Maury City

The following is from The Goodspeed History of Tennessee, Crockett County, published by the Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1887.

Maury City lies in the Tenth Civil District, and has a population of 200. The town was laid off in 1876 by Samuel Alexander and Samuel Killebrew, on the lands of J. S. Claybrooks and J. N. Perry. Perry & Balch were the first merchants, they opening a store in 1875. From that time until 1880 the merchants were Balch & Robertson, Perry & Perry, Hamlett & Tucker, Nunn & Revell, Perry & Carter, J. B. Tucker and J. N. Albritton. The business at present is carried on by C. A. W. Jitton, groceries; Mrs. M. L. Boulch, dry goods; A. M. Coaltrain, groceries; W. E. Gibbons, groceries; C. Peal, dry goods; J. B Tucker, dry goods; J. N. Albritton, drugs and W. F. Farron, saloon.

Robertson & Perry erected a large steam-power flour, grist and saw-mill and cotton-gin in 1877, at a cost of $8,000. The mill was afterward purchased by J. L. Poston, and at his death was purchased by the present owners, Messrs. Chandler & Murkerson.

T. H. Robertson and J. S. Moore are the blacksmiths, and J. F. Wilson, Wood worker.

The school building at Maury City, a frame, was erected in 1880 at a cost of about $800.

There is no church building in town. The Missionary Baptists have an organization, however, and own a lot, and have a house contracted for, which they hope will be completed during the year.

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Natalie Huntley - 2000 - 2001.