Obituary |
b 9-25-1882 or 1883..d. 10-17-1882 or 1883 daughter of James Thomas and Martha Josephine Adams Armes sister of Samuel Hiram, Mary Ellen, and Thomas W. appeared in the Crockett County Sentinel 1882 or 1883 J.T. Armes and his good wife lost their baby last night, and today they are sad. It seems a little mysterious that our precious little ones should be taken from us just when we begin to love them and hope that they will be spared to love and cherish us in old age: but the Lord knows what is best for us. Weep not, dear father, mother, and brother: precious little Martha Ann is now with him who said " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven". |