W. J. Elliott 

W. J. Elliott was born in Trenton, Tenn., July 1, 1839, and there received the principal portion of his education. After reaching manhood he served an apprenticeship at the printing business at Columbus, Ky., continuing until the commencement of the late war. In 1862 he espoused the Confederate cause and served until the close of the war. He returned to Trenton and resumed the printing business continuing very successfully up to the present time. He issued the first paper ever published in Crockett County. In May, 1876 he married Emma Craddock, and their union was blessed in the birth of two interesting children: Bernard and Katie Sue. Our subject is a man of noble principles and of the best social standing, and in politics affiliates with the Democratic party.

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Natalie Huntley - 2000 - 2001.