Mrs. Florence Pitner Via

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tenn.
Thursday, October 9, 1947

Mrs. Florence Pitner Via

Services for Mrs. Florence Pitner Via, who died at Haywood County Hospital, Brownsville on Tuesday, Oct. 7 will be held today (Thursday afternoon) at the First Christian Church in Alamo with the Rev. E. R. Vaughn, officiating. Burial in Alamo cemetery with Ronk Funeral Home in charge.

Mrs. Via was 36. She was born in Crockett County and had spent her entire life here. She was a member of the First Christian Church.

She leaves her husband, Roy Via, mother, Mrs. Guy Pitner, three sisters, Mrs. Willard Uselton, Mrs. Frank Goode, Mrs. Hal Williams, one brother, Robert Pitner.

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