David I. Ozment

APRIL 20, 1950

DEATH... DAVID I. OZMENT, 62, died at his home in the 14th District on Monday at 2: 45 a. m. He was born and reared in Crockett County. He is survived by his wife, MRS. WINNIE OZMENT; the following children: DAVID WESLEY OZMENT, PERCY LEE OZMENT, BUFORD LESTER OZMENT, JAMES MILTON OZMENT; HOLLIS DONALD OZMENT, JOE NEVILLE OZMENT and PAUL PASTOR OZMENT, all of near Alamo; one brother, JOHN HENRY OZMENT of Halls; Two sisters, MRS. MATTIE ANN ADCOCK and MRS. VERA JANE HEATH of near Friendship. Services were Tuesday at South Fork Baptist Church, burial in South Fork Cemetery.

Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson

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