Will of Bengemine F. Collinsworth

Dated 21 Oct 1886

Probated December Term A.D. 1889
Minute Book E Page 231-2

I BENGEMINE F. COLLINSWORTH being of sound mind, and good memory and reasonable good health, do hereby make publish, declair the following writing to be my last will and testament herby revoking and making all other will heretofore made by me void.

Item 1st – I want my funeral expenses, and all my just debts paid out of my monies I may die siezed, and possessed of, or may or out of the first monies that may come into the hands of my Exeutor.

Item 2nd – I desire that my Exector sell all of my personal property of every discription that belongs to me (there being some house hold good in my house that belongs to my Daughter CAROLINE individually that I do not claim) and Collect any and all debts that may due me, and when the proceeds of the personal property and debts are realized, I want the same devided eaqually into five parts amongst the following named heirs of my estate to witt:

JAMES M. COLLINSWORTH's two sons JAMES W. and JOHN B. to recive one fifth. MARGRET E. COX's seven children to receive one fifth, SUSON CRADDOCK's to receive one fifth, CAROLINE COLLINSWORTH my Daughter to receive one fifth ANDREW J. COLLINSWORTH's five children by his first wife, one fifth.

Item 3rd – I wish my land to be sold by my Executor he being emplowerd to sell, and convey title to the purchaser, at such a time as he together with a majority of my Adult's heirs may think it best so as to realise the best price and upon such terms as may realise the most money, and to take charge, and controle the same together with the rents & proffits untill sold and the mones are collected are all Expenses in winding up my estate to divide the same into five eaqual parts amounts the parties named in the second Item of this will to witt:

JAMES M. COLLINSWORTH's two sons one fifth, MARGARETT E. COX's seven children to receive one fifth, SUSON CRADDOCK to receive one fifth, CAROLINE COLLINSWORTH my daughter to receive one fifth, ANDREW J. COLLINSWORTH's five children by his first wife to receive one fifth.

Lastly, I hereby nominate, and appoint DAVID H. JAMES Esqr my Exeutor to this my last will and testament to execute, and carry out the same this the 21st Oct. 1886.



I B. F. COLLINSWORTH, being of sound mind do hereby make, and publish this as bodice to the foregoing will heretofore made by me on the 21st of Oct. 1886.

1st – I hereby appoint MOSES F. COX, and J. F. CRADDOCK as a bord of Trustees to look after, and keep my family grave yard in good order, and repair, and they are not to permit, or allow any of the natural groth of the now standing in said grave yard, or any that have been set out to be cut down, or removed until it becomes necessary for burial purposes, and in the sale of my land, by my Executor, said Grave yard now enclosed with a sufficient quanity of land to make a good wagon road to said yard is hereby excluded from sale and not to be sold, and should either of said Trustees remove, die or resign the remaining one to appoint another suitable one out of the family connection, so as to keep up a board of two perpetually.

Signed and acknowledged This the 1st day of May 1887.



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