Mary Frances (Fannie) Harber Childress

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, January 8, 1948
Vol. 15 No. 45

Services for Mrs. Fannie Childress, who died Thursday at the home of her brother, B. A. Harber, at Bethesda, were held Friday afternoon with the Rev. Oakley Woodside and the Rev. E. O. White officiating. Burial was in the Bethesda Cemetery. She was 81.

Mrs. Childress was born in Crockett County and was the widow of J. C. Childress. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She leaves another brother, Willis Harber of Memphis.

Thompson Funeral Home in charge.

Mary Frances (Fannie) Harber Childress was the daughter of William Adam Harber & Frances C. Cromer. She married 16 Mar 1904 in Crockett Co. to James C. Childress

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