Aaron S. Castellaw

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, September 23, 1948
Vol. 16, No. 30

Sgt. Aaron S. Castellaw--Military services for Sgt. Aaron S. Castellaw were held at Zion Baptist Church near Brownsville Sept. 16 at 2 o'clock. Sgt. Castellaw was killed overseas January 30th after 9 years service in the army. He had been overseas six months at the time of his death. Sgt. Castellaw was born December 6, 1916. He is survived by his wife; mother, Mrs. Agnes Castellaw of Bells; four sisters, Mrs. W. C. Bailey, Mercer; Mrs. Jack Stewart, Bells; Mrs. George Yearwood, Alamo; Mrs. Finis Watridge of Brownsville; three brothers, Tommy and J. F. of near Brownsville and Malcolm of Bells and other relatives. Burial was at Holly Grove in Haywood County.

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