Dog Hill
Crockett Co., TN

Dog Hill is located between Maury City and Chestnut Bluff. It was established in 1938 by Mr. Scarbourogh(sp?). He open a store in the "S" curve at that time. Which is now know as "down town" Dog Hill. This store was located just a few feet east of Odell Woods Rd. Mr. Scarbourogh named the place because he said it was as many dogs in the community as it was kids. The old store was located in front of what is now Nick Spry's home. My grandmother had many memories of the store and claim there was approx. 30 - 40 kids that would go to the store and play. However, the store moved location and ownership several years later. This store was located in front of what is now Mr. and Mrs. John Butler's home. However, the store closed in early 1990's, but Dog Hill and it's beauy lives on.


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© Kyle East - 2005

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