James L. Daniel 

James L. Daniel was born in Paris, Henry Co., Tenn., on the 14th of July, 1838, and is one of six surviving members of a family of nine children, and a son of William H. and grandson of Robert T. Daniel, who was a very eminent divine of the Primitive Baptist Church. He was born in Virginia, and died in Paris, Tenn., July 4, 1842. William H. Daniel was a tailor by trade, and made that his chief business through life. He married Delia W. Chieves, and both were born in Raleigh, N. C., in 1809 and 1817, respectively. The father died in 1871, and the mother in 1882. James L. Daniel was educated in Paris, Tenn., and in 1862 married Alice, daughter of John F. Sinclair. Mrs. Daniel was born where she now resides, and of the eight children she has borne, seven are living: James L., Minnie A., Willie (deceased), Mary S., Robert T., Queenie, Annie, and John W. Previous to moving on the farm Mr. Daniel was in the commission business in Memphis and St. Louis, and traveled for King Bros., of Cincinnati, Ohio, for four years. In 1877 he moved to the farm where he now resides, and since that time has been engaged in farming. He has held several positions of honor and trust in Henry and other counties in which he has lived, and is well known and respected. He is a Democrat, and belongs to the K. of H. Mrs. Daniel’s parents are John F. and Louisa (Jelks) Sinclair. The former was born in South Carolina in 1811, and came to Tennessee with his parents when a boy; he became a very prominent citizen of this section of the county, and died in June, 1884. His parents were Peter and Zilpha (Alsobrook) Sinclair. The former was of Scotch descent, born in the Carolinas in 1795. Louise Jelks’ parents were Jarratt M. and Mary H. (Curtis) Jelks. The former was born in Raleigh, N. C., and the latter in 1788. She was a daughter of Christopher and E. (Hinton) Curtis.

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