F. M. BOLING SR. - Will probated November Term 1892 Minute Book E page __ Know all men by these presents that I, F. M. BOLING SR. of the county of Crockett and State of Tennessee being sound in memory do hereby make and declair the following as my last will and testament... Mentions: To my beloved wife SARAH F. BOLING, during her lifetime, my home farm consisting of about 160 acres, my Bugy that I may have & Harness, all my personal property... along with a years support... I have heretofore given to my son F. M. BOLING JR. in a business point of view since his majority a suffiency of my estate that is as much or perhaps more than any of my other children will get in value out of my present estate consequently I do not will or give him any thing in this distribution of my estate. To my daughter VICTORY A. LOVE her heirs one half of my farm known as the MARTIN HARDIN farm lying in the 11th Civil District of Crockett Co., and contains in all by deed 218 acres. I have given to my son LEE H. BOLING a suffiency of my estate heretofore both real and personal property enough to fully make him equal to my other children in valueation consequently I make no provision for him in this my last will and testament. To my son EDGAR W. BOLING the other one half of the HARDIN 218 acres to be equally divided between him and VICTORY A. LOVE. Also... my policy in the Knights of Honor to the amount of Five Hundred dollars and in case said policy in the K. of H. is collected at my Death then I direct that EDGAR pay over to my executor the sum of Four Hundred Dollars which is to belong to my estate. To my daughter SARAH ALLIE my Piano and also ($400) four Hundred dollars to be paid by my executor from the policy in the Knights of Honnor. To my son WILLIE B. (commonly called Bossy) one half of the remaining interest in the 160 acres home place bequeathed to my wife her lifetime... and 1/2 of the personal property. To my son ISAAC W. BOLING the remaining one half of the reversionary interest in the 160 acres home place... and 1/2 of the personal property. To my Grand son ROBT. F. BOLING my Brick Hous and Lot in the town of Friendship TN to be managed and controled by my son LEE H. BOLING who is nominated as testamentary guardian of said ROBERT provided ROBERT F. attains his majority. Executor: my son LEE H. BOLING
Signed... this June 6th A. D. 1888
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