Ronk Funeral Home Records
Surnames O - P
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                                   BIRTH                                           NAME                                                            DEATH
10/31/1974  Odell       Mosey             Dalton          .              3/26/1914    Crockett Co., TN                   Pearson        Gus Odell                     Lela               10/31/1974   Young
6/7/1963    O'Dell      Clarice           Lela            Antwine        9/3/1872     Not in record                      .              John Antwine                  Mozella            6/7/1963     Young's
8/15/1991   O'Donnell   Rose              Annette         Butler         8/17/1959    Alamo, TN                          .              David Earl Butler             Aileen             8/15/1991    Cedar Grove
7/13/1968   Oglesby     Phillip           Anthony         .              7/13/1968    Gibson Co., TN                     .              Coley Oglesby                 Martha Ann         7/13/1968    Oakhaven
4/28/1964   Oldham      William           Franklin        .              12/9/1907    Hardin Co., TN                     .              Samuel A. Oldham              Bartela            4/28/1964    Lebanon
11/14/1969  Olds        Ernest Rev.       Augusta         .              8/25/1905    Lauderdale Co., TN                 Ketchum        Fred B. Olds                  Margaret           11/14/1969   Bellevue
9/5/1977    Oliver      Elmer             .               .              5/22/1911    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Alfred Oliver                 Mattie             9/5/1977     Babba
2/19/1983   Oliver      Florence 'Peggy'  Margaret        Landry         11/16/1919   Hoboken, New York                  .              Savan Ellis Landry            Florence Georgana  2/19/1983    Robertson
3/17/1993   Oliver      Freddie           Mae             Leggett        9/4/1910     Friendship, TN                     .              Luther Leggett                Florence           3/17/1993    Alamo
10/7/1966   Oliver      Johnnie           H.              .              5/5/1905     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Alford Oliver                 Not in Record      10/7/1966    Alamo
2/25/1962   Oliver      Leonard  "Pete"   Hansford        .              6/1/1896     Crockett Co., TN                   Hockaday       Steve Oliver                  Mary               2/25/1962    Alamo
9/15/1954   Oliver      Lonnie            Wilson          .              2/14/1897    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Alfred Oliver                 Mattie             9/15/1954    Babb
10/19/1995  Oliver      Mamie             Jerine          Parr           4/6/1908     Trenton, Tn                        .              Jim Parr                      Dollie             10/19/1995   Alamo
4/23/1949   Oliver      Mary              .               Woods          11/22/1874   Gibson Co. Tn.                     .              Jack Woods                    Ellen              4/23/1949    Alamo
4/1/1977    Oliver      Mary              Vernell         Stevens        5/27/1911    Covington, TN                      .              James Stevens                 .                  4/1/1977     Babb
3/23/1951   Oliver      Mattie            .               Woods          4/30/1867    Gibson Co., TN                     .              Jack Woods                    Ellen              3/23/1951    Babbs
4/27/1990   Oliver      Odell             Thomas          .              7/28/1914    Alamo, TN.                         Parr           Albert oliver                 Nattie             4/26/1990    Alamo
1/15/1973   Oliver      Zell              .               .              10/6/1900    Crockett Co., TN                   Speight        Alford Oliver                 Mattie             1/15/1973    Alamo
4/1/1996    O'Neal      Anthony           Allen           .              9/20/1946    London, Ky                         .              Houston Robert O'Neal         Burma              4/1/1996     Oak View
1/21/1991   O'Neal      Houston           Robert          .              11/6/1913    Ocoee, TN                          Freeman        Samuel Houston O'Neal         Leona              1/21/1991    Oakview
4/12/1993   O'Neal      J.B.              Franklin        .              3/28/1912    Friendship, TN                     .              Linnie P. O'Neal              Ethel Frances      4/12/1993    Maury City
1/25/1990   O'Neal      Violet            Evon            Perry          4/19/1923    Maury Junction, TN.                .              Benoni Perry                  Mattie Lou         1/25/1990    Maury City
6/17/1968   O'Neil      Nettie            Mae             Christenberry  7/14/1886    Atwood, Carroll Co., TN            .              W. O. Christenberry           Rebecca            6/17/1968    Trezevant
5/1/1993    Osborne     Garland           Mack            .              8/24/1911    Trenton, TN                        .              Willliam B.Osborne            Susie              5/1/1993     Fairview
5/7/1988    Ottinger    James             Dewayne         .              4/25/1942    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James S. Ottinger             Mary Nina          5/6/1988     Providence
2/5/1969    Ottinger    Lonnie            Evans           .              10/20/1892   Frankfort, Indiana                 Truell         James A. Ottinger             Della              2/5/1969     Providence
1/23/1980   Ottinger    Mary              Frances         Truel          9/14/1888    Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Truel                    Leona              1/23/1980    Providence
