Robert Anderson Patterson

Humboldt Courier-Chroncle
Gibson Co., TN
Friday April 27, 1923

ROBERT ANDERSON PATTERSON--82 years old, died at the home of his son, R. A. Jr., about 1 1/2 miles southeast of Humboldt on Friday, April 20th at 2 a.m. Deceased was born in Gibson County, near Gibson Wells, and had lived nearly all of his long life in this vicinity. He was an ex-Confederate soldier. He is survived by two brothers, K. C. & B. C. PATTERSON, of Crockett County; two sons and one daughter, W. W. & R. A. PATTERSON and Mrs. Jno. T. DINGAN. Funeral services at Center Church and burial in Center Cem., Crockett Co.

Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson

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