Will of Richard Cooke

Dated 19 Feb 1873

RICHARD COOKS Will Probated April Term 1873
See Minute Book __ Page 197

Crockett Cty' Jany 2nd 1873.

In view of the uncertainly of human life I would have all persons know by these present that the following is my last Will and Testament.


To son B. F. COOKE, to have the use of the place on which he now resides for the present year free of Rent. Then I will that it be sold...

To son, H. W. COOKE, Three Hundred dollars

To daughter, M. E. COOKE, Three Hundred and fifty dollars

The above sums are to make these children equal with the other children: Daughter, JULIA ANN SIMS, Sons, B. F. and W. H. COOKE, to whom I have heretofore given Three Hundred dollars each

Son, R. A. COOKE, any remainder of money so that he is made equal

Daughter, C. M. WAINRIGHTS three children, one hundred dollars to be given to each of these children.

To my Dear Wife, UNITY COOKE, One Hundred and Fifty dollars, use of the Tract of Land and Farm on which I now reside...

Executors: My sons, R. A. COOKE and H. W. COOKE



Codicil [transcribed in full]

I will that my Executors have the privilege to sell the Fifty Acres of Land privately if they think best and if it does not bring money enough to be distributed as WILLER HENRY and MATTIE are to be equal before the final division of my estate and MATTIE the additional Fifty dollars in consequence of having received less heretofore. - Feby 19th 1873

Please note that the preceeding information was extracted, as written, and includes all names mentioned in the will. The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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