Ronk Funeral Home Records
Surnames Q - R
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                                  BIRTH                                  NAME                                                              DEATH
10/30/1941  Quinley     Annabelle           .            .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN          .              Jim Quinley                    Leonie              10/30/1941  Providence
11/6/1966   Quinley     Edith               Marion       McKenzie       10/9/1939    Crockett Co., TN          .              Murphy McKenzie                Bertie              11/6/1966   Cypress
6/22/1938   Quinley     James               Calvin       .              11/8/1867    Crockett Co., TN          .              Calvin Quinley                 Mary                6/22/1938   Providence
5/27/1981   Quinley     James               Delton       .              6/11/1933    Crockett Mills, TN        .              William Estel Quinley          Opal                5/27/1981   Providence
2/16/1991   Quinley     Roy                 Edgar        .              10/10/1914   Crockett Co., TN          .              John Quinley                   Bertha              2/16/1991   Bowen's Chapel
7/1/1948    Quinley     Tennie              Carolina     Wright         9/5/1867     Crockett Co., TN          .              Jim Wright                     Mary                7/1/1948    Providence
4/22/1980   Quinley     William             Estel        .              9/16/1902    Crockett Co., TN          Darden         Jimmy Calvin Quinely           Tennessee C.        4/22/1980   Providence
8/9/1982    Quinn       Annie               .            Taylor         6/24/1898    Crockett Co., TN          .              William T. Taylor              Maggie              8/9/1982    Center
7/1/1966    Quinn       David               Clifton      .              7/25/1954    Milan, TN                 .              Virgil C.Quinn                 Jerry Sue           7/1/1966    Oak View
10/15/1953  Quinn       Martha              Pearlie      Hart           2/13/1862    Tennessee                 .              William S. Hart                Creasy Paralee      10/15/1953  Center
7/6/1966    Quinn       Michael             Lynn         .              2/29/1956    Milan, TN                 .              Virgile C. Quinn               Jerry Sue           7/6/1966    Oak View
3/20/1970   Quinn       Nolen               Noah         .              6/22/1896    Perry Co., TN             Taylor         Charles Wyler Quinn            Martha Pearlie      3/20/1970   Center
12/21/1959  Raburn      Mary                Bulah        Wilson         12/18/1875   Mississippi               .              Thomas B. Wilson               Mary                12/21/1959  Providence
11/24/1962  Raburn      Mary                Lou          .              ??/./...     ??                        .              .                              .                   11/24/1962  .
6/11/1973   Raines      Annie               Lee          Ross           12/3/1903    Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas Ross                    Minnie              6/11/1973   Cypress
1/22/1968   Raines      Aubrey              Orton        .              2/7/1904     Crockett Co., TN          Woodson        Hay Dee Raines                 Hattie Allia        1/22/1968   Bellevue
11/30/1980  Raines      Barton              Stanley      .              9/8/1904     Crockett Co., TN          Mayo           Thomas M. Raines               Rehbodia            11/30/1980  Cypress
12/5/1988   Raines      Bertha              Mayo         Cogburn        1/19/1905    Gibson Co., TN            .              Isom R. Cogburn                Mattie              12/1/1988   Nunn
3/9/1984    Raines      Beulah              .            Cook           10/10/1911   Gibson Co., TN            .              Franklin Cook                  Ruby                3/9/1984    Salem
4/5/1983    Raines      Clarence            Lewis        .              6/10/1907    Crockett Co., TN          Kail           Hoy Dee Raines                 Hattie Alie         4/5/1983    Bellevue
8/16/1968   Raines      Daniel              Wilburn      .              11/27/1963   Gibson Co., TN            .              Jere Raines                    Della               8/16/1968   Cypress
1/31/1954   Raines      Elijah              Columbus     .              9/13/1877    Tennessee                 Hunter         Asa Columbus Raines            Ann                 1/31/1954   Raines
8/18/1991   Raines      Francis             Newton       .              10/27/1912   Gadsden, TN               Sullivan       Hoy Dee Raines                 Alta                8/18/1991   Bellview
3/4/1989    Raines      Franklin Sr.        Wallace      .              9/25/1914    Gadsden, TN               Cates          Wallace Raines                 Margaret            3/3/1989    Gadsden
6/18/1967   Raines      Hattie              Alia         Lewis          9/1/1885     Crockett Co., TN          .              Gabe Lewis                     Lucinda             6/18/1967   Bellview
4/30/1971   Raines      Henry               Hill         .              10/22/1911   Gadsden, TN               Jerman         Nando Wallace Raines           Margaret            4/30/1971   Oak View
8/19/1995   Raines      James Jr.           Thomas       .              12/9/1926    Humboldt, TN              Humphreys      James Thomas Raines Sr.        Mildred             8/19/1995   Oak Hill
6/14/1973   Raines      Joseph              Burl         .              1/9/1910     Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas Raines                  Reboda              6/14/1973   Salem
9/28/1966   Raines      Maggie              .            Hunter         3/15/1884    Maury City, TN            .              Dr. John Hunter                Mary                9/28/1966   Belleview
12/27/1974  Raines      Margaret            .            Richardson     1/19/1880    Crockett Co., TN          .              Henry Hill Richardson          Mary E.             12/27/1974  Collinsworth
12/7/1952   Raines      Mary                Louise       Jones          3/26/1911    Tennessee                 .              Verner Jones                   Mary                12/7/1952   Salem
7/19/1992   Raines      May                 Ola          Woodson        7/19/1903    Clarksville, TN           .              S. H. Woodson                  Betty               7/19/1992   Bellevue
3/21/1979   Raines      Merlin              Ray          .              8/31/1943    Crockett Co., TN          Griffin        Aubrey Raines                  Mayola              3/21/1979   Bellevue
2/10/1970   Raines      Reboda              .            Lemmons        9/18/1874    Crockett Co., TN          .              J. W. Lemmons                  Meteda              2/10/1970   Salem
12/2/1952   Raines      Thomas              Malden       .              8/27/1869    Tennessee                 .              Asa Raines                     Roboda              12/1/1952   Salem
8/18/1993   Rainey      Charlie             Joe          .              2/8/1939     Friendship,Tn.            Maness         Charlie Robert Rainey          Elsie Lou           6/18/1993   Oak View
1/1/1995    Rainey      Elsie               Lou          Brasfield      11/18/1908   Alamo, TN                 .              Joe Brasfield                  Florence            1/1/1995    Oak View Memorial
4/17/1990   Rainey      Mary                Estelle      Keller         7/24/1898    Toone, TN                 .              Hugh Keller                    Mary Jane           4/17/1990   Rainey
9/17/1962   Ramsey      Ottie               .            May            9/20/1900    Gibson Co., TN            .              B. J. May                      Annie               9/17/1962   Cairo
1/19/1967   Randle      Alward              Bert         .              7/15/1885    Crockett Co., TN          Thompson       Smith Randle                   Unknown             1/19/1967   Alamo
3/11/1967   Randle      Elmo                .            .              1/9/1870     Crockett Co., TN          .              Smith Randle                   Annie               3/11/1967   Cairo
1/29/1996   Randle      Emanuel             .            .              unknwn..     .                         Hunt           Not in record                  Not in record       1/29/1996   Nance
2/28/1951   Randle      Harris              Dewitt       .              02/1/?..     Crockett Co., TN          .              Smith Randle                   Annie               2/27/1951   Cairo
3/13/1984   Randle      Henry               Hugh         .              9/2/1899     .                         Wyse           Gat Randle                     Sudie               3/13/1984   Maury City
1/8/1990    Randle      Janie               Sue          Wyse           10/13/1905   Maury City, TN            .              Will Wyse                      Johnnie             1/8/1990    Maury City
11/6/1966   Randle      Jessie              Murry        .              5/2/1895     Crockett Co., TN          .              Elmo Randle                    Lena                11/6/1966   Cairo
5/18/1973   Randle      Lera                .            Jordan         1/2/1893     Crockett Co., TN          .              Emerson E. Jordan              Laura E.            5/18/1973   Alamo
