Ronk Funeral Home Records
Sorted by Maiden Name
Surnames L - N
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                                 BIRTH                                                                                           DEATH
12/21/1988  Lacky        Fairbell           Marie        Hil           7-28199.    Tipton County, TN                   Marion Henry Lacky          Willie Mae          12/20/1988  Oak Grove
9/5/1994    Laman        Cordia             Mae          Uselton       9/1/1909    Alamo, TN                           Hick Laman                  Virginia            9/5/1994    Oak View
1/13/1977   Laman        Della              Frances      Lowery        4/25/1888   Crockett Co., TN                    Jim Laman                   Laura               1/13/1977   Alamo
10/9/1975   Laman        Laura              Thelma       Norville      8/9/1909    Crockett Co., TN                    Bill Laman                  Ida                 10/9/1975   Center
11/7/1964   Laman        Louella            .            Evans         7/24/1885   Crockett Co., TN                    John David Evans            Martha Ann          11/7/1964   Center
11/23/1939  Laman        Martha             Amand        Swindle       3/6/1876    Crockett Co., TN                    John Laman                  Martha              11/23/1939  Babbs
10/19/1981  Laman        Mary               E.           Branch        9/29/1893   Crockett Co., TN                    Allen Laman                 Cora                10/19/1981  Alamo
8/6/1947    Laman        Nannie             Faye         Henderson     2/18/1911   Crockett Co., TN                    Claude Laman                Lona                8/6/1947    Belleview
12/3/1984   Laman        Opal               .            Jackson       1/29/1921   Crockett Co., TN                    James Clyde Laman           Annie Florence      12/3/1984   Center
2/23/1972   Laman        Ruth               Helen        Thomas        2/23/1972   Crockett Co., TN                    Soloman Bradford Laman      Tennessee           2/23/1972   Alamo
3/20/1948   Laman        Tennessee          .            Greer         7/19/1889   Crockett Co., TN                    John David Laman            Martha              3/20/1948   Alamo
6/11/1996   LaMastus     Mary               Evelyn       Jackson       4/18/1933   Hickman, Ky                         Burlie B. LaMastus          Jackie Earl         6/11/1996   Walnut Hill
2/19/1983   Landry       Florence 'Peggy'   Margaret     Oliver        11/16/1919  Hoboken, New York                   Savan Ellis Landry          Florence Georgana   2/19/1983   Robertson
12/16/1979  Lanier       Gladys             .            Prierce       8/15/1900   Crockett Co., TN                    Willliam Joel Lanier        Molly Janes         12/16/1979  Oak View
7/8/1955    Lanier       Margaret           Rachel       Powell        1/7/1876    Tennessee                           Henry Lanier                Mattie              7/8/1955    Nunn
12/26/1977  Lanier       Nannie             May          Roberts       10/30/1911  Crockett Co., TN                    William Joel Lanier         Mary Jane           12/26/1977  Oak View
11/6/1975   Laster       Mamie              Myrtle       Laster        5/4/1902    Crockett Co., TN                    John Laster                 Martha              11/6/1975   Alamo
2/4/1959    Lay          Dollie             Ann          Garrett       4/1/1906    Alabama                             Ruben Lay                   Cynthia             2/4/1959    Providence
11/2/1955   Lay          Jewel              Manley       Lay           8/28/1911   Madison County, TN                  Ephriam Manley Lay          Dora Ann            11/2/1955   Bethel
1/6/1958    Lay          Lillie             Day          Gregory       6/29/1882   Tennessee                           Ephriam Lay                 Matildia            1/6/1958    Gregory
12/11/1978  Leath        Mattie             Lou          Terry         12/17/1899  Crockett Mills, TN                  Booker Clyde Leath          Ettie Demetra       12/11/1978  Alamo
2/23/1959   Lee          Flossie            .            Slayton       2/23/1912   Crockett Mills, TN                  Lee Bell                    Ethel               2/23/1959   Alamo
12/12/1971  Lee          Mary               Elizabeth    Carter        12/1/1932   Crockett Co., TN                    O. D. Lee                   Unknown             12/12/1971  Floyd's Chapel
11/10/1995  Leek         Bonnie             .            Johnson       3/24/1915   Brownsville, TN                     George Leek                 Ida                 11/10/1995  Providence
9/29/1990   Leggett      Betty              C.           Mincy         10/13/1913  Dyersburg, TN                       Clyde W. Leggett            Josie Irene         9/29/1990   Salem
11/16/1961  Leggett      Cora               Ann          Thompson      1/19/1887   Crockett Co., TN                    W. Tom Leggett              Donia               11/16/1961  Providence
3/15/1965   Leggett      Ella               Maie         Castleman     3/28/1876   Crockett Co., TN                    M. F. Leggett               Ann                 3/15/1965   Cypress
2/8/1962    Leggett      Ella               .            Sanders       7/6/1883    Crockett Co., TN                    William Thomas Leggett      Donia               2/8/1962    Providence
3/17/1993   Leggett      Freddie            Mae          Oliver        9/4/1910    Friendship, TN                      Luther Leggett              Florence            3/17/1993   Alamo
11/10/1993  Leggett      Mary               Jewell       Bailey        8/1/1909    Alamo, TN                           Siras Lylburn Leggett       Rosa Bell           11/10/1993  Cypress
3/12/1987   Leggett      Mary               Lorene       Dehen         4/22/1912   Crockett Co., TN                    Noah Leggett                Claudia G.          3/12/1987   Floyd's Chapel
6/4/1984    Leggett      Nathalee           .            Yearwood      2/14/1911   Crockett Co., TN                    Dorris L. Leggett           Erin                6/4/1984    Cypress
