Mrs. Eva Brasfield Peal

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tenn.
Thursday, October 30, 1947

Mrs. J. C. Peal

News reaches here of the death of Mrs. J. C. Peal, of Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Peal died on Tuesday, October 21, at the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital, Glendale, Calif. She was 75 years of age and was a native of Crockett County, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Brasfield of near Alamo. She moved with her husband to Arkansas in 1900 and from there to Los Angeles four years ago.

She leaves her husband, J. C. Peal; one daughter, Gladys Galligan of Los Angeles; two brothers, Lyle E. Brasfield of Slaton, Texas, and Albert Brasfield of Seminole, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Ola Tatum of St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Anne Brasfield of the Library Dept. of the Birmingham Vet Hospital in Van Nuys, Calif.

Burial was in Staton, Texas on Oct. 26th. The body was accompanied there by the husband, daughter and sister of California.

Eva Brasfield was the daughter of Solomon Wylie Brasfield & Cordelia Hall, and the wife of Joseph C. Peal.

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