Ronk Funeral Home Records
Sorted by Maiden Name
Surnames O - Q
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                          BIRTH                                                                               DEATH
6/23/1955   Oldham       Florence    White        Medlin        3/16/1891   Tennessee             F. Pearce Oldham             M.E.                 6/23/1955   Belleview
4/11/1994   Oliver       Eva         Joyce        Burleson      9/11/1929   Blytheville, Ark      Louis Oliver                 Lilly                4/11/1994   Alamo
2/18/1991   O'Neal       Geraldine   E.           Blazers       9/14/1921   Crockett Co., TN      Lynn P. O'Neal               Ethel                2/18/1991   Cremated_Memorial Pk
6/11/1952   Onley        Rachel      Frances      Mansfield     1/29/1883   Tennessee             Lee Onley                    Mary                 6/11/1952   Floyd's Chapel
12/28/1994  Ottinger     Della       Leona        Crossnoe      10/9/1913   Friendship, TN        Lonnie Edward Ottinger       Mary Frances         12/28/1994  Providence
8/18/1983   Overton      Anna        Bell         Hart          10/25/1893  Madison Co., TN       John Allen Overton           Elizabeth Rachel     8/18/1983   Walnut Hill
7/17/1995   Overton      Mary        Cora         Butler        9/14/1922   Brownsville, TN       John M. Overton              Cora Ann             7/17/1995   Oak View Memorial
2/19/1984   Overton      Mary        Bess         Stallings     9/17/1904   Madison County TN     .                            Betty                2/19/1984   Alamo
10/1/1985   Owen         Allie       O.           Brown         10/11/1897  Henderson Co., TN     John Irvin Owen              Minnie Ellentine     10/1/1985   Alamo
8/9/1976    Owen         Hattie      .            Blair         12/1/1893   Hardin County, TN     John T. Owen                 .                    8/9/1976    Nance
4/30/1983   Owens        Flora       Gertie       Sanders       7/9/1890    Hardin County, TN     John Owens                   Ella                 4/30/1983   Alamo
4/17/1995   Palmer       Lillian     O'Phelia     Williams      2/26/1908   Hamilton, Al          Henry Palmer                 Perneciecy           4/17/1905   Maury City
1/30/1973   Palmer       Mary        Girneal      Faulkner      6/18/1926   Crockett Co., TN      Arthur Randolph Palmer       Minnie Bell          1/30/1973   Providence
6/15/1980   Palmer       Necy        .            Palmer        9/13/1879   Marian County, Ala.   John Palmer                  Molly                6/15/1980   New Hope Cemetery
9/26/1946   Parish       Pauline     .            Crice         10/0/?..    Sharon, TN            John Henry Parish            Genneva  Ann         9/26/1946   Woodlawn
5/12/1963   Parker       Eula        Bell         Parker        5/11/1907   Franklin, Alabama     Buck Parker                  Dee                  5/12/1963   Nance
11/13/1962  Parker       Katherine   .            Perry         4/9/1877    Gibson County, TN     Dr. James Carrol Parker      Priscilla            11/13/1962  Crockett Mills
12/29/1985  Parker       Lorrena     Ann          Parker        11/2/1898   Haywood County, TN    William Edward Parker        Alpha Emily          12/29/1985  Providence
7/15/1972   Parker       Mary        Eleanor      Agee          3/18/1881   Crockett Co., TN      Emmett Parker                Emma                 7/15/1972   Antioch
6/19/1964   Parker       Queenie     Annie        Stewart       5/21/1889   Haywood County, TN    William Edward Parker        Almeda               6/19/1964   Providence
12/8/1978   Parlow       Elizabeth   .            Conley        2/9/1886    TN                    Nathan Parlow                Martha               12/8/1978   Nance
2/23/1992   Parlow       Lyndell     Virginia     Watson        7/23/1908   Gibson Wells, TN      George Parlow                Minnie               2/23/1992   Providence
10/26/1966  Parlow       Sarah       Jean         Cates         10/13/1874  Hardeman Co., TN      Nathan Parlow                Arlesia              10/26/1966  Cairo
10/19/1995  Parr         Mamie       Jerine       Oliver        4/6/1908    Trenton, TN           Jim Parr                     Dollie               10/19/1995  Alamo
