Will of David Henry Jones

Dated 18 Apr 1934

Last Will of D. H. JONES
Probated May 10th 1938

I, D. H. JONES, being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking any and all others.

First: It is my will, desire and request that after my death all my debts be paid in full by my executor.

Second: After my debts are paid in full, I will devise and bequeath to my wife EDNA JONES, all my household goods, automobile, farming tools, and what exemptions the law gives her, and in place of a years support for she and the minor children I give her the sum of one thousand dollars, and this is for her and the minor children a years support.

Third: After the above amount have been paid, I Will, devise and bequeath all remainder of my property to my wife and all my children, except IVIE COLE, share and share alike, I am not leaving any more to IVIE COLE for the reason that I have given her enough lands to take up her entire share in my whole estate. If I have at the time of my death any real estate not disposed of then this is to be divided in the same way, and my executor is authorized to sell said real estate and make proper deeds to the same and to divide the same as herein set out.

Fourth: I hereby nominate and appoint W. C. PATTON, as executor of this my last Will and Testament and with full power to act in the premises.

This April 18th, 1934



[David Henry Jones was the husband of Edna York, and the son of David Henry Jones & Harriet Robertson]

This will was transcribed, as written, and contributed by .

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