Mary Ellen Armes

The Crockett County Sentinel, 1890
daughter of James Thomas and Martha Josephine Adams Armes
sister of Samuel Hiram, Thomas W., and Martha Ann

Mary Ellen Armes, daughter of James Thomas and Martha Josephine Adams Armes, was born Oct. 11 1884 and died March 12, 1890. These dates show that little Mary's stay with us was very short, but long enough to win the affection of all who knew her. How mysterious seem the ways of Providence, but God seeth the end from the beginning, and doeth all things well. Knowing this, we bow in humble submission to his will. Her glorified spirit follows her little sister who preceded her seven years, and preceeds mother, father and two little brothers, and, like a bright link, joins their hearts to the "glory-land". Heaven indeed is being filled with just such treasures, and since we loved them so dearly here, it will be glorious to meet them where parting will be no more. Dear loved ones, kiss the rod that smites thee, for " the Lord loveth whom he chasteneth". Your home is deprived of one of your interesting ones, but Heaven is richer, and to you more attractive than ever before. Signed only " Her Uncle"

Note: "Her Uncle" is more than likely Rev William A Dungan, whos bio is featured in the "Goodspeed" section of this web site.

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