9/21/1946   Randle      Lona                Mae          Taylor         1/8/1893     Crockett Co., TN          .              Amos Taylor                    Fannie              9/21/1946   Alamo
2/19/1946   Randle      Maggie              Mae          James          10/26/1876   Crockett Co., TN          .              John D. James                  Louise              2/19/1946   Alamo
5/29/1976   Randle      Mattie              Lou          James          10/18/1884   Crockett Co., TN          .              John D. James                  Levenie Louise      5/29/1976   Salem
8/25/1956   Randle      Sudie               Francis      Branch         1/14/1877    Tenn                      .              Hu Branch                      Tennie              8/25/1956   Cairo
2/9/1951    Randolph    Andrew              Johnson      .              9/29/1891    Crockett Co., TN          .              ??                             Annie               2/9/1951    Alamo
11/8/1965   Randolph    Annie               Lou          Vaughn         10/29/1892   Gibson Co., TN            .              Ridley Vaughn                  Addie Neal          11/8/1965   Alamo
1/9/1988    Randolph    Barney              H.           r              3/17/1900    Crockett Co., TN          Jernigan       Joe Randolph                   Madie               1/8/1988    Oakview
2/8/1975    Randolph    Bessie              Jennett      .              1/10/1901    Dyer Co., TN              .              James Frank Randolph           Lula Bell           2/8/1975    Oakview
2/13/1979   Randolph    Betty               Lou          Agee           6/16/1904    Crockett Co., TN          .              Jack Agee                      Laura               2/13/1979   Oak Veiw
7/20/1967   Randolph    John                Frank        .              4/21/1895    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  James Frank Randolph           Lula Belle          7/20/1967   Kails
1/2/1978    Randolph    Lillie              Beatrice     Kail           1/28/1898    Crockett Co., TN          .              Benjamin Kail                  Elsie               1/2/1978    Kail
5/11/1986   Randolph    Ollie               .            Riddick        11/8/1912    Crockett Co., TN          .              Benjamin Knox Reddick          Anna                5/11/1986   Alamo
11/8/1975   Randolph    Ray                 A            .              2/13/1941    Crockett Co., TN          Strange        Andrew J. Randolph             Ollie               11/8/1975   Alamo
6/9/1961    Randolph    Rufus               Allen        .              7/27/1867    Middle Tennessee          .              Unknown                        Unknown             6/9/1961    Alamo
10/29/1954  Ray         John                Franklin     .              1/5/1880     Tennessee                 .              Joseph Ray                     Ziphia              10/29/1954  Nance
6/30/1982   Ray         William             Morris       .              7/21/1926    Gibisn Co., TN            .              Finley B. Ray                  Mary                6/30/1982   Woodhaven Gardens
2/3/1992    Rea         Floyd               Gurley       .              6/29/1923    Gadsden, TN               Williams       Thelbert I Rea                 Unknown             2/3/1992    Marlow
2/1/1965    Reasons     Allen               Daryl        .              1/28/1965    Jackson, TN               .              Marshal Reasons                Pauline             2/1/1965    Salem
8/17/1972   Reasons     Alsey               Truman       .              2/29/1908    Gibson Co., TN            Knox           Alsey Reasons                  Verlie              8/17/1972   Salem
9/30/1973   Reasons     Arlin               Ezra         .              9/5/1895     Crockett Co., TN          Forsythe       Luther Reasons                 Alice               9/30/1973   Cypress
6/17/1951   Reasons     Aussie              Raines       .              3/28/1888    Tennessee                 .              William Reasons                Eugenia             6/17/1951   Salem
5/1/1978    Reasons     Charles             Plomer       .              .././...     .                         Murchison      George Reasons                 Kate                5/1/1978    Bellvue
9/27/1950   Reasons     Delora              Alice        Mangrum        12/5/1877    Crockett Co., TN          .              Hilliard Mangrum               Mahilia             9/27/1950   Salem
11/9/1947   Reasons     Ed                  Luther       .              11/25/1874   Crockett Co., TN          .              George F. Reasons              Dulcenia            11/9/1947   Salem
1/21/1962   Reasons     Eleanore            .            Castle         12/22/1882   Crockett Co., TN          .              John Castle                    Sarah               1/21/1962   Salem
10/24/1963  Reasons     Gina                Renee        .              7/7/1962     Humboldt, TN              .              Terry Reasons                  Shirley             10/24/1963  Rose Hill
4/23/1959   Reasons     Herman              Austin       .              2/19/1887    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  George Reasons                 Not in record       4/23/1959   Salem
9/10/1968   Reasons     Hershel             Lafayette    .              11/18/1910   Crockett Co.              .              George F. Reasons              Katherine           9/10/1968   Bellview
10/18/1994  Reasons     Imogene             .            Hudgens        3/5/1924     Gadsden, TN               .              Carl Hudgens                   Beatrice            10/18/1994  Alamo
12/14/1940  Reasons     Ira                 Charles      .              12/11/1940   .                         .              Ora Reasons                    ??                  12/14/1940  Salem
11/26/1969  Reasons     James               Leroy        .              8/8/1877     Crockett Co., TN          James          Billy Reasons                  Augusta             11/26/1969  Salem
5/31/1968   Reasons     Jessie              Parlee       Lineberry      1/12/1916    Gibson Co., TN            .              J. T. Lineberry                Mahalia Lee         5/31/1968   Salem
2/10/1965   Reasons     John                Harris       .              9/28/1913    Alamo, TN                 .              John Reasons                   Lula                2/10/1965   Alamo
3/13/1940   Reasons     John                Rhodes       .              ??/./...     Not in record             .              George Reasons                 Not in record       3/12/1940   Alamo
9/6/1979    Reasons     Joyce               .            Johnson        7/30/1930    Crockett Co., TN          .              James L. Johnson               Ada                 9/6/1979    Cypress
10/24/1959  Reasons     Lula                .            Curtis         5/14/1881    Crockett Co., TN          .              Benjamin F.Curtis              Elizabeth Ann       9/24/1959   Salem
8/6/1964    Reasons     Lula                .            Norville       11/13/1876   Crockett Co., TN          .              Jimmy Norville                 Mary Jane           8/6/1964    Alamo
2/21/1984   Reasons     M                   F            .              1/5/1925     Crockett Co., TN          Speer          W. P. Reasons                  Mary F.             2/21/1984   Salem
7/5/1948    Reasons     Maggie              James        Nicks          6/12/1881    Arkansas                  .              William Garrison Nicks         Mary                7/5/1948    Center
8/24/1943   Reasons     Mary                .            Betts          1/16/1888    Gibson Co., TN            .              William Allen Betts            Parlee              8/22/1943   Salem
9/15/1940   Reasons     Maude               Geneva       .              9/13/1923    Crockett Co., TN          .              H. A. Reasons                  Not in record       9/15/1940   Salem
5/20/1953   Reasons     Max                 Lane         .              08//7/98     Tenn                      .              Truman Reasons                 Mary                5/20/1953   Salem
12/15/1995  Reasons     Milton              Frederick    .              8/31/1956    Humboldt, TN              Flowers        M. F. Reasons                  Katie               12/15/1995  Salem
10/4/1974   Reasons     Minnie              Elizabeth    Forsythe       8/10/1893    Crockett Co., TN          .              Will Forsythe                  Martha              10/4/1974   Cypress
11/16/1975  Reasons     Olive               Verbie       Taylor         3/17/1889    Crockett Co., TN          .              Abraham Taylor                 Ascythia            11/16/1975  Salem
3/15/1957   Reasons     Ora                 Garfield     .              3/17/1881    Tenn                      Curtis         George Reasons                 Drelcina            3/15/1957   Salem
7/3/1958    Reasons     Raymond             Patrick      .              12/23/1905   Tennessee                 Revelle        J. W. Reasons                  Mary Emily          7/3/1958    Maury City
10/15/1958  Reasons     Reba                Maie         Richardson     7/10/1918    Perry Co., TN             .              Thomas Martin Richardson       Cora Mai            10/15/1958  Salem
