T. Haney Roberts

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, April 22, 1948
Vol. 16 No. 8

T. Haney Roberts, 66, former Oklahoma City merchant and citizen of Tulsa for two years, died Thursday at his home in Tulsa after being ill health for sometime.

Mr. Roberts was reared in Alamo, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wess Roberts. He had many friends in Crockett County.

His wife, Mrs. Hattie Roberts, one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hoel; two sisters, Mrs. Irene Harris and Miss Mattie Lou Roberts of Maury City and a brother, George of Jackson survive. The sisters were at his bedside when he passed away.

Mr. Roberts was a member of the Boston Avenue Methodist Church in Tulsa and the Masonic lodge.

Burial was in Tulsa Saturday.

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