10/14/1983  Leggett      Virginia           Lee          Valentine     7/1/1914    Crockett Co., TN                    Luthur Leggett              Florence            10/14/1983  Sudbery
2/10/1970   Lemmons      Reboda             .            Raines        9/18/1874   Crockett Co., TN                    J. W. Lemmons               Meteda              2/10/1970   Salem
5/27/1966   Lemond       Lillie             G.           Humphreys     8/27/1888   Bradford, TN                        Ike N. Lemond               Mary Catherine      5/27/1966   Rosehill
3/10/1975   Lents        Berdie             .            Hammond       1/22/1899   Jonesboro, Ak                       Jim Lents                   Florence            3/10/1975   Floyd's Chapel
12/24/1966  Lewis        Annie              Lugh         Wynns         2/5/1892    Crockett Co., TN                    John Lewis                  Mollie              12/24/1966  Alamo
11/24/1992  Lewis        Audrey             Fern         Williams      1/30/1915   Crockett Co., TN                    Thomas Henry Lewis          Gladys              11/24/1992  Maury City
4/27/1985   Lewis        Bertie             Francis      McKenzie      10/28/1912  Tipton County, TN                   Ed Lewis                    Rosis               4/27/1985   Cypress
9/16/1982   Lewis        Caroline           .            Dean          9/23/1906   Columbua, Miss.                     Thomas Lewis                Hattie              9/16/1982   Crockett Mills
3/27/1987   Lewis        Gray               .            Farrow        12/7/1893   Crockett Co., TN                    Bird Lewis                  Kitty               3/27/1987   Bellview
6/18/1967   Lewis        Hattie             Alia         Raines        9/1/1885    Crockett Co., TN                    Gabe Lewis                  Lucinda             6/18/1967   Bellview
1/13/1988   Lewis        Helen              .            Buford        9/12/1902   Dyer County, TN                     Grant Lewis                 Anna                1/11/1988   Bowens Chapel
8/21/1994   Lewis        Lena               Sue          Lonon         2/12/1935   Little Rock, Ark                    Clarence Lewis              Carrie B.           8/21/1994   Memorial Gardens
2/28/1991   Lewis        Lonnie             Mae          Laman         3/29/1903   Crockett Co., TN                    Lonnie A. Lewis             Mary Lou            2/28/1991   Babb
11/30/1986  Lewis        Mary               Louise       Hutchison     2/14/1920   Crockett Co., TN                    Lyman Lewis                 Hattie              11/30/1986  Alamo
6/6/1958    Lewis        Minnie             Esterlee     Tritt         11/18/1876  Tennessee                           J. W. Lewis                 Margaret            6/6/1958    Cypress
1/17/1983   Lewis        Rosa               Lee          Copher        11/11/1909  Crockett Co., TN                    Lon A. Lewis                Mary Lucinda        1/17/1983   Oakview M. G.
8/16/1938   Lewis        Sudie              .            Kail          2/9/1864    Crockett Co., TN                    Tom Jeff Lewis              Sudanyl             8/16/1938   Kail
8/12/1973   Lewis        Sue                Rebecca      Buford        11/29/1914  Crockett Co., TN                    Lyman Lewis                 Hattie              8/12/1973   Alamo
8/6/1973    Lewis        Virgiie            Lee          Cullipher     10/26/1901  Crockett Co., TN                    Elam Lewis                  Cora                8/6/1973    Alamo
1/31/1970   Liechty      Margareta          Rosetta      Roach         5/2/1893    Belvidere, TN                       Johann                      Rhoebe              1/31/1970   Belvidere
11/28/1990  Liles        Pamela             Jo           Permenter     7/11/1961   Humboldt, TN                        Samuel Liles Sr.            Jeanette            11/28/1990  Rose Hill
5/31/1968   Lineberry    Jessie             Parlee       Reasons       1/12/1916   Gibson County, TN                   J. T. Lineberry             Mahalia Lee         5/31/1968   Salem
7/19/1975   Lipscomb     Minnie             Pearl        Nunn          8/21/1882   .                                   Tom Lipscomb                Martha              7/19/1975   Center
10/10/1988  Lites        Birtia             Richard      Pearson       11/11/1904  Caddo Parrish, La                   Herbert Lites               Ida                 10/7/1988   Alamo
5/6/1992    Lockard      Bertie             Mae          Bodkin        2/21/1911   Alamo,TN                            Jim Lockard                 Virgie              5/6/1992    Oak View
2/22/1970   Lockard      Flossie            .            Cook          1/19/1902   Gibson County, TN                   Jim Lockard                 Virgie              2/22/1970   Oak View
6/13/1976   Lockard      Myrtle             .            Ewing         7/19/1904   Gibson County, TN                   Jim Lockard                 Virgie              6/13/1976   Bellview
8/23/1947   Locke        Mary               Lee          Conley        11/20/1873  Crockett Co., TN                    Lee Locke                   Sophia              8/23/1947   Alamo
5/20/1968   Lonedier     Juanita            Louise       Thompson      10/25/1927  Peneville, La                       Luther W. Lonedier          Rebecca  L.         5/20/1968   Providence
3/17/1946   Long         Annie              .            Turnage       2/2/1884    Medina, TN                          Pink Long                   Unknown             3/17/1946   Center
3/4/1967    Long         Donie              .            Yearwood      5/12/1898   Madison County, TN                  George Long                 Lucy                3/4/1967    Robertson
3/20/1996   Long         Helen              Ruth         Turner        12/13/1940  Jackson, TN                         W. B. Long                  Ruth                3/20/1996   Walnut Hill
3/29/1962   Longmire     Peggy              Jo           Longmire      12/8/1934   Gibson County, TN                   John Thomas Longmire        Velma               3/29/1962   Antioch
