J. B. (Barney) McCutcheon

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, January 29, 1948
Vol. 15 No. 48

J. B. (Barney) McCutcheon, 83, died on Wednesday of last week at the home of his niece, Mrs. George Wight in Miami, Fla., where he was spending the winter. Mr. McCutcheon had spent much time in the home of his niece since his health failed several years ago.

The remains were brought to Alamo and funeral services held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist Church. Rev. E. L. Robinson of Jackson, preaching the funeral sermon. Assisting in the services were the pastor Rev J. P. Irion of Bells and Rev J. P. Palmer of Alamo. Mr. McCutcheon was a devout member of the Methodist Church and when health permitted was always found attending services and taking an active part in the work of the church.

He was one the community's best-loved citizens.

He was preceded in death a few years ago by his wife, Mrs. Drucilla McCutcheon. Mrs. Wight is the only near relative surviving.

He was engaged in business in Alamo for many years and had farming interests, which he looked after when he retired from business.

Burial was in Alamo cemetery with Thompson Funeral Home in charge.

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