J. W. Poston, M. D., was born in Crockett County, Tenn., July 20, 1850, and is a son of Hon. W. T. and Sarah E. Poston. The father was born in Alabama in 1822, and his ancestors, who were from Virginia, were among the early settlers of this country. He served in the State Legislature from 1868 to 1869 representing the counties of Dyer and Lauderdale, and is now a resident of the Eighth District. The Doctor’s mother’s maiden name was Feltz, and she was born in Middle Tennessee in 1826. Our subject received a good literary education at the Alamo Academy after which he began teaching school; at the end of two years he began the study of medicine and two years later took a course of lectures at the medical department of the Nashville University. The winter of 1871-73 he spent at the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute, where he graduated in the spring of the latter year. After completing his course he located in Crockett County. December 23, 1874, he wedded Miss Nancy Hay, a native of Crockett County, born August 26, 1853, and the daughter of J. B. and Margaret Hay. By this marriage our subject became the father of these children: Florence, Lula, Margie (deceased), and Walter. In 1876 the Doctor located at Maury City, and resumed the practice of his chosen profession. He has an extensive practice and has treated all diseases peculiar to this county with commendable success. He is a stanch Republican, and Mrs. Poston is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. |