James Harvey Thompson

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tenn.
Thursday, October 10, 1946

James Harvey Thompson

James Harvey Thompson, 43, died Monday afternoon in a Jackson Hospital. Mr. Thompson had been in ill health for several years but was able to hold a position with the Tennessee Valley Authority until a few months ago when he returned to Alamo to make his home.

Mr. Thompson was engaged in the automobile business here several years ago and was a well known business man. He was born and reared in this county and lived at Maury City before moving to Alamo.

Harvey Thompson was a high toned Christian gentleman and his friends were legion.

He was a member of the Baptist Church and leaves his wife, Mrs. Nina Earnheart Thompson; one son, Billy and a sister, Mrs. Martin Mitchell of near Bells.

Funeral services were held at Alamo Baptist Church at 3 p.m. by the Rev. J. T. Barker with Evans and Lasiter Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Burial in Maury City cemetery.

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