11/5/1964   Reasons     Ruth                .            Redie          8/19/1892    Dyer Co., TN              .              Frank Austin Redie             Nancy Jane          11/5/1964   Salem
4/30/1981   Reasons     Stephanie           Renee        .              11/18/1969   Madison Co., TN           .              Dwight Reasons                 Ann                 4/30/1981   Salem
2/6/1971    Reasons     Tommy               Gene         .              6/24/1930    Tennessee                 Timberlake     Dorsey Thomas Reasons          Ethel               6/22/1971   Salem
4/3/1987    Reasons     Willis              Odell        .              12/20/1908   Crockett Co., TN          .              Willie P. Reasons              Mary Frances        4/3/1987    Salem
3/18/1954   Reasons     Wilmer              Henderson    .              1/19/1905    Tennessee                 .              George Reasons                 Kate                3/18/1954   Belleview
1/6/1961    Reddick     Annie               Viola        Riddick        5/16/1885    Maury City,Tenn           .              Joseph Riddick                 Mary                1/6/1961    Floyd's Chapel
4/19/1985   Reddick     Dennis              Aubrey       .              1/28/1910    Crockett Co., TN          Kail           Arris Reddick                  Rosa Bell           4/19/1985   Nance
3/8/1975    Reddick     James Jr.           Franklin     .              8/28/1953    Crockett Co., TN          .              James F. Reddick Sr            Sue                 3/8/1975    Floyd's Chapel
3/11/1985   Reddick     Sarah               Frances      Viar           12/2/1906    .                         .              ajames M Viar                  Emma                3/11/1985   Floyd's Chapel
7/8/1959    Redmond     Ceph                Hinton       .              5/27/1873    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Silas Weakley Redmond          Emeline             7/8/1959    Mill Creek
9/9/1986    Redmond     Dovie               Irene        Scruggs        3/28/1908    Crockett Co., TN          .              W. H. Scruggs                  Lula                9/9/1986    Lanier
6/1/1977    Redmond     Era                 Beetress     Hart           1/21/1908    Dyer Co., TN              .              George Hart                    Idell               6/1/1977    Cairo
11/2/1978   Redmond     Henry               Homer        .              1/29/1904    Crockett Co., TN          .              Ceph Hinton Redmond            Dolly               11/2/1978   Lanier
3/23/1941   Redmond     Inf of M/M W. B.    .            .              3/23/1941    Jackson, TN               .              W.B. Redmond                   Not in record       3/23/1941   Providence
10/15/1943  Redmond     John                Marion       .              2/14/1877    Crockett Co., TN          .              Silas W. Redmond               Eameline            10/15/1943  Providence
12/21/1973  Redmond     Lillie              .            Stewart        9/11/1882    Little Rock, Ark          .              W. J. Stewart                  Mary                12/21/1973  Providence
7/22/1980   Redmond     Mattie              Ethel        Redmond        8/24/1902    Crockett Co., TN          .              Ceph Redmond                   Dollie              7/22/1980   Lanier's
12/12/1993  Redmond     Richard             Jefferson    .              6/3/1909     Crockett Mills, TN        .              Richard Jefferson Redmon       Ella                12/12/1993  Providence
9/6/1967    Redmond     Russell & Randall   .            .              9/6/1967     .                         .              Wayne Redmond                  .                   .           Providence
9/11/1992   Redmond     Sarah               Nell         Poston         9/10/1927    Maury City, TN            .              Clyde L. Poston                Pearl               9/11/1992   Maury City
5/27/1962   Redmond     Susan               Elaine       Redmond        5/18/1961    Detroit, Michigan         .              Edd Redmond                    Jo Anne             5/27/1962   Lanier
8/14/1948   Redmond     Tommy (Pvt)         .            .              ???    .     Crockett Co., TN          .              Not in record                  Not in record       .           Providence
4/1/1969    Redmond     William             Elmer        .              9/7/1899     Crockett Co., TN          Stewart        Ceph Redmond                   Dolly               4/1/1969    Providence
1/20/1986   Reece       Cora                Lee          Winchester     8/11/1890    Tenn.                     .              Jim Winchester                 Margaret            1/20/1986   Pond Creek
11/19/1970  Reece       Dorothy             Evelyn       Turner         6/6/1922     Crockett Co., TN          .              William Turner                 Lucy                11/19/1970  Nance
2/7/1937    Reece       Ellen               Francis      Ward           ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN          .              Jim Ward                       Unknown             2/7/1937    Providence
8/23/1980   Reece       Henry               Paul         .              5/1/1900     Crockett Co., TN          .              .                              .                   8/23/1980   Providence
3/28/1939   Reece       Inf of M/M S. B.    .            .              :???/...     .                         .              S. B. Reece                    Not in record       3/28/1939   Not in record
8/11/1992   Reece       Ivie                Lou          Ross           3/24/1916    Maury City, TN            .              Jim Ross                       Elnora Tennessee    8/11/1992   Archer's Chapel
6/2/1964    Reece       James               Andrew       .              10/24/1886   Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Marion Reece                   Frances             6/2/1964    Providence
12/27/1968  Reece       John                Elbert       .              5/28/1880    Crockett Co., TN          .              John Henry Reece               Hadina              12/27/1968  Pond Creek
12/24/1959  Reece       Joseph              Emerson      .              11/2/1872    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Not in record                  Not in record       12/24/1959  Providence
12/2/1964   Reece       Lela                Florance     Wright         7/31/1964    Crockett Co., TN          .              Jim Wright                     Maggie              12/2/1964   Providence
3/3/1982    Reece       Lou                 Vada         Nichols        1/22/1878    Crockett Co, TN           .              Albert Nichols                 Sarah Frances       3/3/1982    Providence
3/31/1949   Reece       Lucille             .            Cooke          6/15/1908    Dyer Co., TN              .              Britt Cooke                    Pearly Agnes        3/31/1949   Maury City
1/17/1995   Reece       Mozell              .            Corbet         6/1/1903     Alamo, Crockett Co., TN   .              William S.Corbett              Ophelia             1/17/1995   Nance
6/20/1980   Reece       Murville            Woodrow      .              6/27/1916    Crockett Co., TN          .              Jim Reece                      Lula                6/20/1980   Providence
10/13/1973  Reece       Nannie              Bell         .              4/29/1891    Crockett Co., TN          .              Neil Reece                     Ellen               10/13/1973  Providence
9/3/1943    Reece       Patsy               M            .              3/8/1943     Crockett Co., TN          .              James Henry Reece              Lexy Maie           9/3/1943    Archer's Chapel
12/27/1989  Reece       Ray                 Conyers      .              10/14/1903   Alamo, TN                 Stephenson     John Reece                     Haydena             12/27/1989  Alamo
1/29/1983   Reece       Sollie              Brian        .              8/7/1898     Crockett Co., TN          Corbett        Marion Reece                   Frances Ellen       1/29/1983   Nance
8/23/1960   Reece       Willie              .            Warren         8/23/1882    Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas Warren                  Mary Ellen          8/23/1960   Providence
1/2/1959    Reed        J.                  L.           .              12/4/1873    Tennessee                 .              S. P. Reed                     Rachel              1/2/1959    Oakwood
10/29/1993  Reeves      Beulah              .            Vaughn         3/11/1907    Bolivar, TN               .              John E. Vaughn                 Della               10/29/1993  Maury City
4/30/1955   Reeves      John                Jennings     .              3/9/1871     Not in record             Not in record  Decatur Reeves                 Sallie Jane         4/30/1955   Old Gibson
6/8/1953    Reeves      Liza                Elizabeth    Colllins       9/17/1868    Tennessee                 .              William Collins                Catherine           6/8/1953    Maury City
3/26/1960   Reeves      Mary                .            Hawkins        3/27/1869    Friendship, TN            .              Elijah E. Hawkins              Unknown             3/26/1960   Old Gibson
2/21/1959   Reeves      Philip              Austin       .              2/8/1880     Tennessee                 .              Willliam Decatur Reeves        Sallie              2/21/1959   Old Gibson
