William James Duncan


Again the death Angel has passed through our midst and claimed as its victim Mr. W.J. duncan of Old Quincy. Mr. Duncan was a man who should have been the recipient of many a tribute of respect during his life, but whereas such was neglected we feel it our duty to at least say something of the life and character of this man. W.J.Duncan was born in North Carolina May 3, 1851, and was married to Sarah Nichols on the 9th day of May 1882. Born to him and his first wife were three children, one being taken from them in infancy and the other two bein Mrs. McClananhan and Mrs. Branch survive him. He had the midfortuen to lose this wife on the 9th day of December 1887, leaing him with the little ones raise.

He was married the second time to Miss Myrtle Cole, on the 25th day of September 1907, and to them two little ones were born who, with their mother, still survive him. He died Jan. 16th 1915, being 63 years 8 months and 13 days old. Truly can it be said of this man that he was a friend to all who knew him, and most especially to the needy. There is no doubt in our mind that W.J. Duncan had done more for those who were in need of what he had than any other man in Crockett county, and in addition to this he was a devout christian and contributed largely to the cause of Christ. In honesty he could not be excelle dand his veracity was untarnished. he was a kind and loving husband, a patient and attentive father, and in this man we find every pricipal that goes to make true manhood.

We do not believe that W.J. Duncand had an enemy anywhere but on the contrary he grew into the life of all who knew him as their truest and was to their life, what the lighthouse is to the seaman. We do not understand why the Master chooses the select, but we know that the soul of this decased friend, companion and father is quietly sleeping in the home not made with hands prepared by the Saviour as a resting place for his children.

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