Dr. R. W. Fleming 

Dr. R. W. Fleming, son of James Fleming, was born August 29, 1827, in North Carolina. His father was also a native of North Carolina, and immigrated to Tennessee about 1830, locating in Madison County, where he passed the remainder of his life. He died in September, 1844. The mother of our subject was born in North Carolina, and at the time of her death, which occurred in 1865, was living with her second husband. Our subject’s ancestors were of English extraction. His father and grandfather together with six brothers, immigrated to Virginia from England at an early date. Our subject remained on the farm till twenty-one years of age, after which he entered a literary school, where he continued about one year. He then began the study of medicine, and at the end of two years entered the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnatti. In 1852 he began the practice of medicine in Alamo with evident success. In 1878 he began to withdraw from active practice and engaged in farming and stock raising, which still occupies his attention. May 3, 1853, he married Susan A. Wood, a native of Madison County, and the fruits of this union were three children: Eliza C. (wife of F. B. Fisher), John B. and Fannie E. (wife of W. J. O’Conner, of Jackson, Tenn.). Our subject is a self-made man, and has accumulated his property by economy and judicious management. Aside from what he has given his children he is worth about $25,000. He is a man of influence, a member of the Christian Church, and also a member of the Masonic fraternity. He is a Democrat in politics and a prohibitionist. His educational advantages were very limited, but he has always strongly advocated the cause, and manifested a willingness to aid all enterprises pertaining to the advancement of education.

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