said land in excess of $200.00 two hundred Dollars in value per annum or in any given year as this amount of sale being sufficient to market any dieing timber and in the event said ALLIE STRANGE does sell or convey in any given year the timber from said farm in excess of $200.00 in value she is hereby directed to divide the amount sold in excess equally between LENA STRANGE, THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE and ELI STRANGE one half or one share and LINNIE T. LASTER one half or one share, therefore, it will make it necessary for LENA STRANGE, THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE, and ELI STRANGE and LINIE T. LASTER to join in any timber sale contract for timber from said lands in order to make sale valid. FOURTH: - I hereby give and bequeath to MAUD AGEE who is now living with me and ALLIE STRANGE all my household and kitchen furniture and the same to be equally divided between them as nearly as possible and upon which they will agree. FIFTH: - I give and bequeath to MAUD AGEE who is now living with me $1000.00 one thousand Dollars in cash. SIXTH: - I give and bequeath to DELIA SMELLEY wife of J. M. SMELLEY $1000.00 one thousand Dollars in cash. SEVENTH: - I hereby give all clothing and wearing apparel, beds and bedding that was the property of my late wife LERA to her sister SALLIE ROSEMAN and I also give to said SALLIE ROSEMAN $1000.00 one thousand Dollars in cash. EIGHT: - I direct my executor to purchase two rocks neatly cut and dressed to be placed at the head and feet of my grave as a further marker and as there has been placed a monument to the LASTER graves at Mt. Zion Cemetery or Grave yard and the markers should be cemented well and securely. NINTH: - In the event that I have not already done so before my death I direct my Executor to make an offer of $4000.00 Four thousand Dollars to the M. E. Church south a congregation at Mt. Zion near Friendship, Tennessee, toward the erection of a brick church at Mt. Zion and the conditions and stipulation that I make is that the building be of brick, walls to 13 in. in thickness, slate or tile roof, concrete floor and steps, plastered, metal ceiling and the diminsions to be the size of the present frame church at that place and that the Architecture be the same or equal to the old and original auditorium of the Christian church at Crockett Mills Tenn. and I direct that my executor make this offer leaving same open for forty five days after my death for acceptance or rejection by the said congregation through the trustees of said church in writing. In the event the said congregation at Mt. Zion through the trustee's do not accept the offer within the time mentioned above, I direct my executor to erect a brick house around and enclose the LASTER Graves at Mt. Zion cemetery or grave yard and the walls of the house or enclosure should be nine inches in thickness and the house to be well ventilated by windows and I request a slate or tile roof for said enclosure and direct my executor to use his judgment as to the cost of said house or enclosure, of course, this house or enclosure to be erected if the offer to the Mt. Zion church is rejected but if the gift is accepted by Mt. Zion church I do not desire the grave enclosure or house be builded. TENTH: - I desire to create a trust fund of $1000.00 and do hereby name and appoint the Bank of Friendship, Friendship, Tenn., trustee, and I desire that the earnings from said amount and also the principal of same when necessary to use in the upkeep and beautifying of the Mt. Zion cemetery and also the house, if erected, around the graves of the LASTER'S and also this fund to be expended in the upkeep of Providence Cemetery. ELEVENTH: - I just request if possible and convenient that the trustee employ ALLIE STRANGE and DELIA SMELLY to annually cleanse the monuments at the said cemetery's of course, if impractical and inconvenient to obtain their services at a reasonable price the Trustee may employ any one else whom in their judgment would execute the duty. TWELVE: - I would request the Trustee if possible and convenient employ J. M. SMELLY and THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE to annually clean off the cemetery at Mt. Zion and Providence, of course, if impractical and inconvenient to obtain their services at a reasonable price the Trustee may employ any one else whom in their judgment would execute the service.
THIRTEEN: - I give to MOLLIE PICKLE $5.00 in cash TWENTY FIVE: - After all the above gifts and bequeaths I desire that the remainder of my estate of every kind and character be sold and equally divided between the following kin share and share alike, and to LENA STRANGE, THOMAS HAPPELL STRANGE and ELI STRANGE one half or one share and to LINNIE T. LASTER one half or one share. Lastly: I do hereby nominate and appoint C. E. SWEATT of Friendship, Tenn. my executor and without bond. I would request that LINNIE T. LASTER and ELI STRANGE assist C. E. SWEATT in whatever way he may request of them. In witness whereof I set my hand this the 3rd day of January 1929. N. T. (X) LASTER
Witnesses: |
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