11/19/1945  Lonon        Grace              Marie        Wynn          3/10/1918   Crockett Co., TN                    Maury Lonon                 Emma                11/19/1945  Not in record
3/31/1979   Lonon        Gracie             Earline      Clark         4/9/1904    Crockett Co., TN                    John Lonon                  Zula                3/31/1979   Alamo
8/5/1969    Lonon        Irene              .            Moncier       11/21/1896  Crockett Co., TN                    John W. Lonon               Zula                8/5/1969    Alamo
12/9/1968   Lonon        Minnie             Sarah        Kail          2/7/1876    Crockett Co., TN                    William Lonon               Mary E.             12/9/1968   Bellvue
11/2/1981   Lott         Annie              Lorene       Richardson    1/26/1923   McNairy County, TN                  J. d. Lott                  Ethel               11/2/1981   Old Gibson
4/12/1975   Louis        Willie             Dee          Jackson       1912/...    Crockett Co., TN                    .                           .                   4/12/1975   Alamo
6/26/1989   Love         Ruth               Olaf         King          8/18/1905   Ripely, TN                          Roy J. Love                 Lila Bessie         6/25/1989   Maury City
2/15/1951   Lovelace     Eva                Pearl        Patterson     4/25/1889   Haywood County, TN                  Charles Lovelace            Nancy Jane          2/15/1951   New Zion
7/4/1969    Lovelace     Ida                Mae          Kail          3/17/1891   Haywood County, TN                  Charlie Lovelace            Jamie               7/4/1969    Robertson
1/1/1958    Lovell       Alice              Maggie       Simmons       8/27/1873   Tennessee                           Wesley Lovell               Celia               1/1/1958    Rosehill
12/24/1965  Lovell       Margaret           Lucille      Leek          9/4/1924    Crockett Co., TN                    John E. Lovell              Esther L.           12/24/1965  Salem
10/4/1968   Lovett       Ellen              Augusta      Byrd          11/24/1887  Crockett Co., TN                    Joe Lovett                  Martha              10/4/1968   Salem
6/6/1995    Lowery       Frankie            Sue          Stanberry     9/16/1917   Alamo,TN                            Will Lowery                 Della               6/6/1995    Oak View
9/24/1969   Lowery       Letha              Lavern       Fisher        7/14/1913   Crockett Co., TN                    Virgil Lowery               Leona               9/24/1969   Center
11/1/1903   Lowery       Mary               Thelma       Arnold        9/22/1905   Alamo, TN                           James Lowery                Azzie               11/1/1993   Bellview
3/7/1985    Lowrance     Bernice            Willie       Warren        12/3/1912   Crockett Co., TN                    John A Lowarnce             Lea                 3/7/1985    Maury City
8/18/1960   Loyd         Louie              Strong       Nelson        7/2/1869    North Carolina                      James Loyd                  Sarah Ann           8/18/1960   Oak Hill
11/30/1980  Luckenbill   Mildred            .            Miller        6/6/1920    Crockett Co., TN                    Irvin Luckenbill            Julia               11/30/1980  Brigance
7/14/1979   Lukenbill    Norline            .            Edwards       2/11/1915   Crockett Co., TN                    Irvin Lukenbill             Julia               7/14/1979   Robertson
2/4/1963    Lunsford     Katherine          Elizabeth    Carroll       3/30/1929   Gibson County, TN                   George D. Lunsford          Jennie Lee          2/4/1963    Rose Hill
12/27/1984  Lutts        Lillie             Murry        Brawner       5/26/1904   Lawrence County, TN                 Billy Lutts                 Elizabeth           12/27/1984  Zion
12/3/1982   Lynn         Sara               Elizabeth    Lynn          8/31/1919   Crockett Co., TN                    George Lynn                 Lucy                12/3/1982   Rose Hill
4/7/1995    Lyons        Billye             .            Lewis         11/24/1918  Alamo,TN                            Hardy Lyons                 Sadie               4/7/1995    Cairo
7/29/1984   Lytle        Mary               Gertrude     Smith         2/9/1903    Crockett Co., TN                    Edward Lytle                Lavenia             7/29/1984   Alamo
7/5/1971    Maclin       Imogene            Maclin       James         5/14/1924   .                                   Almer Maclin                Laura               7/5/1971    Coxs Chapel
2/20/1972   Madry        Ida                Ruth         Perry         3/22/1912   Benton County, TN                   John Wesley Madry           Maybell             2/20/1972   Bell View
9/1/1978    Malone       Algie              Lou          Kenner        7/21/1914   Dyer County, TN                     John Malone                 Nannie              9/1/1978    Salem
2/26/1995   Malone       Evelyn             .            McCord        1/17/1914   Gadsden, TN                         Herbert Malone              Viola               2/26/1995   Gadsden
4/13/1993   Malone       Rebecca            .            Humphreys     9/22/1916   Alamo,TN                            Herbert Malone              Viola               4/13/1993   Alamo
12/23/1989  Malugeon     Bessie             .            Cherry        4/5/1897    Waverley, TN                        George W. Malugeon          Mattie Elizabeth    12/23/1989  Center
6/11/1994   Maness       Lena               Mae          Church        2/23/1909   Chesterfield, TN                    Grant Maness                Annie Bell          6/11/1994   Walnut Hill
9/27/1950   Mangrum      Delora             Alice        Reasons       12/5/1877   Crockett Co., TN                    Hilliard Mangrum            Mahilia             9/27/1950   Salem
3/17/1973   Manning      Florence           Beatrice     Nearn         9/12/1900   Adgar, Ala.                         Jeff Manning                Matilda             3/17/1973   .
