Pvt. Barney Boyd

The Crockett Times
Alamo, Tennessee
Thursday, February 1, 1951
Vol. 18 No. 49

Former Gadsden Boy Killed in Korea

The day before he was killed in action Jan. 14 in Korea, Pvt. Barney Boyd wrote a letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyd of Humboldt, Tenn.

It started out on a jocular note . . . . "I'm doing just fine. Wrote you yesterday but fell in the river and got the letter wet so had to start all over again."

Tinged With Bitterness

The rest of the letter is tinged with bitterness and bafflement.

"How does the war news sound back home?" It doesn't sound so good over here. We are backing up all the time and letting the Chinese take everything we had. They've got us all mixed up over here. We take over a place and in a couple of days; they give it back to them. We don't know what to think."
With Third Division

Private Boyd, brother of Mrs. Claude Bolton of 702 Jefferson, was 17. He enlisted last June and was in Korea by October. He was with the Third Division.

Born in Crockett County, Pvt. Boyd lived most of his life near Gadsden, Tenn., where he attended school.

In addition to his parents and sister, he leaves five brothers, Billy Gene Boyd, Berney Neil Boyd, Buddy Darrell Boyd, Bruce Terry Boyd and Byron Douglas Boyd; three other sisters, Betty Ruth Boyd, Beverly Ann Boyd and Bernice Boyd all of Humboldt.
----Commercial Appeal

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