2/9/1952    Patterson    Azlee       .            Cherry        12/19/1868  Tennessee             Freeman Patterson            Susan                2/9/1952    Belleview
11/13/1992  Patterson    Christine   Blair        Brasfield     11/24/1992  Memphis, TN           Chris Daniel Patterson       Donna Lynn           11/13/1992  Robertson
2/18/1991   Patterson    Clara       Uradean      Privett       3/19/1913   Alamo,TN              William Thomas Patterson     Nancy                2/18/1991   Oak Vieiw
12/19/1983  Patterson    Fredda      Leo          Porter        1/6/1902    Crockett Co., TN      William Thomas Patterson     Maude                12/19/1983  Alamo
4/27/1983   Patterson    Lennie      .            James         10/27/1894  Crockett Co., TN      Newt Patterson               Ozzie                4/27/1983   Salem
4/16/1969   Payne        Nattie      Eurine       Moore         11/11/1874  Morgan County, AL     Lum Payne                    Nan                  4/16/1969   Floyd's Chapel
3/17/1985   Peace        Gracie      Edna         Smallwood     9/11/1909   Gibson County, TN     Nick W. Peace                Annie                3/17/1985   Providence
2/5/1994    Peal         Mallie      Geneva       Earnheart     5/14/1916   Alamo, TN             Lawrence Peal                Ruby                 2/5/1994    Floyd's Chapel
9/14/1977   Peal         Ruby        Elizabeth    Johnson       9/7/1894    Crockett Co., TN      John Peal                    Deria                9/14/1977   Cairo
1/31/1988   Pearson      Carrie      .            Privett       12/21/1895  Crockett Co., TN      James H. Pearson             Louella              1/31/1988   Pond Creek
7/7/1985    Pearson      Edna        Williams     Fisher        9/9/1909    .                     George Livingston Pearson    Lucy                 7/7/1985    Rose Hill
6/11/1957   Pearson      Isabelle    Pearl        Ellis         7/1/1877    Haywood County, TN    James H. Pearson             Not in record        6/11/1957   Salem
1/18/1977   Pearson      Martha      .            Matthews      4/21/1916   Crockett Co., TN      Starkey A Pearson            Mary                 1/18/1977   Bellview
6/27/1963   Pearson      Mary        Pauline      Wright        3/24/1879   Crockett Co., TN      Thomas Clark Pearson         Ella                 6/27/1963   Bellview
9/23/1975   Pelgrim      Robbie      Sue          Corbin        7/29/1920   Dyer County, TN       Claude  Pelgrim              Inez                 9/23/1975   Maury City
9/10/1993   Pendergrass  Mary        Conway       Pendergrass   9/23/1917   Alamo,TN              Joe Pendergrass              Martha Rebecca       9/10/1993   Bethel
1/8/1977    Perigen      Willie      Sue          Houge         8/28/1913   Dyer Co., TN          Jim Perigen                  Rhoda Annie          1/8/1977    Palestine
4/7/1988    Permenter    Ruby        Louise       Worthington   7/4/1907    Crockett Co., TN      Jim Permenter                Leona                4/5/1988    Providence
2/3/1985    Perry        Allie       Perry        Conley        3/5/1894    Crockett Co., TN      John Henry Perry             Mittie               2/3/1985    Alamo
12/16/1983  Perry        Callie      .            Castellaw     12/29/1901  Crockett Co., TN      James Walter Perry           Lula                 12/16/1983  Maury City
3/28/1971   Perry        Dorothy     Maie         Riggins       5/15/1924   Bells, TN             Gilbert Perry                Georgia              3/28/1971   Memorial Gardens
1/24/1969   Perry        Ethel       .            Warren        9/29/1877   Crockett Co., TN      A. G. Perry                  Artelia              1/24/1969   Rosmond
11/12/1985  Perry        Floy        Lucille      Poston        4/29/1899   Crockett Co., TN      James W. Perry               Lula                 11/12/1985  Maury City
4/20/1960   Perry        Ida         .            Knox          11/27/1873  Lauderdale Co., TN    Labon Green Perry            Martha H.            4/20/1960   Alamo
5/11/1991   Perry        Iva         Lois         Bowman        9/21/1921   Troy, TN              Seburn P. Perry              Beatrice             5/11/1991   .