6/4/1996    Manning      Mainell            .            Elrod         12/6/1908   Alamo,TN                            Henry Manning               Jimmie              6/4/1996    Maury City
3/1/1984    Mansfield    Annie              Lou          Hatch         8/20/1901   Crockett Co., TN                    Joe A Mansfield             Maudie M.Griggs     3/1/1984    Providence
4/28/1972   Mansfield    Beulah             Ann          Kail          7/15/1893   Crockett Co., TN                    William Mansfield           Rachel Frances      4/28/1972   Robertson
11/23/1990  Mansfield    Dortha             Beauton      King          10/16/1917  Crockett Mills, TN                  Otis Mansfield              Bedie Ethel         11/23/1990  Oak View
9/16/1994   Mansfield    Ola                Maie         Hensley       5/8/1912    Alamo, TN                           Joe Mansfield               Maudie              9/16/1994   Providence
12/26/1993  Mansfield    Peggy              Yvonne       Knox          3/7/1936    Crockett Mills, TN                  Marvin Mansfield            Bunia               12/26/1993  Providence
11/26/1955  Manus        Susan              Ada          Goodrick      7/6/1882    Tennessee                           Nathan Manus                Ann                 11/26/1955  Rosehill
3/26/1991   Marlow       Ida                Bell         McDonald      7/27/1950   Friendship, TN                      Raymond Marlow              Savannah            3/26/1991   Providence
7/20/1963   Marlowe      Mary               Florence     Stewart       8/4/1886    Crockett Co., TN                    John Marlowe                Mary Eliza          7/20/1963   Cypress
9/2/1957    Marshall     Dora               .            Todd          11/1/1886   Gibson County, TN                   A. A. Marshall              Julia               9/2/1957    Trenton, TN
6/9/1938    Martin       Flossie            May          Frazier       8/1/1910    Gibson County, TN                   J. Martin                   Luella              6/9/1938    Eldad
7/27/1989   Martin       Mary               Ella         Thomason      5/8/1911    Rienzi, Miss.                       George W. Martin            Rhoda               7/26/1989   Archer's Chapel
7/10/1949   Martin       Nannie             .            Farrow        12/0/?..    Bells, TN                           John Martin                 Mammie              7/10/1949   Bells
3/5/1960    Mason        Irene              .            Stroud        2/14/1882   Crockett Co., TN                    T. A. Mason                 Anna                3/5/1960    Raines
10/10/1979  Massey       Eunice             Verner       Hollingshead  8/19/1896   Crockett Co., TN                    J. W. Massey                Alice               10/10/1979  Robertson
3/19/1973   Matheny      Daisy              Marie        Golden        8/28/1893   .                                   John Matheny                Alice               3/19/1973   Oak View
2/4/1944    Mathis       Emma               Leona        Hudson        ??/./...    Perry County, TN                    Robert Lee Mathis           Not in record       2/4/1944    Old Gibson
3/13/1989   Mathis       Ruby               Beatrice     Mathis        9/29/1918   Halls, TN                           Andres Mathis               Ida                 3/10/1989   Halls
11/11/1992  Mauldin      Shirley            Jean         Damron        5/22/1954   Memphis, TN                         Jessie E. Mauldin Sr.       Thelma Louise       11/11/1992  Alamo
7/25/1983   May          Myrtle             .            Shelby        3/13/1883   Gibson County, TN                   B. J. May                   Isabelle            7/25/1983   Cairo
9/17/1962   May          Ottie              .            Ramsey        9/20/1900   Gibson County, TN                   B. J. May                   Annie               9/17/1962   Cairo
7/2/1994    Mayfield     Ida                Mae          Badgett       4/28/1909   Crockett Co., TN                    Bill Mayfield               Margie              7/2/1994    Alamo
5/7/1990    Mayfield     Irene              .            Privett       10/29/1915  Alamo, TN                           Bill Mayfield               Margie              5/7/1990    Alamo
4/21/1972   Mayfield     Ruth               .            Pinkston      11/13/1904  Crockett Co., TN                    Frank Mayfield              Delia               4/21/1972   Oak View
5/4/1985    Mayo         Blanche            Nora         Archibold     4/10/1891   Crockett Co., TN                    William Mayo                Unknown             5/4/1985    Maury City
12/26/1989  Mayo         Corinne            .            Bohannon      7/9/1924    Maury City, TN                      Clarence Mayo               Bertha              12/26/1989  Nunn
12/5/1988   Mayo         Laura              Mae          Hendrix       7/22/1933   Crockett Co., TN                    William Clarence Mayo       Bertha Mae          12/4/1988   Nunn
2/8/1969    Mayo         Sally              .            Overton       6/15/1898   Haywood County, TN                  James Mayo                  Mary                2/8/1969    Alamo
3/10/1967   Mays         Hannah             May          Craig         3/7/1889    Crockett Co., TN                    Jimmy Mays                  Mary                3/10/1967   Alamo
6/29/1986   McBride      Ruby               Tene         Boyd          6/29/1986   Haywood County, TN                  Charles McBride             Elsie               6/29/1986   Young
6/1/1947    McCarty      Etta               Frances      Daniels       7/5/1894    Hickman County, TN                  George McCarty              Nancy               6/1/1947    Cypress
