January 24, 1896 – June 2, 1911
Born: Nance, Crockett County, Tennessee
Died: Nance, Crockett County, Tennessee
Buried: Alamo Cemetery, Alamo Crockett County, Tennessee
Son of William Stephen and Frances Ophelia Durham Corbett
Brother of Mary Elizabeth Corbett Deaton, Alymer Glen Corbett, Willie Mozell Corbett Reece, Tommie Lou Corbett Harber, and Franklin Hamlett Corbett
It was a sad occurrence that took
from Estel Corbett his young life on
the afternoon of June 1. Estel was
the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Corbett, of the 7th district. The
gun that did the deadly work was
in the hands of Estel's young friend
and neighbor, Bryan Ray. As to
the particular way in which this un-
fortunate and dreadful affair occur-
red we do not pretend to know, as
we have heard conflicting state-
ments. But as to the particulars let
them be as they may they cannot be
recalled, the event has taken place;
yet the fact is well understood that
the whole affair was purely an acci-
dent, and we feel sure none can even
imagine the depth of anguish and
poignancy of grief that prey upon
the heart and mind of young Ray.
He deserves and receives no censure,
and so far as criminal intent is con-
cerned there was none and he is as
guiltless of any wrong as an unborn
babe. But Estel was taken from
loved ones. The blow was sudden
and severe, and none but the parents
and brothers and sisters can realize
the severity of the stroke. May the
merciful divine Father temper the
grief thus suddenly brought upon
them, and may the bereavement
bring them closer to Him and cause
them more than ever to realize the
need of His constant providential
care. Estel's remains were brought
here Saturday and after a funeral
service at the Christian church con-
ducted by Rev. E. S. Baker; of Jack-
son, assisted by J. C. W. Nunn, were
about noon laid to rest in Al-
amo cemetery.
From The Crockett County Sentinel, June 1911
A Sad Tragedy--Estell Corbett Acci-
dentally Killed by His Friend and
Playmate, Bryan Wray
One of the saddest and most
deplorable tragedies that has ever
occurred in this county, was enac-
ted in district No. 7 on Thursday
afternoon of last week, when
Bryan Wray accidentally shot
and killed his life long frIend and
companion, Estell Corbett. The
two boys, about sixteen years of
age, started to the river fishing;
concluded they would take their
guns, and just after leaving the
Corbett home, Bryan, in putting
his gun on his shoulder, in some
way, the hammer caught in his
shirt and was pulled back far
enough to discharge the gun, the
contents taking effect in the left
eye of Estell, the wound causing
death on Friday morning at 5
o'clock. Estell and Bryan had
been boon companions and friends
all their lives, and the accident
almost prostrated Bryan, and all
sympathize with him in his deep
and abiding sorry. As for Estell,
we can say there was not a more
promising young man in the
county--an obedient son, a com-
panionable friend and playmate,
a student of aptness and diligence.
He had a few weeks ago, finished the
public school, and would have
next term entered upon the high
school course. He was specially
interested in scientific agricul-
ture, and one of the leading corn
club boys of this county. He
was in perfect harmony and sym-
pathy, zealously too, with his fa-
ther, Esq. W. F. Crobett, who has
done so much to build up the
F. E. & C. U. of A. cause in this
county, and just the Saturday
night before his death was given
the honor, though under age, of
being initiated in Nance School
house Local. In hunting the
cause for the steady, diligent
upright, lofty life of this noble
boy we believe it can be traced
to the one fact that very early
in his life he gave his heart to
God, and constantly was impelled
by the Christ life, the key of
whose young life is founed in
the recorded fact, that "He grew
in wisdom, and in stature, and in
favor with God and Man." That
was reproduced, in a great meas-
ure, in the life of Estell. It was as
sad funeral as we ever attended,
yet there was an aroma of Chris-
tian faith, obedience and submis-
sion about the life of the noble
young man which was of sweet
memory, also of the consecrated
father and mother in their dark-
est hour, that all could recognize
the power of God as being pres-
ent to bless and minister. Elder
E. S. Baker, of Jackson, who rec-
eived Estell into the church held
the funeral service in the Chris-
tian church at Alamo Saturday
morning in the presence of a
great throng of sad hearted loved
ones and friends, assisted by
Elder H. C. Booth, and J. C. W.
Nunn, after which his body was
laid to rest in the Alamo cemete-
ry, the little mound being covered
with very rare and fragrant floral
offerings. To the young boys of
Crockett county the editor of the
Sentinel would hold the life of
obedience and faith, of energy
and love, of this young man up
before you as one worthy of em-
ulation, and a perfect pattern you
can have by accepting the One
who was the strength and power
of Estell's noble life. The father
crushed, the mother's ideal gone,
without faith and hope life would
be a continual night to them.
The whole county deeply sym-
pathize wiht Mr. and Mrs. Cor-
From the Crockett County Sentinel, June 1911
Tribute of Respect
WHEREAS, it has pleased God, our
Father, to call unto Him by such a
deplorable accident as to make all
the community mourn our young friend
and brother, Estell R. Corbett
June 2, 1911.
Be it resolved, That his father and
mother have lost a dutiful son, his
brother and sisters a loving brother,
our community one of its best boys,
the church a consecrated member
and our union its youngest member
being such an enthusiastic young
farmer. He was taken in under age
by a vote in our union on last Satur-
day night, May 28th, and we feel
our loss more deeply, as we were ex-
pecting much from one so noble and
true to the cause.
Be it further resolved, That Estell
was a boy that will be greatly miss-
ed throughout the entire commun-
ity as every one was his friend, all
loved him as few boys are loved.
He was ever ready to do right and
insist that his companions do like-
Be it further resolved, That Nance
School House Local Union No. 227,
is deeply grieved and sympathize
with the bereaved family and say
unto them, "he is at rest, and some
day you can meet him where there
is no sorrows, no tears." We also
sympathize with his playmate,
Bryan Ray, who anticipated such a
happy afternoon with so sorrowful
an ending. May you too meet him in
the land beyond.
Be it further resolved, That these
resolutions be spread upon the min-
utes of Nances School House Local
Union No. 227, a copy be sent to the
Crockett County Sentinel for publi-
cation and copy be presented the
Be it further resolved that a copy
be presented to the family of Mr.
From The Crockett County Sentinel, June 1911