Obituary |
The Crockett Times Alamo, Tenn. Thursday, October 17, 1940 Jere Thompson Colvett Jere Thompson Colvett, nine-year-old son of Mr. And Mrs. Conrad Colvett, of Alamo, died Sunday. Jere is survived by his parents, one brother, Conrad Colvett, Jr., and his grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. D. M. Thompson and Mrs. F. P. Colvett. They have the deepest sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. Jere Thompson had many friends who are deeply grieved by his passing. Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ in Alamo Monday afternoon by Elder K. M. Kelley of Henderson and burial was in Alamo cemetery. Active pall bearers were: The entire fourth grade of the Alamo Grammar School. Ronk Funeral Home in charge. |