5/2/1968    McClanahan   Hattie             Glen         Jetton        11/27/1884  Crockett Co., TN                    James E. McClanahan         Amanda              5/2/1968    Maury City
2/12/1981   McClanahan   Mildred            .            McLean        8/27/1910   Tennessee                           Walter McClanahan           Lizzie              2/12/1981   Rose Hill
8/12/1959   McClannahan  Zora               Myrtle       Williams      6/26/1884   Gibson Co., TN                      Zora McClannaham            Erama               8/12/1959   Nance
8/3/1986    McCoy        Gladys             Mozella      Haynes        9/25/1914   Hickman County TN                   Robert Washington McCoy     Florence            8/3/1986    Gadsden
11/13/1974  McCoy        Lillie             .            Tatum         6/10/1888   Crockett Co., TN                    John McCoy                  Not in record       11/13/1974  Center
7/13/1989   McCoy        Mattie             Inez         Copher        12/4/1909   Alamo, TN                           Jeff McCoy                  Lonie               7/10/1989   Belleview
2/16/1963   McCoy        Nancy              Rebecca      Harbin        7/20/1891   Little Lot, TN                      Eddie McCoy                 Unknown             2/16/1963   Rose Hill
8/9/1981    McCoy        Nettie             Louise       Sanders       10/22/1912  Crockett Co., TN                    John McCoy                  Virgie              8/9/1981    Center
8/26/1961   McDaugal     Johnnie            .            Kilzer        4/12/1895   Gibson County, TN                   Preston McDaugal            Betty               8/26/1961   Oak Grove
6/25/1976   MCDearmon    Emma               Alice        Lucas         7/6/1883    Lauderdale County, TN               Creed McDearmon             .                   6/25/1976   Halls
8/5/1956    McDermatt    Minnie             Frances      Evans         11/3/1878   TN                                  John McDermatt              Martha              8/5/1956    Center
10/12/1953  McDonald     Eleanor            Hortense     Williams      7/27/1868   Tennessee                           J. R. McDonald              Sarah               10/12/1953  Bellview
4/14/1983   McFadden     Perneal            .            Miller        12/2/1916   Utawamba County, Miss               Webster McFadden            Modenia             4/14/1983   Oak View
4/30/1958   McFarland    Mary               Florence     Williams      3/30/1886   Dyer County, TN                     William Riley McFarland     Amanda Jane         4/30/1958   Trenton
6/15/1953   McFiss       Mary               Jane         Browder       .           Tennessee                           F.F. McFiss                 Nancy               6/15/1953   Floyd's Chapel
10/27/1973  McGee        Annie              Lou          Nippers       9/16/1898   Crockett Co., TN                    Thomas B. McGee             Laura A.            10/27/1973  Providence
9/16/1992   McIlwaine    Frances            Lucille      Woodside      10/31/1906  Crockett Co., TN                    Weakly McIlwaine            Newall              9/16/1992   Elizabeth
2/8/1976    McKay        Mary               Alice        Sipes         7/15/1886   .                                   Thomas McKay                Susanna             2/8/1976    Alamo
11/6/1966   McKenzie     Edith              Marion       Quinley       10/9/1939   Crockett Co., TN                    Murphy McKenzie             Bertie              11/6/1966   Cypress
4/23/1969   McKinnon     Nannie             Elizabeth    Porter        5/1/1898    Crockett Co., TN                    Not in record               Not in Record       4/23/1969   Cypress
5/8/1968    McLaughlin   Mary               Agnes        Byrd          9/11/1879   Bebe, Ark                           Ray McLaughlin              Nancy               5/8/1968    Salem
7/27/1960   McLean       Lavenia            .            Lytle         8/20/1879   Crockett Co., TN                    Norman McLean               Mollie              7/27/1960   Alamo
2/5/1984    McLean       Martha             Fern         Mitchell      8/14/1901   Crockett Co., TN                    Joe C. McLean               Vera                2/2/1984    Oakland
2/11/1974   McMahen      Mary               Adelia       Green         6/2/1905    Haywood County, TN                  L. A. McMahen               Ann                 2/11/1974   Alamo
12/17/1952  McMillan     Emma               Edna         Midyett       11/25/1873  Tennessee                           Neal McMillan               Azalee              12/17/1952  Alamo
5/12/1995   McMillin     Rena               Evelyn       Woods         2/16/1915   Walnut, Ms                          Merrick McMillin            Nellie              5/12/1995   Dry Hill
11/30/1986  McMullins    Mary               Love         Edwards       4/7/1915    Crockett Co., TN                    Jim Neal McMullins          Gladys              11/30/1986  Oakview Memorial G.
3/26/1951   McNatt       Evie               Anna         Bruce         8/24/1873   Mississippi                         J. B. McNatt                Martha              3/26/1951   Providence
6/30/1977   McNatt       Opal               .            Brown         9/2/1909    Henderson County, TN                S. A. McNatt                Minnie              6/30/1977   Oak View
8/2/1995    McNeal       Faye               .            Howell        11/12/1914  Alamo,TN                            .                           .                   8/2/1995    Oakview Memorial G.
