Will of Hillery Hughes

Dated 29 Oct 1868

Probated March Term 1875 (Crockett Co.)
See Minute Book Page 596

I HILERY HUGHES of the County of Haywood and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory do make, ordain and publish this as my last Will and Testament...

I bequeath to my son GEORGE HUGES (as written) one Dollar. To SOMNER HUGHES Heirs One Dollar, To JOSHUA HUGHES one Dollar to RITTA HAMILTON now the wife of THOMAS A. HAMILTON One Dollar.

I give and bequeath to my Grand-Son ANDREW JACKSON DUNN all the residue of my Estate both real and personal including all Notes, Accounts and Claims in my favor as well as all equity rights that I have or may have in any species of property but this last bequest is made with the distinct understanding that my Daughter MARY HUGHES is to have a desent and comfortable support out my estate so long as she remains unmarried should she remain unmarried during life it is my will that she have a comfortable support out of my estate during her said life time but in the event of my said Daughter MARY HUGHES Marrying before the said ANDREW JACKSON DUNN becomes of age then the said ANDREW JACKSON DUNN may choose his own Guardian and through that Guardian take possession of and controll the estate thus bequeathed to him.

I desire that my said Daughter MARY HUGHES live with, controle and manage my said Grand-Son ANDREW JACKSON DUNN, during his minority or until he becomes of lawful age and to turn over to him when he so becomes of age all the property bequeathed to him by this my Will

Executrix: Daughter, MARY HUGHES, during her single life, but in the event of her marrying before the said ANDREW JACKSON DUNN becomes of age then her office of Executrix to cease and the said ANDREW JACKSON DUNN to take possession of all the property bequeathed him through a Guardian chosen by himself and appointed by the County Court of Haywood.

Signed this 29 Oct 1868



Note: The name was spelled Hilery at the top of this will, and as Hillery at the bottom

Please note that the preceeding information was extracted, as written, and includes all names mentioned in the will. The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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