Thomas W. Armes

The Crockett County Sentinel, 1921
son of James Thomas and Martha Josephine Adams Armes
brother of Samuel Hiram, Martha Ann, and Mary Ellen
born 1889…died 1918

The Body of Tom Armes Rests in the Raines Cemetary

One of the largest crowds that has gathered in Crockett County for a longtime, attended the funeral and burial services of Mr Tom Armes at the Raines Cemetary near Gadsden last Sunday afternoon. His body arrived in Gadsden Saturday from France, where it had rested since the day he gave his life while in action against the hellish Hun in September 1918. It was a fitting tribute to one who had paid the price of freedom, and every heart present felt keenly for the aged mother who had waited so long for the home coming of the lifeless form of her baby boy. While the casket was not opened, yet it was a consolation to mother and other relatives to know the body of their loved one was to rest so near the scenes of his childhood. Those taking part in the services were, Gen G.O. Sherrod and Revs J.M. Jenkins, C.C. Newbill and J.C.W.Nunn. Splendid music was rendered by the Gadsden male quartet. If there was one present who did not feel a quickening of that sense of appreciation for the boys of America who died in the trenches and hospitals of France, and those who were fortunate in being permitted to return home alive, but who had to brave the dangers of a treacherous sea going and coming, then cold and heartless must have been that one. To the mother, brother and other relatives comforting must have been the soul stirring prayer of Rev Newbill and the well chosen words of Rev Jenkins and Gen Sherrod. The mound was overspread with a large American flag completely covered with beautiful floral offerings.

Contributed by

Humboldt Courier-Chroncle
Gibson Co., TN
Thursday June 30, 1921

GADSDEN; THE REMAINS OF TOM ARMES, who was killed in action in France, reached Gadsden Saturday and were conveyed to the home of his brother, S. H. ARMES. Funeral services were at Raines Cemetery Sunday afternoon. The pall-bearers in uniform were: Robert BLURTON, Leonard BOYD, Lonnie MOBLEY, Claude WILLIAMS, Earl DUNLAP, Harry WILSON, Oscar BOYD, Elbert BROWN, Charley SIMMONS and Roy HUMPHREYS.

Contributed by Sarah Hutcherson

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