7/11/1979   Reeves      Will                Dee          .              7/11/1979    Tenessee                  Vaughn         Not in record                  Not in record       7/11/1979   Maury City
7/14/1990   Renfro      Martha              Newton       Richardson     9/6/1917     Gadsden, TN               .              Clyde W. Richardson            Mary Lou            7/13/1990   Oak Hill
6/22/1988   Revelle     Carl                Homer        .              11/29/1936   Crockett Co., TN          .              Dave Revelle                   Vera                6/21/1988   Nunn
7/13/1952   Revelle     Cord                William      .              6/13/1888    Tennessee                 .              Edd A. Revelle                 Lula                7/13/1952   Nunn Cemetery
2/10/1960   Revelle     Dave                .            .              2/13/1894    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Edd Revelle                    Lula                2/10/1960   Nunn
1/12/1987   Revelle     Dorris              Fulton       .              4/26/1920    Crockett Co., TN          .              Dave Revelle                   Vera                1/12/1987   Nunn
8/7/1989    Revelle     Edmon Sr.           .            .              9/25/1927    Maury City, TN            .              Dave Revelle                   Vera                8/7/1989    Nunn
2/6/1946    Revelle     Edmond              Abraham      .              7/28/1862    Dyer Co., TN              .              Cord Revelle                   Lucy Ann            2/6/1946    Nunn
9/29/1951   Revelle     Edna                Sue          .              9/5/1951     Tennessee                 .              Frank Revelle                  Eunice              9/29/1951   Brownsville
9/8/1988    Revelle     Fredda              .            Elmore         9/5/1902     Crockett Co., TN          .              Will Elmore                    Nola                9/5/1988    Halls
12/14/1978  Revelle     Harold              Lloyd        .              11/13/1922   Crockett Co., TN          Rreasons       Dave Revelle                   Vera                10/14/1978  Nunn
8/21/1990   Revelle     Helen               .            Castellaw      11/8/1907    Maury City, TN            .              James Castellaw                Nannie              8/21/1990   Nunn
2/22/1954   Revelle     Jimmie              Ellison      .              12/22/1894   Tennessee                 Not in record  Jimmie Revelle                 Jackie              2/22/1954   Belleview
10/17/1988  Revelle     John                Thomas       .              11/1/1929    Crockett Co., TN          Poston         Talmage Revelle                Helen               10/15/1988  Nunn
1/16/1984   Revelle     Martha              Ana          Hamilton       1/16/1984    Crockett Co., TN          .              Joseph Pierce Hamilton         Jermima Johnson     1/16/1984   Nunn
9/6/1989    Revelle     Melvin              Isaac        .              1/27/1906    Maury City, TN            Jetton         Jarman Revelle                 Victoria            9/4/1989    Maury City
6/10/1939   Revelle     Talmage             .            .              ??/./...     ?                         .              Not in record                  Not in record       6/10/1939   Not in record
3/27/1973   Revelle     Thelma              H.           McNeal         3/2/1899     Crockett Co., TN          .              Frank McNeal                   ??                  3/27/1973   Bellevue
12/18/1979  Revelle     Vannie              .            Clement        1/26/1890    Crockett Co., TN          .              James Clement                  Margaret            12/18/1979  Nunn
6/1/1968    Revelle     Vera                .            Carter         8/21/1893    Crockett Co., TN          .              John Carter                    Annie               6/1/1968    Nunn
2/17/1976   Reynolds    Anne                .            Conley         .            .                         .              Hallum G. Conley               .                   2/17/1976   Alamo
11/9/1964   Reynolds    Harry               Vernon       .              2/20/1897    Lauderdale Co., TN        Knox           James Monroe Reynolds          Martha Jane         11/9/1964   Alamo
9/28/1956   Reynolds    Lillie              .            Thurmond       2/20/1902    Tenn                      .              Will Thurmond                  Mary                9/18/1956   Gates
4/23/1976   Reynolds    Martha              Lera         Knox           6/23/1899    Lauderdale Co., TN        .              James F. Knox                  Ida C               4/23/1976   Alamo
4/23/1967   Reynolds    R.                  Houston      .              Not in rec.  Not in record             .              .                              .                   4/23/1967   Grace
10/15/1991  Rice        Annie               Lou          Castleman      12/4/1904    Crockett Co., TN          .              William Castleman              Unknown             10/15/1991  Alam
6/20/1991   Rice        Aubrey              Franklin     .              5/15/1934    Alamo, TN                 Hutchison      Harrison Rice                  Morine              6/20/1991   Nance
8/20/1979   Rice        Bryant              Wesley       .              2/6/1898     Crockett Co., TN          Avery          George Rice                    Mealie              8/20/1979   Oak View
2/1/1990    Rice        Charles             Hart         .              10/6/1923    Alamo, TN                 .              Grover Edmond Rice             Frankie             2/1/1990    Nance
1/30/1987   Rice        Ellis               Leon         .              3/11/1922    Crockett Co., TN          .              Andrew Wesley Rice             Visa                1/30/1987   Nance
6/22/1979   Rice        Frankie             .            Hart           9/15/1892    Perry Co., TN             .              John Hart                      Nancy               6/22/1979   Nance
11/20/1967  Rice        George              Henderson    .              8/15/1917    Dyer Co., TN              .              .                              .                   11/20/1967  Nance
5/7/1957    Rice        Grover              Edmond       .              10/24/1888   Crockett Co., TN          Hart           George Rice                    Julia               5/7/1957    Nance
3/15/1990   Rice        Herman              Phillip      .              1/9/1920     Alamo, TN                 Clark          Andrew W. Rice                 Bycie Ann           3/15/1990   Nance
4/23/1973   Rice        Hettie              Burl         Forbes         3/26/1904    Dyer Co., TN              .              Dock Forbes                    Shannon             4/23/1973   Providence
7/16/1994   Rice        Iona                .            Avery          12/6/1898    Alamo, TN                 .              Joe Avery                      Lena                7/16/1994   Oak View
1/7/1980    Rice        Linnie              Hubert       .              4/24/1898    Crockett Co., TN          Castleman      Tommy Rice                     Mary                1/7/1980    Alamo
8/9/1960    Rice        Murphy              Regnald      .              4/27/1912    Crockett Co., TN          NOt in record  Andrew Rice                    Visia               8/9/1960    Alamo
5/8/1981    Rice        Olfie               Arnold       .              8/11/1911    Crockett Co., TN          .              Grover Rice                    Franke              5/8/1981    Nance
3/24/1949   Rice        Paul                E.           .              ???./...     Not in record             .              Grover E. Rice                 Not in record       1/13/1945   Not in record
4/7/1976    Rice        Peggy               Lee          Winberyy       10/22/1953   Crockett Co., TN          .              Toy William Winberry           Emma Lee            4/7/1976    Walnut Hill
6/8/1992    Rice        Treva               .            Fletcher       12/23/1950   Mason Grove, TN           .              Emmett Fletcher                Edna                6/8/1992    Gadsden
2/19/1974   Rice        Visia               Ann          Spry           2/2/1885     Crockett Co., TN          .              Milton  Spry                   Nancy J.            2/19/1974   Pond Creek
5/4/1995    Rice        William             Harrison     .              11/1/1914    Newbern, TN               Warren         George Rice                    Lilly Mae           5/4/1995    Nance
3/19/1946   Rich        Mary                Albania      Thomas         3/6/1860     McNairy Co., TN           .              Wells Thomas                   Margaret            3/19/1946   Salem
4/23/1978   Richards    Nannie              .            Richards       9/25/1900    Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas J. Richards             Sally               4/23/1978   Cypress
11/2/1981   Richardson  Annie               Lorene       Lott           1/26/1923    McNairy Co., TN           .              J. d. Lott                     Ethel               11/2/1981   Old Gibson
8/8/1949    Richardson  Benjamin            Franklin     .              3/11/1887    Crockett Co., TN          .              Henry Hill Richardson          Margaret Elizabeth  8/8/1949    Rose Hill