5/9/1996    Perry        May         Ann          Burnett       3/15/1918   Friendship, TN        Henry Perry                  Pearl                5/9/1996    Elizabeth
4/14/1989   Perry        Nancy       Faye         McMackin      2/12/1904   Friendship, TN        James L. Perry               Maude                4/14/1989   Maury  City
1/18/1983   Perry        Ruth        .            Norfleet      8/17/1905   Crockett Co., TN      Johm H. Perry                Mettie               1/18/1983   Oak Hill
1/25/1990   Perry        Violet      Evon         O'Neal        4/19/1923   Maury Junction, TN    Benoni Perry                 Mattie Lou           1/25/1990   Maury City
9/10/1990   Phillips     Annie       Margaret     Skipper       9/10/1990   Jackson, TN           Robert Walter Phillips       Penelope Jane        10/10/1990  Robertson
5/2/1994    Phillips     Bartheny    .            Timms         ll/0/107    Crockett Co., TN      Lewis Phillips               Leona                5/2/1994    Robertson
6/19/1996   Phillips     Bertha      Mae          Mayfield      3/29/1935   Sledge, Ms            Ellis L. Phillips            Paralee              6/19/1996   Alamo
10/15/1987  Phillips     Bessie      Mae          Badgett       .././...    Crockett Co.          Alf Phillips                 Lucy                 10/14/1987  Alamo
11/19/1971  Phillips     Gladys      .            Lumley        7/11/1909   Henderson Co., TN     Not in record                Not in record        11/19/1971  Cairo
6/20/1993   Phillips     Virginia    Mildred      Boswell       2/9/1925    Bells, TN             Andrew Phillips              Mary Frances         6/20/1993   Robertson
9/8/1946    Pickens      Sarah       Frances      Carter        9/23/1876   Madison County, TN    Stephen S. Pickens           Jamie                9/8/1946    Hopewell
1/19/1955   Pickett      Jennie      Dee          Allen         4/18/1860   Kentucky              Thomas Pickett               Matilda              1/18/1955   Double Springs
7/29/1958   Pierce       Annie       Erle         Tatum         9/5/1887    Trimble, TN           Thomas Pierce                Mary                 7/29/1958   Center
7/9/1950    Piercey      Anna        May          Wilkerson     10/26/1896  Madison County, TN    James Piercey                Addie Lee            7/8/1950    Kail
7/25/1965   Pigue        Mary        Maniza       Norvill       11/7/1880   Crockett Co., TN      Benjamin Calvin Pigue        Not in record        7/25/1965   Robertson
9/19/1974   Pigue        Sophia      Gertrude     Webb          11/21/1888  Gibson County, TN     Alexander Pigue              Lilly                9/19/1974   Cypress
12/22/1989  Pinkston     Patricia    Ann          Maddox        6/16/1941   Alamo, TN             Wesley Pinkston              Ruth                 12/22/1989  Oak View
10/8/1976   Pinkston     Shelia      Dianne       Cox           6/2/1956    Crockett Co., TN      Ray Pinkston                 Geraldine            1/8/1976    Oak View Memorial
3/30/1996   Pinkston     Theda       .            Mount         2/17/1918   Alamo,TN              Harlie Pinkston              Bessie               3/30/1996   Maury City
10/30/1951  Pipkins      Nora        Elizabeth    Hart          10/3/1874   Tennessee             Allen Pipkins                Josie                10/30/1951  Robertson
10/7/1947   Pitner       Florence    .            Via           12/21/1910  Crockett Co., TN      Guy Pitner                   Effie                10/7/1947   Alamo
7/19/1977   Pitner       Grace       .            Uselton       12/13/1904  Crockett Co., TN      Guy Robertson Pitner         Effie Mae            7/19/1977   Cross Roads
4/5/1979    Pitner       Mary        Louise       Pitner        11/8/1914   Crockett Co., TN      Otha Pitner                  Annie                4/5/1979    Bellview
3/24/1959   Pitner       Minnie      Myrtle       Tyler         10/29/1882  Crockett Co., TN      Not in record                Not in record        3/24/1959   Cypress
8/12/1994   Pitner       Thelma      Mae          Williams      11/21/1908  Alamo, TN             Guy Pitner                   Effie Mae            8/12/1994   Alamo
1/1/1982    Pitt         Lula        Irene        Hughes        1/25/1902   .                     Robert Pitt                  Polly                1/1/1982    Robertson
3/12/1978   Pittman      Allie       Jane         Pittman       11/14/1897  Crockett Co.  TN      James A Pittman              Ellen A.             3/12/1978   Nance
12/7/1970   Pittman      Evie        Roma         Farrow        9/7/1886    Crockett Co., TN      James A. Pittman             Ellen Ann            12/7/1970   Alamo