11/3/1974   McNeal       Frankie            .            Dodson        7/30/1901   Crockett Co., TN                    Frank McNeal                Celia               11/3/1974   Alamo
4/9/1945    McNeal       Mamie              .            Warren        1/20/1874   Not in record                       William Franklin McNealy    Sallie              4/9/1945    Belleview
3/27/1973   McNeal       Thelma             H.           Revelle       3/2/1899    Crockett Co., TN                    Frank McNeal                ??                  3/27/1973   Bellview
5/31/1982   McNeeley     Ollie              Mae          Follis        2/25/1903   Maury County, TN                    Joseph McNeely              Alice Paralee       5/31/1982   Cypress
4/18/1960   McNeely      Bessie             .            Emison        3/8/1892    Tennessee                           Joe Alfred McNeely          Not in record       4/18/1960   Cypress
11/4/1962   McNeely      Josie              .            McNeely       10/9/1888   Maury County, TN                    Joe Alford McNeely          Alice Parlee        11/4/1962   Cypress
10/10/1974  McNeely      Vera               Estella      Emerson       2/8/1907    Maury County, TN                    Joe A. McNeely              Alice               10/10/1974  Cypress
7/2/1990    McWhorter    Hazel              .            Patrick       5/5/1912    Carnesville, Ga.                    Samuel S. McWhorter         Julia Eddye         7/1/1990    Cypress
6/4/1958    Medford      Etta               .            Baggett       3/1/1880    Mississippi                         Jeff Medford                Betty               6/4/1958    Robertson
12/27/1994  Medford      Lora               Inez         Pitt          3/2/1917    Brownsville, TN                     Oscar W. Medford            Ersuea              12/27/1994  Robertson
3/14/1990   Medlin       Annie              Mai          Ellis         12/31/1908  Gadsden, TN                         Walter C. Medlin            Amanda June         3/14/1990   Salem
1/29/1993   Medlin       Elsie              Lee          Robertson     03/1/l17    Trenton, TN                         Edward Gray Medlin          Jennie Ann          1/29/1993   Salelm
5/4/1957    Medlin       Emma               Bell         Kincaid       4/7/1881    Tennessee                           John Medlin                 Mary                5/4/1957    Salem
9/28/1969   Medlin       Geneva             .            Emison        1/16/1874   Bells, TN                           Moses Medlin                Dilly Ann           9/28/1969   Walnut Hill
2/28/1967   Medlin       Katherine          Blondell     Garrett       7/4/1918    Crockett Co., TN                    .                           .                   2/28/1967   Old Field
2/23/1993   Merchant     Ellie              .            Crenshaw      9/23/1887   Dyer County, TN                     Robert E. Merchant          Unknown             2/23/1974   Alamo
7/20/1948   Metcalf      Annie              Marie        Prather       9/29/1860   Illinois                            John Metcalf                Mary Ann            7/20/1948   Pleasant Ridge
12/9/1977   Midgett      Maie               Belle        Scallions     12/27/1890  Crockett Co., TN                    Emison Midgett              Irene               12/9/1977   Floyd's Chapel
6/28/1996   Milam        Minnie             Belle        Leath         11/18/1907  Trenton, TN                         Edward Milam                Sallie Parlee       6/28/1996   Cairo
10/14/1988  Milam        Vallie             Mai          Brewer        1/29/1904   Lauderdale County, TN               Clyde Milam                 Fannie              10/11/1988  Floyd's Chapel
7/31/1991   Millard      Daisy              .            Eason         11/21/1900  Bells, TN                           Jesse Millard               Mary Will           7/31/1991   Robertson
11/18/1989  Miller       Dovie              Hazel        King          4/8/1914    Ripley, TN                          William R. Miller           Rhoda               11/18/1989  Archer's Chapel
6/28/1964   Miller       Jackie             Lee          Davis         12/26/1924  Crockett Co., TN                    Murlan R. Miller            Mary                6/28/1964   Not in record
6/2/1955    Miller       Lela               .            Haynes        11/3/1880   Tennessee                           Charles Miller              Martha              6/2/1955    Quincy
11/12/1991  Miller       Mary               Alice        Acred         8/28/1922   Tipton County, TN                   William David Miller        Ethel               11/12/1991  Salem
3/25/1951   Miller       Ruby               .            Cook          12/19/1875  Stewart County, TN                  Ruben Miller                Mary                3/25/1951   Raines
9/26/1989   Minton       Mogie              Ella         Goad          4/9/1899    Dyersburg                           John Minton                 Nesha               9/26/1989   Crockett Mills
10/27/1967  Mitchell     Bobbie             Ruth         Harden        10/14/1919  Gibson County, TN                   Ernest Guy Mitchell         Mattie Bell         10/27/1967  Follis Chapel
1/20/1996   Mitchell     Sadie              Lee          Christman     8/21/1907   Gadsden, TN                         Jim Mitchell                Minnie Lee          1/20/1996   Salem
4/19/1946   Mobley       Laura              Catherine    Kenner        6/26/1859   Gibson County, TN                   Elic Mobley                 Unknown             4/19/1946   Salem
10/8/1994   Moncier      Jane               Frances      Greer         9/23/1924   Alamo, TN                           Wiley Moncier               Ruth                10/8/1994   Alamo
3/19/1980   Moncier      Lula               .            Evans         8/17/1884   Crockett Co., TN                    Unknown                     Unknown             3/18/1980   .
5/9/1977    Montgomery   Delma              Grace        Robbins       8/31/1915   TN                                  Reece Montgomery            Ruby                5/9/1977    Rose Hill
1/10/1975   Montgomery   Gladys             B.           Clark         11/16/1902  Crockett Co., TN                    Molton M. Montgomery        Dena                1/10/1975   Floyd's Chapel
11/17/1939  Moody        Nora               .            Fackler       5/16/1915   Madison County, TN                  John Moody                  Lillie Mae          11/17/1939  Brigance
8/25/1989   Moore        Adena              Beatrice     Culp          3/14/1903   Alamo, TN                           Robert Lee Moore            Emma Ida            8/22/1989   Alamo
12/1/1977   Moore        Cora               Eula         Holladay      5/27/1905   McNairy County, TN                  Jim Moore                   Ada                 12/1/1977   Alamo
9/20/1976   Moore        Emma               Sue          Crouson       6/29/1940   Crockett Co., TN                    Thomas Moore                Minnie Lou          9/20/1976   Bellview
2/13/1982   Moore        Essie              Mae          Taylor        10/13/1906  McNairy County, TN                  James Moore                 Ada                 2/13/1982   Alamo
1/31/1982   Moore        Frances            .            Butler        10/24/1932  Dyersburg, TN                       Harvey Moore                Delia               1/31/1982   Cairo
3/8/1983    Moore        Frances            Elizabeth    Climer        4/26/1905   Lauderdale County, TN               James T. Moore              Nettie              3/8/1983    Floyd's Chapel
1/8/1972    Moore        Laverne            .            Avery         12/14/1911  Crockett Co., TN                    Robert Lee Moore            Emma                1/8/1972    Cairo
8/17/1965   Moore        Llucy              .            Lynn          1/11/1886   Crockett Co., TN                    James Moore                 Lela Ann            8/17/1965   Rose Hill
12/17/1954  Moore        Maudie             .            Hampton       4/23/1887   Kentucky                            Samuel Moore                Sabrey              12/17/1954  Robertson
10/26/1981  Moore        Mildred            Marie        Williams      12/24/1919  Cooter Missouri                     Calvin Moore                Bessie              10/26/1981  Oakview M. G.
