Mrs. Mary Espey

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tenn.
Thursday, July 29, 1937

Mrs. Mary Espey

Mrs. Mary Espey, aged 81, died Friday morning at her home near Alamo after a two weeks' illness with colitis.

She is survived by two daughters, Miss Mollie Espey and Mrs. J. C. Cook, both of Crockett county, and one son, Willie Espey, Flint, Mich.

Mrs. Espey was born and reared in Lauderdale county but had lived in Crockett county for the past fifteen years. She was the widow of the late Robert Espey.

Interment Saturday morning at Quincy cemetery after services at the Quincy Methodist church by Revs. B. P. York, J. C. W. Nunn and Sam Graves.

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