5/30/1962   Richardson  Bess                F.           Sugg           9/13/1882    Dyersburg, TN             .              Edward J. Sugg                 Frances             5/30/1962   Alamo
12/6/1991   Richardson  Clyde               E.           .              11/10/1905   Linden, TN                Buckingham     Clint Richardson               Josephine           12/6/1991   Follis Chapel
4/7/1966    Richardson  Ellen               Hickerman    .              7/6/1882     Linden, TN                .              Ervin Richardson               Not in record       4/7/1966    Center
7/2/1988    Richardson  Elton               Thomas       .              9/10/1926    Crockett Co., TN          Johnson        Thomas Richardson              Cora May            6/29/1988   Salem
11/12/1975  Richardson  Eunice              .            Sutton         01/0/187     Crockett Co., TN          .              Henry Sutton                   Vina                11/12/1975  Cox's Chapel
8/11/1978   Richardson  George              Ernest       .              6/3/1894     Crockett Co., TN          .              James W. Richardson            Mattie Bell         8/11/1978   Alamo
11/27/1974  Richardson  Homer               Egbert       .              10/24/1898   Crockett Co., TN          Porter         Bob Lee Richardson             Lela                11/27/1974  Gadaden
11/4/1990   Richardson  Irby                .            .              5/27/1899    Humboldt, TN              .              William Richardson             Lucy                11/4/1990   Center
10/21/1960  Richardson  James               Russell      .              3/3/1894     Gibson Co., TN            .              William M. Richardson          Lucy                10/21/1960  Center
1/13/1965   Richardson  James Jr.           Wesley       .              4/16/1946    Gibson Co., TN            .              Wesley Richardson              Joyce               1/13/1965   Center
9/12/1949   Richardson  Jim                 Washington   .              2/14/1865    Illinois                  .              William Zarachay Richardson    Sarah Ann           9/11/1949   Alamo
12/10/1980  Richardson  Jocie               .            Cotham         11/15/1898   Decatur Co., TN           .              William Cotham                 Janie               12/12/1980  Center
4/2/1974    Richardson  Jodie               .            .              11/20/1897   Crockett Co., TN          Smith          Joe Richardson                 Martha              4/2/1974    Center
8/30/1953   Richardson  Joe                 .            .              ??/./...     Crockett  Co., TN         .              Not in reocrd                  Not in record       8/30/1953   Center
3/18/1971   Richardson  John                Bunyan       .              9/7/1895     Weakley Co., TN           Cooper         James W. Richardson            Mattie Bell         3/18/1971   Alamo
4/10/1963   Richardson  John                Harrison     .              12/12/1889   Gibson Co., TN            Not in record  William Richardson             Lucy                4/10/1963   Center
7/5/1945    Richardson  Lela                Ann          Evans          6/3/1872     Crockett Co., TN          .              John Evans                     Unknown             7/5/1945    Salem
1/21/1969   Richardson  Linard              Overton      .              10/7/1898    Crockett Co., TN          Stagner        Thomas Richardson              Sallie              1/21/1969   Cypress
2/15/1995   Richardson  Lottie              Mae          Cooper         2/13/1905    Dyer, TN                  .              John Calvin Cooper             Vannie Lou Ella     2/15/1995   Alamo
10/10/1951  Richardson  Lucy                Belle        Babb           5/14/1866    Not in record             .              Henry Bagg                     Unknown             10/8/1951   Center
10/8/1975   Richardson  Lula                Violet       Porter         10/29/1900   Texas                     .              Steven Porter                  Lucy                10/8/1975   Gadsden
10/20/1951  Richardson  Marvin              Bishop       .              7/7/1894     Tennessee                 .              Thomas Richardson              Sally               10/20/1951  Alamo
11/4/1948   Richardson  Mattie              Belle        Knight         2/10/1870    Greenfield, TN            .              Luther Knight                  Not in record       11/2/1948   Alamo
6/29/1983   Richardson  Myrtle              Elizabeth    Watkins        6/18/1899    Weakley Co., TN           .              Henry Watkins                  Lou                 5/29/1983   Alamo
4/12/1988   Richardson  Myrtle              M            Wicker         3/21/1920    McNairy Co., TN           .              Odell Wicker                   Magie               4/10/1988   Salem
5/1/1974    Richardson  Noye                Dell         Smith          7/31/1900    Crockett Co., TN          .              Robert H. Smith                Leona F.            5/1/1974    Center
3/21/1988   Richardson  Ovie                Jane         Stagner        4/17/1988    Crockett Co., TN          .              Will Stagner                   Hulda               3/20/1988   Cypress
8/1/1948    Richardson  Robert              Lee          .              4/9/1869     Crockett Co., TN          .              Unknown                        Unknown             8/1/1948    Salem
7/11/1996   Richardson  Robert (Sr.)        Milton       .              3/13/1987    Gadsden, TN               French         Clyde Winchester Richardson    Mary Lou            7/11/1996   Oak Hill
8/8/1960    Richardson  Thomas              Martin       .              1/11/1889    Perry Co., TN             .              Wyatt Richardson               Mary                8/8/1960    Salem
6/25/1974   Richardson  Violet              Corinne      Skipper        1/18/1901    Crockett Co., TN          .              James Skipper                  ???                 6/25/1974   Alamo
3/22/1955   Richardson  William             Joseph       .              7/6/1882     Tennessee                 Not in record  Wyatt Richardson               Unknown             3/22/1955   Center
6/16/1973   Richardson  William             Radford      .              10/15/1892   Weakley Co., TN           Owen           James Washington Richardson    Mattie Bell         6/16/1973   Alamo
5/1/1957    Riddick     Ada                 .            Richardson     1/3/1872     Tennessee                 .              Robert Richardson              Ann                 5/1/1957    Floyd's Chapel
3/29/1996   Riddick     Allie               Clarice      .              3/14/1904    Crockett Co., TN          .              Louis Henry Riddick            Rosa Anna           3/29/1946   Antioch
3/12/1967   Riddick     Argus               G.           .              12/15/1878   Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Joseph Riddick                 Harriet             3/12/1967   Floyd's Chapel
5/29/1959   Riddick     Austin              DeBoyd       .              1/17/1897    Tennessee                 .              Joseph Riddick                 Rosa                5/29/1959   Old Field
12/7/1964   Riddick     Cleveland           Bates        .              9/30/1882    Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Thomas Jefferson Riddick       Nancy               12/7/1964   Floyd's Chapel
11/16/1959  Riddick     Effie               S.           .              ????/...     Crockett Co., TN          .              Not in record                  Not in record       11/16/1959  Oldfield
12/2/1937   Riddick     Florence            E.           Novell         ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN          .              Cullen Novell                  Cornella            12/2/1937   Floyd's Chapel
7/28/1972   Riddick     Guy                 D            .              2/12/1905    Crockett Co., TN          .              Joe Lott Riddick               Rosa Lee            7/28/1972   Maury City
1/24/1977   Riddick     Harvey              Lewis        .              11/8/1899    .                         .              John Marshall Riddick          Lida                1/24/1977   Floyd's Chapel
3/3/1972    Riddick     Helen               Beatrice     .              12/18/1908   Crockett Co., TN          .              Cleveland Riddick              Onie                3/3/1972    Floyd's Chapel
2/27/1962   Riddick     Helen               Ida          Riddick        12/2/1868    Crockett Co., TN          .              Franklin Riddick               Ann                 2/27/1962   Oldfield
9/18/1970   Riddick     James               Lawrence     .              10/8/1895    Crockett Co., TN          .              M. L. Riddick                  Mittie              9/18/1970   Maury City
2/7/1947    Riddick     James Andrew        Jackson      .              2/7/1876     Crockett Co., TN          .              Unknown                        Unknown             2/7/1947    Floyd's Chapel
3/28/1960   Riddick     Joseph              Mckalb       .              9/18/1875    Crockett Co., TN          Neal           Joseph Livingston Riddick      Mary                3/28/1960   Maury City
7/4/1971    Riddick     Katy                Morine       Riddick        1/26/1905    Maury City, TN            .              W. A. J. Riddick               Margaret Elizabeth  .           Potter Memorial C.