1/19/1950   Moore        Myrtle             Esther       Rogers        9/12/1886   Crockett Co., TN                    W. W. Moore                 Annie               1/19/1950   Crocket Mills
1/10/1979   Moore        Opal               Edith        Lytle         12/27/1913  Crockett Co., TN                    Will Thomas Moore           Mattie              1/10/1979   Alamo
8/25/1966   Moore        Ora                Faye         Moore         9/14/1920   Crockett Co., TN                    Robert E. Moore             Ida                 8/25/1966   Belleview
4/25/1968   Moore        Orva               .            Humphreys     7/10/1895   Crockett Co., TN                    John Moore                  Maggie              4/25/1968   Alamo
9/8/1977    Moore        Pebble             Irene        Strahl        7/13/1912   Crockett Mills, TN                  Ewell Moore                 Eva                 9/8/1977    Oak View
9/23/1943   Moore        T. L. (Mrs.)       .            Price         .           Mississippi                         James David Moore           Fannie              9/23/1943   Pond Creek
10/9/1985   Moore        Virginia           Ruth         Daniel        9/7/1907    Crockett Co., TN                    Sweeney  Moore              Docia               10/9/1985   Crockett Mills
9/11/1987   Moore        Wilma              Moore        Edwards       12/31/1904  Crockett Co., TN                    Sweeney Moore               Docia               9/9/1987    Crockett Mills
9/13/1974   Morris       Annie              Authalia     Avery         1/25/1903   Henderson County, TN                John Calvin Morris          Mary Tersah         9/13/1974   Cairo
1/30/1958   Morris       Annie              Elizabeth    Casey         08/3/???    Tennessee                           Thomas Morris               Laura Belle         1/30/1958   Kail Cemetery
6/8/1996    Morris       Annie              Mae          Wood          4/12/1924   Brownsville, TN                     Arthur Herman Morris        Rachel Elizabeth    6/8/1996    Oak View
1/30/1958   Morris       Bertha             Cardelia     Morris        6/5/1926    Tennessee                           Tom Morris                  Mary                1/30/1958   Robertson
3/21/1977   Morris       Bessie             Mae          Bell          10/10/1897  Milan, TN                           Jim Morris                  Emma                3/21/1977   Center
11/19/1993  Morris       Mary               Ann          Kail          10/27/1923  Brownsville, Haywood Co, TN         John Thomas Morris          Mary  Etta          11/19/1993  Maury City
1/22/1985   Mosier       Gracie             .            Winberry      7/27/1905   Crockett Co., TN                    Jack Mosier                 Martha Ann          1/22/1985   Walnut Hill
4/11/1992   Mosier       Ivy                .            Winbush       6/1/1915    Brownsville,TN                      Jack Mosier                 Martha Ann          4/11/1992   Oak View
11/13/1937  Mount        Amanda             .            Stephenson    9/2/1862    Crockett Co., TN                    Harris Mount                Harriet             11/13/1937  Cypress
7/3/1970    Mulder       Lula               Virginia     Hart          11/15/1889  McNairy County, TN                  Lee Mulder                  Not in record       7/3/1970    Cairo
9/17/1996   Murphy       Margaret           Eulene       Tritt         3/8/1920    Alamo, TN                           Ernest Monroe Murphy        Cora Bell           9/17/1996   Oak View
11/20/1955  Murphy       Mary               .            Murphy        11/20/1955  Humboldt, TN                        Gerald Murphy               Betty Lee           11/20/1955  Salem
11/18/1995  Murphy       Maxine             Elizabeth    Hughes        2/3/1923    Alamo, TN                           Ernest Monroe Murphy        Cora Bell           11/18/1995  Oak View
1/2/1981    Myers        Edna               Vera         Snider        12/18/1896  Henry County, TN                    James Leonard Myers         Margaret Ada        1/2/1981    Robertson
1/29/1988   Myers        Hattie             L.           Buckingham    8/9/1910    Henry County, TN                    J. L. Myers                 Ada                 1/28/1988   Robertson
8/9/1969    Nance        Mary               Sue          Jerman        10/3/1892   Crockett Co., TN                    P. B. Nance                 Mollie              8/9/1969    Bellview
1/20/1974   Nance        Mary               Lou          McClain       8/25/1898   Crockett Co., TN                    Arthur Nance                Mamie               1/20/1974   Alamo
4/2/1990    Navard       Elizabeth          .            Narak         6/9/1896    Chicago, Ill                        Joseph Navard               Angela              4/1/1990    St Casimir's
9/11/1970   Neal         Bessie             .            Klyce         7/3/1887    Crockett Co., TN                    J. P Neal                   Fannie              9/11/1970   Alamo
11/12/1984  Neal         Emma               Effie        Sutton        7/5/1882    Crockett Co., TN                    Sam Neal                    Nancy               11/12/1984  Alamo
11/30/1990  Neal         Floy               Gazelle      Stallings     7/22/1906   Maury City, TN                      Robert M. Neal              Maybelle            11/30/1990  Nance
1/12/1995   Neal         Margaret           .            Keltner       8/24/1908   Alamo, TN                           Sam M. Neal                 Emma                1/12/1995   Alamo
4/24/1960   Neal         Mittie             .            Riddick       11/15/1871  Crockett Co., TN                    Jimmy Neal                  Tennessee           4/24/1960   Smith's
