Rev. J. R. Martin 

Rev. J. R. Martin is a son of Capt. Anderson and Margaret (Rees) Martin, being one of seven children born to them. His birth occurred in Missouri in 1842. His father was of Anglo-Irish ancestry, and was born in Virginia in 1807, becoming a resident of Missouri when about ten years of age. He was married in 1829, and became a successful business man. He was captain and part owner of a Mississippi River steamer. In 1850 he went to California with a drove of cattle, and died in San Francisco in 1852. His wife was of Scotch-Welsh descent, born in Ohio in 1808 or 1809, and died near Lexington, Mo., in September 1858. Our subject remained with his mother until her death. He was educated at the Masonic College, of Lexington, Mo., and William Jewell College, at Liberty, Mo., In May, 1861, he joined the First Missouri Battery, and served throughout the war. He was in many important engagements, and surrendered at Hamburg, S. C., April 1, 1865. He made his home in Kansas and Missouri until 1869, when he came to Madison County, and March 7, 1872, married Nannie E. Pierson, who was born January 27, 1846. They have six children: John T., Anderson, Mamie, Addie, Edith and Hattie. Mr. Martin owns 200 acres of valuable land, well cultivated and improved. In 1876 he became a Methodist Episcopal minister, and has done much to further the cause of Christianity. He is a stanch Democrat in politics, and is a Master Mason and a strong believer in temperance. He is also a member of the I.O.O.F, and his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

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