4/25/1981   Riddick     Louis               Elbert       .              6/23/1900    Crockett Co., TN          Fisher         Benjamin Knox Riddick          Zula                4/25/1981   Floyd's Chapel
7/1/1967    Riddick     Max                 Edwin        .              12/12/1925   Crockett Co., TN          .              Ernest Carroll Riddick         Mary                7/1/1967    Floyd's Chapel
4/27/1995   Riddick     Maxie               Halbert      .              1/24/1915    Maury City, TN            .              Unknown                        Unknown             2/11/1995   Cremains-Maury City
4/24/1960   Riddick     Mittie              .            Neal           11/15/1871   Crockett Co., TN          .              Jimmy Neal                     Tennessee           4/24/1960   Smith's
2/23/1956   Riddick     Mosie               B.           .              4/7/1874     Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas Jefferson Riddick       Nancy Emily         4/23/1956   Floyd's Chapel
2/21/1969   Riddick     Onie                .            Brewer         3/22/1887    Crockett Co., TN          .              Lonnie Brewer                  Sarah               2/21/1969   Floyd's Chapel
6/7/1963    Riddick     Otis                Guy          .              7/17/1893    Crockett Co., TN          .              Albert Riddick                 Ada                 6/7/1963    Old Field
11/18/1963  Riddick     Richard             Doyle        .              11/7/1949    Crockett Co., TN          .              Dennis Riddick                 Rozella             11/18/1963  Nance
4/9/1949    Riddick     Richard             Thomas       .              4/9/1949     Crockett Co., TN          .              Robert T. Riddick              Mary Elizabeth      4/9/1949    Floyd's Chapel
3/19/1975   Riddick     Rozelle             .            Williams       6/30/1910    Gibson County,Tn          .              Melton Williams                Bertha              3/19/1975   Nance
11/29/1953  Riddick     Ruben               Austin       .              7/1/1900     Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Albert Riddick                 Ada                 11/29/1953  Maury City
8/4/1948    Riddick     Rubin               Bryn         .              9/23/1900    Crockett Co., TN          .              Jack Riddick                   Florence            8/4/1948    Floyd's Chapel
10/18/1967  Riddick     Solomon             Montgomery   .              12/15/1874   Crockett Co., TN          Perry          Thomas Jefferson Riddick       Nancy               10/18/1967  Floyd's Chapel
5/1/1972    Ridings     James               Thomas       .              5/2/1972     Shelby Co., TN            .              John Wesley Ridings            Betty               5/1/1972    Alamo
3/28/1971   Riggins     Dorothy             Maie         Perry          5/15/1924    Bells, TN                 .              Gilbert Perry                  Georgia             3/28/1971   Memorial Gardens
3/28/1940   Riggins     Jerry               D.           .              3/7/1940     Not in record             .              CarrolRiggins                  Jewell              3/28/1940   Robertson
1/1/1944    Riggins     Larry               Daniel       .              8/11/1943    Not in record             .              Willie Daniel Riggins          Edna Fay            1/1/1944    Pond Creek
12/23/1961  Riggins     Sally               Mae          Brooks         6/14/1891    Crockett Co., TN          .              Robert Brooks                  Sarah               12/23/1961  Robertson
1/16/1992   Riggins     Willie              Daniel       .              1/11/1920    Maury  City, TN           Miller         Wiley Riggins                  Clara               1/16/1992   Oak View
2/6/1953    Riggs       Adell               .            Spencer        2/12/1916    Alabama                   .              Johnnie Spencer                Unknown             2/6/1953    Mt. Zion
11/16/1974  Riggsbee    Clarence            Cecil        .              5/29/1916    Crockett Co., TN          Reasons        Thomas Henry Riggsbee          Ella                11/16/1974  Robertson
12/31/1952  Riggsbee    Ella (Mrs.)         Clarence     Not in record  8/15/1882    Tennessee                 .              Not in record                  Not in record       12/31/1952  Robertson
2/16/1939   Riggsbee    T.                  H.           .              /???/...     Not in record             .              Wesley Riggsbee                Mary                2/16/1939   Robertson
4/15/1966   Riggsbee    Thomas              Henry        .              11/30/1919   Crockett Co., TN          Rice           Thomas Henry Riggsbee          Ella                4/15/1966   Alamo
5/1/1947    Riley       Inf of M/M  J.      T.           .              5/1/94..     Jackson, TN               .              J. T.  Riley                   Mary Sue            5/1/1947    Archer's Chapel
12/15/1961  Riley       Paula               Jane         .              12/7/1961    Not in record             .              William Morris Riley           Dorothy Jean        12/15/1961  Archer's Chapel
7/16/1966   Riley       Sarah               Jane         Unknown        3/17/1871    McNairy Co., TN           .              Unknown                        Unknonw             7/16/1966   Walnut Hill
6/26/1950   Riley       Thomas              .            .              ??/./...     Not in record             .              Not in record                  Not in record       6/26/1950   Alamo
5/28/1943   Rinks       J.                  W.           .              2/22/1872    Hardeman Co., TN          .              Thomas Rinks                   Lela Pearl          5/28/1943   Brigance
9/6/1991    Rinks       William             Doyal        .              8/20/1926    Adamsville, TN            Porter         William C. Rinks               Ellar               9/6/1991    Salem
12/28/1967  Ritch       Landon              Randolph     .              8/19/1913    Crockett Co.              .              Unknow                         Maggie              12/28/1967  Bellview
7/12/1970   Roach       Ernest              Roy          .              11/17/1885   Not in record             Not in record  Not in record                  Not in record       7/12/1970   Belvidere
1/31/1970   Roach       Margareta           Rosetta      Liechty        5/2/1893     Belvidere, TN             .              Johann                         Rhoebe              1/31/1970   Belvidere
3/20/1974   Roark       Claude              Edward       .              11/9/1911    Not in record             .              Unknown                        Unknown             3/20/1974   Quincy
8/19/1961   Robbins     Barney              Hicks        .              11/12/1900   Crockett Co., TN          W.             Robert Jessie Robbins          Sue                 8/19/1961   Pond Creek
7/15/1972   Robbins     Bobby               Ray          .              .            Tenn                      .              Jim Robbins                    Mary Odell          7/15/1972   Youngs
5/9/1977    Robbins     Delma               Grace        Montgomery     8/31/1915    Tenn                      .              Reece Montgomery               Ruby                5/9/1977    Rose Hill
4/6/1949    Robbins     Edd                 D.           .              5/7/1876     Crockett Co., TN          .              Unknown                        Unknown             4/6/1949    Wortham
11/16/1958  Robbins     Ella                May          Watkins        7/18/1878    Crockett Co., TN          .              Newt Watkins                   Mattie              11/16/1958  Pond Creek
5/6/1972    Robbins     James               .            .              .././...     Unknown                   .              Paul Robbins                   Unknown             5/6/1972    National
12/10/1987  Robbins     James               Francis      .              10/12/1908   Crockett Co., TN          Norvell        Hohn Henry Robbins             Ella Mae            12/9/1987   Alamo
12/28/1971  Robbins     Jim                 Tom          .              1/29/1902    Crockett Co., TN          Kuykendall     Ed Robbins                     Cybil               12/28/1971  Young Cemetery
7/3/1976    Robbins     Mary                O            Kuydendall     12/30/1909   Crockett Co., TN          .              Olvan H. Kuydendall            Maggie Myrtle       7/3/1976    Young
12/28/1987  Robbins     Oscar               Melvin       .              11/12/1901   Crockett Co., TN          .              John H. Robbins                Ella                12/25/1987  Pond Creek
11/29/1962  Robbins     Regina              Gail         .              11/29/1962   Humboldt, TN              .              Billy Gerald Robbins           Brenda Kay          11/29/1962  Salem
3/10/1947   Robbins     Robert              Jesse        .              10/19/1871   Crockett Co., TN          .              John Robbins                   Unknown             3/10/1947   Pond Creek
7/26/1952   Robbins     Virgie              .            Warren         3/28/1892    Tennessee                 .              Thomas Warren                  Mary                7/26/1952   Pond Creek
7/18/1954   Robbins     William             Andrew       .              7/18/1954    Humboldt, TN              .              Robert Robbins                 Margaret Frances    7/18/1954   Pond Creek
9/18/1944   Roberson    Elbert              .            .              ???./...     Not in record             .              Not in record                  Not in record       8/18/1944   ???
