Henry B. Love

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, June 17, 1948
Vol. 16 No.16

Henry B. Love--Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today (Thursday) at the Church of Christ at Cairo for Henry B. Love, who died at the West Point Hospital in West Point, Miss., Tuesday night of pneumonia. Elder Frank Vandyke will officiate. Burial will be in Cairo Cemetery with Ronk Funeral Home in charge. He was 38. Mr. Love had lived in Alamo for a number of years and has many friends who are sorry to hear of his death. He was in Mississippi on a road construction job for Forcum-James Construction Co., at the time of his death. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Fern Love; one son, Bobby Ray and one daughter, Dawn of Alamo; one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Golus of Dyersburg and his father, Charley Love of Dyersburg.

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