Will of Wiley Futrell

Dated 4 Nov 1925

Probated May 13th 1926
Minute Book 11 Page __

In the name of God Amen. I, WILEY FUTRELL of the town of Maury City, Tenn., in the County of Crockett being of sound mind and memory (Blessed by Almighty God for the same) do make and publish this my last Will and testament.

I give and bequeath to my daughter, MRS. G. L. PRUETTE, all my household furniture.

I give and bequeath to A. E. FUTRELL, M. A. FUTRELL, W. G. FUTRELL, BELLE PRUETT, B. F. FUTRELL, and L. A. FUTRELL who are my five sons and one daughter in equal proportions that is to say that each is given one sixth of all my other property which consists of cash, notes, bonds, and real estate or any other property that may be in my ownership.

It is my will that any moneys in the form of note, notes or in any other way due me by any of the beneficiaries of this my will be paid in to the executors of this my will before division be made or that such indebtedness such of it as is not actually paid to the said executors be reconed as cash paid the amount of such indebtedness in proportioning to him or her of his share of my estate.

I do nominate and appoint M. A. FUTRELL and B. F. FUTRELL to be the sole executors of this my will, without bond and without compensation for their services as executors.

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal and publish and decree this to be my last will and testament in the presence of the witnesses named below.

This 4th day of November 1925



This will was transcribed, as written, and contributed by .
The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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