7/10/1976   Roberts     Billy               Franklin     .              10/5/1935    Gibson Co., TN            Lamon          James Floyd Roberts            Addie Bell          7/10/1976   Floyd's Chapel
8/30/1974   Roberts     Clarence            Clell        .              3/24/1893    Crockett Co., TN          Brimm          James Simian Roberts           Jessie Clarissie    8/30/1974   Pond Creek
9/25/1994   Roberts     Doyle               Thomas       .              1/14/1930    Crockett Mills, TN        Agee           Joseph B. Roberts              Lula                9/25/1994   Center
3/8/1960    Roberts     Jacob               Ira          .              3/3/1891     Tennessee                 .              James S. Roberts               Claircy             3/8/1960    Bellevue
5/4/1961    Roberts     Joe                 S            .              9/5/1876     Mississippi               Hurt           Unknown                        Unknown             5/4/1961    Raines
12/6/1942   Roberts     John                N.           .              ???./...     Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Not in record                  Not in record       12/6/1942   Cypress
8/1/1971    Roberts     Lula                May          Cothren        8/1/1971     Maury Co., TN             .              Charlie Cothren                Mary E.             8/1/1971    Rose Hill
10/16/1971  Roberts     Mattie              Lou          Roberts        10/19/1887   Crockett Co., TN          .              Wesley H. Roberts              Winnie              10/16/1971  Pond Creek
12/26/1977  Roberts     Nannie              May          Lanier         10/30/1911   Crockett Co., TN          .              William Joel Lanier            Mary Jane           12/26/1977  Oak View
3/22/1959   Roberts     Phillip             Dwayne       .              ??/./...     .                         .              .                              .                   3/22/1959   ???
3/29/1994   Roberts     Rubye               Nance        Warren         1/28/1917    Alamo, TN                 .              Samuel Clarence Warren         Elizabeth           3/29/1994   Alamo
11/25/1968  Roberts     Son of M/M Joel     .            .              11/25/1968   .                         .              Joel Roberts                   Shirley Mae         11/25/1968  Alamo
4/24/1962   Robertson   Addie               .            Jones          7/29/1877    Davidson Co., TN          .              Thomas Jones                   Deen                4/24/1962   Fairview
5/11/1965   Robertson   D. A. (Mrs.)        .            .              ???./...     .                         .              .                              .                   5/11/1965   .
1/23/1984   Robertson   Elbert              Horace       .              6/22/1901    Harden Co., TN.           Oldham         George /robertson              Kimberly            1/23/1984   Walnut Hill
1/29/1993   Robertson   Elsie               Lee          Medlin         03/1/l17     Trenton, TN               .              Edward Gray Medlin             Jennie Ann          1/29/1993   Salelm
5/9/1975    Robertson   Ernest              Hogan        .              9/22/1896    Crockett Co., TN          .              Mack Robertson                 Addie               5/9/1975    Fairview
2/7/1984    Robertson   George              Columbus     .              6/27/1901    Crockett Co., TN          Simmons        Tom Robertson                  Amanda              2/7/1984    Bellevue
12/25/1951  Robertson   James               Mack         .              9/16/1872    Tennessee                 .              Logan Robertson                Dean                12/25/1951  Alamo
6/22/1987   Robertson   Mary                Orbin        Rumage         9/6/1910     Crockett Co., TN          .              Elmer Rumage                   Lizzie              6/22/1987   Salem
3/8/1981    Robertson   Odell               .            Carter         2/23/1906    Crockett Co., TN          .              Cary C. Carter                 Ora                 3/8/1981    Maury City
1/2/1994    Robertson   Oid                 Luther       .              9/21/1906    Sardis, TN                VanDyke        Luther William Robertson       Annie               1/2/1994    Friendship
8/21/1950   Robertson   Oma                 Lee          Avery          4/1/1892     Crockett Co., TN          .              Will Avery                     Mindy               8/21/1950   Hollywood
4/1/1953    Robertson   Sanda               Lousana      Barker         2/1/1879     Hickman Co., TN           .              John Barker                    Mary                4/1/1953    Salem
11/6/1967   Robertson   Virginia            Dare         Robertson      7/19/1913    Crockett Co., TN          .              Mack Robertson                 Mossie              11/6/1967   Fairview
3/2/1960    Robertson   Walker              Thomas       .              7/23/1908    Tennessee                 Not in record  Jessie A. Robertson            Smodie              3/2/1960    Salem
2/16/1962   Robertson   William             Robert       .              9/10/1885    Crockett Co., TN          .              Will Scott Robertson           Roella              2/16/1962   Hollywood
6/1/1993    Robinson    Love                .            Stanfield      6/11/1904    Little Rock, Ark.         .              Mont Stanfield                 Annie               6/1/1993    Oakland
11/8/1950   Robnett     James               Esco         .              10/18/1950   Wayne Co., TN             Not in record  Edward Robnett                 Sarah               11/8/1950   Florence Cemetery
2/17/1966   Rodgers     Alanzo              Franklin     .              10/1/1882    Hickman Co., TN           Not in record  Dobin Rodgers                  unknown             2/17/1966   Gadsden
7/29/1992   Rodgers     Alexandria          Nichole      .              7/29/1992    Jackson, TN               .              Rodney Rodgers                 Connie Leigh        7/29/1992   Crockett Mills
3/16/1994   Rodgers     Dan                 E            .              12/7/1905    Corinth, Ms               Clark          Daniel Jackson Rodgers         Mary Exie           3/16/1994   Crockett Mills
3/28/1994   Rodgers     Donie               Margaret     Bridges        8/25/1915    Huntingdon, TN            .              John Bridges                   Effie Mae           3/28/1994   Gadaden
11/7/1992   Rodgers     Emmer               Jean         Ross           3/14/1909    Gadsden, TN               .              Arthur Ross                    Gertie Bell         11/7/1992   Gadsden
4/4/1968    Rodgers     Fronia              Elizabeth    Black          6/14/1884    Hickman Co., TN           .              Mark Black                     unknown             4/4/1968    Gadaden
10/3/1986   Rodgers     Harry               Harville     .              1/31/1913    Dickson Co., TN           Ross           Elonzo F. Rodgers              Fannie Mae          10/3/1986   Gadsden
5/23/1993   Rodgers     Loyd                Lee          .              1/25/1915    Centerville, TN           Bridges        Alanzo Rodgers                 Elizabeth           5/23/1993   Gadsden
1/30/1992   Rodgers     Sammie              Lee          .              2/8/1905     Selmer, TN                .              Daniel Jack Rodgers            Mary Exie           1/30/1992   Crockett Mills
11/29/1979  Rodgers     Willie              Dee          Clark          1/19/1911    Crockett Mills, TN        .              George H. Clark                John Edna           11/29/1979  Crockett Mills
12/19/1964  Rogan       William             Edward       .              12/10/1877   Mississippi               Williams       Henry Ragan                    Ann                 12/19/1964  Ridgecrest
5/25/1981   Rogers      Homer               Luther       .              6/23/1903    Alcorn County, Miss.      Latham         Jack Rogers                    Exie                5/25/1981   Sudberry Cemetery
6/15/1952   Rogers      Jack                .            .              3/7/1878     Mississippi               .              Elice Rogers                   Redi                6/15/1952   Friendship
1/19/1950   Rogers      Myrtle              Esther       Moore          9/12/1886    Crockett Co., TN          .              W. W. Moore                    Annie               1/19/1950   Crocket Mills
