A. M. Odle 

A. M. Odle, an enterprising farmer and miller, was born in Benton County, in 1848 and is the son of P. M. and A. P. Odle. The father was born in North Carolina in 1821 and came to Tennessee with his parents when but a boy. He is a farmer by occupation and is still living near Friendship. The mother was born in Benton County in 1823. Our subject received his education at the district school near home. In 1866 he married Miss A. A. Williams, daughter of Lee and Susan Williams. Mrs. Odle was born near Friendship December, 1848, and the result of her marriage to our subject was one child, Ota A. Soon after marriage Mr. Odle located where he now lives and has since that time been engaged in farming and running a saw-mill and cotton-gin. He has always been an energetic, industrious man and is much esteemed by all his acquaintances. He built the mill in 1881 and since that time has done a great deal of sawing, the mill being located in a fine region for lumber. He and J. G. Griffin bought the first clover huller in this section of the country. Mr. Odle is a Democrat in politics, a member of the I.O.O.F., and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

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Natalie Huntley - 2000 - 2001.