Will of E. L. Butts

Dated 1 May 1909

E. L. BUTTS Will
Probated June Term 1909
Minute Book __ Pg. 110

State of Tennessee

Crockett County, I, E. L. BUTTS being of sound mind and good memory do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills at any time heretofore by me made.

1st. I desire and direct that my wife SALLIE C. BUTTS shall as soon as possible pay all of my just debts including doctors bill and burial expenses out of any monies notes or accounts or other personal property that I may die seized and possessed of.

2nd. I feel that I justly owe my son HERMAN BUTTS three hundred dollars for stock crops & ets. that I used of his and I desire and direct that if I die without fully paying him said sum of $300.00 that he shall have a sufficiency of the proceeds of my estate to fully pay him that amount before any division of the residue of my estate among my heirs after the death of my wife.

3rd. I give and bequeath to my wife SALLIE C. BUTTS all of my personal and real estate that I owe at the day of my death to be owned and controlled by her as she wishes, and if necessary for her to sell any of the real estate for her support and maintanence during her lifetime she is hereby arthorized to do so, and make title to the same in as full and perfect a manner as I could do if living.

4th. If I or my wife shall pay my son HERMAN BUTTS any sum on said ($300.00) before mentioned the same shall be receipted for on this will: and if all has not been paid at the death of my wife he shall have the same out of the proceeds of my property before final division.

5th. I desire and direct that after the death of my wife all of the residue of my property both personal and real be sold, and the proceeds be equally divided between all of my children.

6th I hereby appoint my son HERMAN A. BUTTS my executor to execute and carry out the directions of this my last Will and testament.

This the 1st day of May 1909.



This will was transcribed, as written, and contributed by .
The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

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