5/7/1986    Nelson       Ada                D.           Mitchell      2/28/1895   Gibson County, TN                   James Nelson                Etta                5/7/1986    Gadsden
7/26/1996   Nelson       Bula               .            Hlava         1/29/1906   Providence Comm, Madison Co, TN     Charles Henry Nelson        Florence            7/26/1996   Providence
8/23/1979   Nelson       Elizabeth          .            Boone         .././...    .                                   .                           .                   8/23/1979   Bellvue
10/14/1986  Nelson       Mammie             L.           Fergnson      4/17/1893   Gibson County, TN                   James W. Nelson             Martha E            10/14/1986  Rosehill
1/1/1978    Nelson       Mary               Louise       Haynes        3/6/1900    Crockett Co., TN                    Josh B. Nelson              Margaret            1/1/1978    Gadsden
8/2/1967    Nethery      Mary Lou           Cindy        Graves        4/26/1922   Crockett Co., TN                    James Brooks Nethery        Billy               8/2/1967    Not in record
5/17/1971   Nettles      Eva                Ethel        Moore         5/27/1917   Crockett Co., TN                    Bill Nettles                Jane                5/17/1971   Providence
2/14/1990   Newell       Floys              Jane         Turner        10/25/1912  Kenton, TN                          Joseph Richard Newell       Kitty Jane          2/13/1990   Walnut Grove
8/9/1994    Nichols      Annie              .            Wright        7/17/1910   Alamo, TN                           Will Nichols                Willie              8/9/1994    Nance
3/3/1982    Nichols      Lou                Vada         Reece         1/22/1878   Crockett Co, TN                     Albert Nichols              Sarah Frances       3/3/1982    Providence
2/26/1988   Nichols      Mable              Floy         Austin        11/5/1904   Crockett Co., TN                    Will E. Nichols             Willie              2/25/1988   Maury City
7/14/1975   Nichols      Sadie              .            Lyons         8/16/1902   Crockett Co., TN                    Will Nichols                Willie              7/14/1975   Cairo
5/11/1953   Nicks        Carrie             Octavy       Selph         1/14/1890   Arkansas                            William Nicks               Mary Frances        5/11/1953   Center
2/5/1988    Nicks        Emma               .            Burrow        8/8/1901    Crockett Co., TN                    Walter M. Nicks             Thaddie             2/3/1988    Center
7/5/1948    Nicks        Maggie             James        Reasons       6/12/1881   Arkansas                            William Garrison Nicks      Mary                7/5/1948    Center
8/19/1984   Nicks        Willie             Faye         Danielson     3/31/1903   Crockett Co., TN                    Walter Nicks                Thoddie             8/19/1984   Center
4/5/1983    Northcott    Maggie             Nela         Cornatzor     4/8/1899    Madison County, TN                  .                           .                   4/5/1983    Gadsden
5/21/1984   Northcut     Sally              Liona        Cornatzor     1/12/1905   Madison County, TN                  John Northcut               Patsy               5/21/1984   Salem
1/4/1946    Norval       Cora               .            Mathis        3/27/1870   Crockett Co., TN                    Jimmie Norval               Mary Jane           1/4/1946    Norval
10/4/1992   Norvell      Jennie             Lee          Williams      5/26/1914   Crockett Co., TN                    James Norvell               Minnie Lee          10/4/1992   Walnut Hill
9/9/1971    Norvell      Lula               Rose         Parker        11/25/1889  Crockett Co., TN                    Cullen Norvell Sr.          Neely               9/9/1971    Floyd's Chapel
10/14/1962  Norville     Effie              Mae          Pitner        7/3/1881    Crockett Co., TN                    Robert Norville             Margaret            10/14/1962  Alamo
12/8/1986   Norville     Eva                May          Lansdale      7/3/1901    .                                   Francis M. Norville         Elizabeth Leona     12/7/1986   Old Gibson
1/12/1966   Norville     Ila                Hamilton     Norville      ??/./...    Crockett Co., TN                    James Harvey Norville       Betty               1/12/1966   Western State
3/31/1975   Norville     Losie              Lorena       Evans         1/6/1897    Crockett Co.                        Frank Norville              .                   3/31/1975   Floyd's Chapel
8/6/1964    Norville     Lula               .            Reasons       11/13/1876  Crockett Co., TN                    Jimmy Norville              Mary Jane           8/6/1964    Alamo
2/29/1968   Norville     Minnie             Alice        Norville      11/30/1890  Crockett Co., TN                    Dave Norville               Annie E.            2/29/1968   Cypress
6/23/1972   Norville     Ruby               Montelle     Jones         6/25/1906   Crockett Co., TN                    Tom Norville                Rose Bell           6/23/1972   Norville
12/2/1937   Novell       Florence           E.           Riddick       ??/./...    Crockett Co., TN                    Cullen Novell               Cornella            12/2/1937   Floyd's Chapel
4/22/1989   Nowell       Bessie             Lorene       Fisher        2/5/1906    Friendship, TN                      Cullen Nowell               Cornelia            4/21/1989   Floyd's Chapel
3/28/1982   Nunn         Gladys             .            Thomas        12/15/1900  Crockett Co., TN                    J.C. W. Nunn                Dora                3/28/1982   Bellview


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