8/15/1948   Rogers      Pvt Everett         L.           .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN          .              Not in record                  Not in record       .           Crockett Mills
8/24/1967   Rogers      William "Tobe"      Everett      .              6/22/1882    Obion Co., TN             .              Chesley Rogers                 Emeline             8/24/1967   Crockett Mills
6/7/1957    Ronk        Bertie              Lee          Huguley        10/30/1888   Not in record             .              Charles W. Huguley             Cora                6/7/1957    Alamo
10/23/1985  Ronk        Frances             Boyett       .              2/7/1904     Gibson Co., TN            .              .                              .                   10/23/1985  Rose Hill
2/12/1992   Ronk        Mildred             Tate         Poston         3/8/1913     Maury City, TN            .              Herbert Poston                 Lera                2/12/1992   Alamo
1/7/1987    Ronk        R. L.               .            .              11/17/1906   Gibson Co., TN            Poston         Samuel Adolphus Ronk           Bertie Lee          1/7/1987    Alamo
8/21/1991   Ronk        Robert              J            .              11/24/1930   Alamo, TN                 Conant         R. L. Ronk                     Velma               8/21/1991   Covington Memorial
7/3/1977    Ronk        Samuel              Adolphus     .              10/13/1884   Gibson Co., TN            Boyett         Samuel Goad Ronk               Elizabeth           7/3/1977    Alamo
1/4/1980    Rooks       Eva                 Blanche      Badgett        12/9/1889    Crockett Co., TN          .              Thomas Badgett                 Alice               1/4/1980    Maury City
8/29/1982   Rooks       Glen                Allen        .              4/28/1960    Haywood Co., TN           .              Ray Rooks                      Avrone              8/29/1982   Maury City
11/26/1965  Rooks       Levy                Russell      .              5/7/1886     Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Frank Rooks                    Adra                11/26/1965  Maury City
6/15/1971   Roper       Ruth                Arelena      .              10/8/1893    Crockett Co., TN          .              Unknown                        Unknown             6/15/1971   Robertson
6/19/1954   Ross        Elnora              Tennessee    Arnold         1/9/1878     Tennessee                 .              Richard Arnold                 Mania Louise        6/19/1954   Maury City
12/23/1961  Ross        Gertie              Bell         Faught         12/15/1885   Covington, TN             .              John Faught                    Nancy               12/23/1961  Rose Hill
2/10/1954   Ross        Howard              Wilson       .              10/21/1926   Tennessee                 .              Arthur Felix Ross              Gertie Bell         2/10/1954   Roseland
11/29/1957  Ross        James Bates         Alexander    .              2/22/1879    Crockett Co., TN          .              John N. Ross                   Nan                 11/29/1957  Maury City
7/8/1964    Ross        Roy                 Gene         .              3/12/1943    Chester Co., TN           .              Bernard Ross                   Jewell              7/8/1964    Roby
2/18/1951   Ross        Thomas              Esco         .              11/2/?..     Obion Co., TN             .              Unknown                        Nannie              2/18/1951   Salem
12/20/1973  Rosson      Arland              Tull         .              6/18/1913    Decatur Co., TN           .              Walter T. Rosson               Willie              12/20/1973  Walnut Hill
1/5/1963    Rosson      Walter              Thomas       .              9/14/1884    Obion Co., TN             .              Unknown                        Mattie Irene        1/5/1963    Walnut Hill
12/22/1961  Rosson      Willie              Leathers     Wiley          6/28/1892    Shelby Co., TN            .              Elmo Wiley                     Emma                12/22/1961  Walnut Hill
6/9/1963    Rumage      Elizabeth           Katherine    Greer          10/15/1888   Dyer Co., TN              .              Henry Greer                    Not in record       6/9/1963    Alamo
11/21/1940  Rumage      Gerald              Alvin        .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN          .              F.V. Rumage                    Evelyn              11/21/1940  Cypress
1/29/1983   Rumage      Harlon              .            .              4/13/1925    Crockett Co., TN          Kail           Pete Rumage                    Jessie Mae          1/29/1983   Robertson
9/4/1947    Rumage      Lesley              Vincent      .              9/1/1912     Crockett Co., TN          Not in record  Not in record                  Not in record       9/4/1947    Cypress
7/15/1992   Rumage      Margie              Lee          Kail           6/19/1924    Alamo, TN                 .              Ernest Kail                    Lessie              7/15/1992   Robertson
11/26/1974  Rumage      Sally               Ann          Green          7/25/1910    Gibson Co., TN            .              Obie Green                     Rossie              11/26/1974  Alamo
11/26/1974  Rumage      Sally               Ann          Greer          7/25/1910    Gibson Co., TN            .              Obie Greer                     Rossie              7/25/1910   Alamo
1/4/1986    Rumage      Sameul              Rupert       .              1/30/1906    Gibson Co., TN            .              Asa Rumage                     Mary E.             1/4/1986    Alamo
3/24/1972   Rummage     Elmer               Starnes      .              7/5/1888     Tenn                      Mayfield       Asa Rummage                    Mary E.             3/24/1972   Alamo
10/11/1940  Rummage     George              Anderson     .              07/2/?..     Williamson                .              Carrol Rummage                 Louisa              10/11/1940  Crossroads
7/30/1965   Runion      Robert              Green        .              6/19/1877    Columbia, TN              .              William Runion                 Unknown             7/30/1965   Raines
1/18/1963   Runions     Flora               Lee          Plunkett       2/2/1887     Dickson Co., TN           .              Wash Plunkett                  Nancy               1/18/1963   Raines
8/25/1983   Rushing     William             Harvey       .              5/19/1926    Davidson Co., TN          Greenwood      Harvey Lee Rushing             Sarah Florence      8/25/1953   Pond Creek
6/11/1948   Russell     Edna                .            .              08/?/?..     Crockett Co., TN          .              Jimmy Russell                  Louise              6/11/1948   Pond Creek
12/16/1940  Russell     Frank               .            .              ??/./...     ?                         .              ??                             ??                  12/16/1940  Not in record
3/3/1953    Russell     Jerry               Wayne        .              1/27/1953    Tennessee                 .              William A. Russell             Zora                3/3/1953    Bower's Chapel
11/12/1947  Russell     Jimmie              .            .              ??/./...     Not in record             .              Not in record                  Not in record       11/12/1947  Not in record
8/12/1992   Russell     Mattie              Jane         Watkins        3/26/1904    Alamo, TN                 .              George Samuel Watkins          Sarah Tennessee     8/12/1992   Pond Creek
1/28/1959   Russell     Thomas              Harold       .              4/19/1915    Indiana                   .              John Russell                   Mattie              1/28/1959   Bowens Chapel
7/14/1955   Russom      J.                  D.           .              12/6/1913    Tennessee                 Avery          John Russom                    Emma                7/14/1955   Pond Creek
4/7/1981    Rylant      William             Woodrow      .              1/12/1912    Lawence County, Ala.      Lents          Fred A. Rylant                 Edan                4/7/1981    Floyd's Chapel


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