3/24/1971   Pittman      Lizzie      L.           Hobock        3/1/1886    TN                    Frank Pittman                Not in record        3/24/1971   Belle View
11/19/1956  Pittman      Margaret    Jane         McLean        6/7/1882    Tennessee             William Pittman              Frances              11/19/1956  Alamo
3/8/1951    Pittman      Ophelia     .            Brimm         1/27/1874   Haywood County, TN    Thomas Pittman               Sarah Frances        3/8/1951    Pond Creek
7/30/1992   Pittman      Virginia    .            Colvett       2/20/1915   Maury City, TN        E. Clarence Pittman          Lillian              7/30/1992   Nance
7/15/1953   Pittman      Virginia    Lee          Craddock      10/8/1881   Crockett Co., TN      Elisha Pittman               Mary                 7/15/1953   Cox's Chapel
5/26/1970   Pittman      Willie      Frances      Permenter     12/28/1884  Crockett Co., TN      William Pittman              Frances              5/26/1970   Rosehill
6/15/1970   Pitts        Janie       .            Woodard       10/17/1901  Vale, Georgia         Jessie Pitts                 Ida                  6/15/1970   Vuges Chapel
11/7/1937   Plunk        Lula        .            Evans         Unknwn..    McNairy County, TN    Fate Plunk                   Sis                  11/7/1937   Lowery
3/28/1952   Plunk        Margaret    .            Archer        7/8/1887    McNairy County, TN    Lee Plunk                    Mary                 3/28/1952   Holly Grove
10/5/1973   Plunk        Mildred     V.           Trimmer       6/20/1928   McNairy County, TN    Leit Plunk                   Ethel                10/5/1972   Bethel
9/16/1992   Plunk        Minnie      Mae          Baggett       6/1/1918    Selmer,TN             Lit Plunk                    Ethel                9/16/1992   Alamo
1/18/1963   Plunkett     Flora       Lee          Runions       2/2/1887    Dickson County, TN    Wash Plunkett                Nancy                1/18/1963   Raines
9/19/1978   Ponder       Bernice     E.           Durham        10/21/1917  .                     Not in our records           Not in our Records   9/19/1978   Fairview
8/15/1947   Poole        Willie      Ross         Pipkins       ???./...    Crockett Co., TN      John Poole                   Not in record        8/15/1947   Maury City
12/26/1981  Porter       Eddie       Maie         Williams      9/5/1906    Crockett Co.          Charlie Porter               Tinny                12/26/1981  Center
9/16/1975   Porter       Lela        Edna         Stephenson    7/10/1889   Crockett Co., TN      Steven Porter                Lucy                 9/16/1975   Bellview
12/18/1978  Porter       Liddie      May          Hudgins       7/27/1895   .                     Stephen A Douglas Porter     Lucy Clara           12/18/1978  Salem
7/29/1947   Porter       Lillian     .            Midgett       2/27/1879   Crockett Co., TN      John C. Porter               Ncie                 7/29/1947   Alamo
10/8/1975   Porter       Lula        Violet       Richardson    10/29/1900  Texas                 Steven Porter                Lucy                 10/8/1975   Gadsden
10/26/1986  Porter       Ruby        Pearl        Buckingham    4/7/1901    Crockett Co., TN      Charlie Porter               Tennie               10/26/1986  Rosehill
7/12/1976   Porter       Ruby        Mae          Crenshaw      5/16/1912   Gibson County, TN     W. Erastus Porter            Nellie               7/12/1976   National Cemetery
12/9/1961   Porter       Sybil       .            Kenner        4/10/1909   Crockett Co., TN      Jefferson Davis Porter       Nora                 12/9/1961   Rosehill
8/5/1986    Poston       Down        .            McLean        2/21/1920   Crockett Co., TN      Clyde L. Poston              Pearl                8/5/1986    Alamo
4/10/1987   Poston       Mary        Will         Harber        5/18/1941   Crockett Co., TN      John Poston                  Madie Bell           4/10/1987   Alamo
2/12/1992   Poston       Mildred     Tate         Ronk          3/8/1913    Maury City, TN        Herbert Poston               Lera                 2/12/1992   Alamo
9/11/1992   Poston       Sarah       Nell         Redmond       9/10/1927   Maury City, TN        Clyde L. Poston              Pearl                9/11/1992   Maury City
6/26/1991   Powell       Maynie      Louise       Lee           12/6/1911   Crockett Co., TN      Willilam Thomas Powell       Margaret Rachel      6/26/1991   Nunn
3/18/1975   Powers       Ada         Ethaline     Gibbons       2/11/1880   Crockett Co.          Ephriam Powers               Mary Ann             3/18/1975   Floyd's Chapel
6/15/1946   Powers       Sarah       Frances      Lentz         6/19/1892   Dyer County, TN       Ephrian Powers               Juasha               6/15/1946   Floyd's Chapel
