Frank Winburn

Crockett County Sentinel
Alamo, Tennessee
Friday, August 29, 1873

Died, on the 24th inst., at his home near Johnson's Grove, of typhoid fever, after a lingering illness of about seven weeks, Mr. Frank Winburn; aged 23 years and five months.

Thus again has that fell enemy of our race, death, assumed the conqueror and winged from our association another of our dearest friends -- one whom we have tried under various circumstances and ever found generous, kind, affectionate and congenial amid every scene and surrounding; always resolute and determined in all busincess connections and undertakings. He was buried at the family burying ground on Monday evening, the 25th inst. A very large concourse of friends and relatives were in attendance. After arriving at the grave that was to be the last earthly home of this gallant friend of days gone by and never more to be realized on earth, our old, venerable father in Israel. Parson Thomas, performed the last sad ceremony. His weak constitution, his feeble looks and works, proclaimed, with earnestness and warning, that he, too - yes, all of us - must soon pass the threshold of that untried future. The startling silence during his appeal to the living to be prepared, chilled many a heart with the thoughts of that future, immense and boundless, though lasting and unfading as immutability itself. Our heartfelt sympathy is with the family in their great loss.

It is sad indeed to see a young man of so much promise thus taken from our midst; but God doeth all things for the best. His bereaved relatives and friends have our tenderest sympathies.

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