2/16/1989   Pratt        Mable       .            Walker        5/2/1920    Decaturville, TN      Howard Pratt                 Saly                 2/15/1989   Fairview
5/26/1967   Prescott     Ludie       Irene        Mckinnon      2/14/1905   Crockett Co., TN      William Prescott             Liza                 5/26/1967   Bellview
1/23/1983   Presley      Susan       Ann          Laman         6/27/1898   Madison County, TN    Wesley Presley               Delea                1/23/1983   Cypress
3/7/1962    Presley      Willie      Maie         Graves        2/20/1881   Madison County, TN    Wesley Presley               Deelie               3/7/1962    Antioch
7/29/1955   Preston      Bertha      Mae          Nearn         11/20/1876  Michigan              Stephen Preston              Unknown              7/29/1955   Lebanon
2/7/1949    Price        Zilpha      .            Price         8/21/1923   Crockett Co., TN      Leo Price                    Mary                 2/7/1949    Pond Creek
1/21/1989   Prince       Sue         .            Terry         Augut 4,    Martin, TN            Morris Prince                Vida                 .           Collier
8/26/1981   Privett      Annie       Lee          Hughes        1/25/1894   .                     John Joseph Privett          Mammie               8/26/1981   Pond Creek
2/20/1992   Privett      Bertha      Lee          Hammond       2/6/1904    Alamo,TN              William Henry Privett        Sally                2/10/1979   Salem
1/24/1987   Privett      Carrie      Privett      Cates         11/14/1897  Crockett Co., TN      Alfed Privett                Anna Bell            1/24/1987   Pond Creek
7/13/1981   Privett      Eunice      Irene        Turner        6/10/1900   Crockett Co., TN      Alfred Privett               Bell                 7/13/1981   Cairo
12/19/1949  Privett      Geraldine   .            Avery         8/16/1924   Crockett Co., TN      William Alfred Privett       Carrie               12/17/1949  Pond Creek
6/10/1974   Privett      Gladys      Beatrice     Moore         3/19/1904   Crockett Co., TN      Willilam Jasper Privett      Lula                 6/10/1974   Oak View
7/17/1944   Privett      Kate        Cleo         Scruggs       12/25/1889  Gibson County, TN     Wilson Privett               Dealie               7/17/1944   White Rose
8/31/1995   Privett      Lula        Becky        Freeman       3/9/1910    Alamo, TN             William Privett              Carrie               8/31/1995   Oak View
4/27/1995   Privett      Marion      Louise       Webb          1/30/1912   Alamo, TN             William Privett              Carrie               4/27/1995   Cypress
4/16/1980   Privett      Mary        Brooxie      Goode         1/27/1893   Crockett Co., TN      Henry Privett                Sally                4/16/1980   Cairo
2/19/1963   Privett      Minnie      Frances      Chapman       8/17/1884   Crockett Co., TN      Samuel Lewis Privett         Delish               2/19/1963   Alamo
11/30/1960  Privett      Vurla       May          Goode         12/11/1901  Crockett Co., TN      Henry Privett                Sally                11/30/1960  Bellview
11/16/1980  Proctor      Norma       .            Ketchum       1/28/1894   Haywood County, TN    Edd Proctor                  Elgie                11/16/1980  Oak View
1/29/1991   Puckett      Lillie      Mae          Tawater       7/29/1901   Alamo, TN             James Franklin Puckett       Lou Alice            1/29/1991   Pond Creek
8/21/1975   Puckett      Mary        Sue          Owen          8/10/1899   Crockett Co., TN      James F. Puckett             Lou Alice            8/21/1975   Pond Creek
4/17/1951   Puckett      Nancy       Almedie      Phillips      10/21/1876  Crockett Co., TN      John Marshall Phillips       Unknown              4/17/1951   Robertson
1/4/1990    Puckett      Nina        Christine    Byrd          12/15/1904  Dyer Co.,TN           ?   Puckett                  Annie                1/4/1990    Oakhaven Gardens
9/17/1979   Pyland       Esther      Victoria     Nichols       9/1/1898    Crockett Co., TN      James Pyland                 Mollie               9/17/1979   Floyd's Chapel
8/17/1989   Pyland       Murl        .            Climer        5/27/1903   Jackson, TN           James D.Pyland               Mary Ann             8/17/1989   Floyd's Chapel
1/12/1946   Quinley      Esther      .            Yearwood      10/16/1891  Crockett Co., TN      James Calvin Quinley         Tennessee Caroline   1/12/1946   Bellview
12/23/1986  Quinn        Helen       Quinn        Williams      8/25/1916   Carrol County, TN     Harman Quinn                 Lorene               12/23/1986  Quincy


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