4/15/1992   Overton     Alta              .               Hopper         6/26/1902    Gadsden, TN                        .              Luther Hopper                 Lillie             4/15/1992    Oak View
12/26/1986  Overton     Dewey             Hopson          .              6/12/1898    Crockett Co., TN                   Hopper         Archie Overton                Emmie              12/26/1986   Oakview M. Gardens
2/19/1946   Overton     Elizabeth         Rachel          Jones          6/30/1864    Haywood Co., TN                    .              John J. Jones                 Jane               2/19/1946    Providence
9/30/1945   Overton     John              Allen           .              1/18/1869    Madison Co., TN                    .              John Moses Overton            Ann                9/30/1945    Providence
12/25/1965  Overton     Lester            Earl            .              2/12/1898    Huntersville, TN                   Mays           John Allen Overton            Mary               12/25/1965   Alamo
5/27/1992   Overton     Martha            Jane            Reynolds       8/22/1929    Alamo, TN                          .              Vernon Reynolds               Lera               5/27/1992    Alamo
2/8/1969    Overton     Sally             .               Mayo           6/15/1898    Haywood Co., TN                    .              James Mayo                    Mary               2/8/1969     Alamo
9/24/1974   Owen        John              William         .              6/7/1892     Hardin Co., TN                     Puckett        John Ivan Owen                ??                 9/24/1974    Pond Creek
8/21/1975   Owen        Mary              Sue             Puckett        8/10/1899    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James F. Puckett              Lou Alice          8/21/1975    Pond Creek
2/16/1993   Owens       Horace            Edward          .              1/13/1929    Crockett Mills, TN                 .              James Leon Owens              Evie               2/16/1993    Providence
7/22/1954   Owens       Millie            Ellentine       Edwards        6/20/1872    Tennessee                          .              William Edwards               Sarah              7/22/1954    Quincy
10/7/1970   Owens       Robert            E               .              .././...     Crockett Co., TN                   Smith          .                             .                  10/7/1970    Center
10/18/1989  Ozment      Angel             Faye            Hutchison      10/9/1931    Alamo, TN.                         .              Obie Hutchison                Lucille            10/18/1989   Crockett Mills
2/14/1963   Ozment      Buford Jr.        Lester          .              9/6/1945     St. Joseph Hosp Memphis, TN        .              Buford Lester Ozment Sr.      Annis              2/14/1963    Robertson
4/17/1950   Ozment      David             Isiaac          .              02/0/?..     Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  Thomas Jefferson Ozment       Susan              4/17/1950    South Fork
3/2/1967    Ozment      Mary              Margaret        .              3/1/1967     Memphis, TN                        .              Percy Ozment                  .                  3/2/1967     Crockett Mills
9/12/1940   Ozment      Winnie            Bee             .              4/2/1937     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Ike Ozment                    Winnie             9/12/1940    South Fork
11/2/1991   Palmer      Adele             .               Silverman      9/23/1916    Cook Co., Ill                      Silverman      Toby Silverman                Elsie              11/2/1991    Oak Hill
12/14/1968  Palmer      Arthur            Randolph        .              1/3/1889     Dyer Co., TN                       .              William Palmer                Not in Record      12/14/1968   Providence
12/21/1985  Palmer      Euther            Ellahue         .              5/22/1923    Crockett Co., TN                   McPeake        Arthur Palmer                 Minnie             12/21/1985   .
3/1/1987    Palmer      George            Francis         .              11/7/1910    New York, N. Y.                    Adcox- Burrow  John Palmer                   Margaret           3/1/1987     Oakview Memorial G.
6/7/1991    Palmer      Martha            Ruth            Borrough       3/4/1916     Maury City, TN                     .              Cleve Borrough                Mary               6/7/1991     Oak View
12/23/1953  Palmer      Minnie            Bell            Thompson       8/24/1889    Tennessee                          .              Billy Thomspon                Julia Ann          12/23/1953   Providence
6/15/1980   Palmer      Necy              .               Palmer         9/13/1879    Marian Co., Ala.                   .              John Palmer                   Molly              6/15/1980    New Hope Cemetery
3/31/1965   Pardue      Roger             Caldwell        .              8/16/1928    Nashville, TN                      Not in record  W.  R. Pardue                 Willie             3/31/1965    Oak View
11/27/1973  Pardue      William           Dewey           .              .././...     Shelby Co., TN                     .              Roger Pardue                  Estelle            11/27/1973   Oakview
2/16/1940   Paris       John              .               .              4/18/1889    Alabama                            .              William Riley Paris           Mary               2/16/1940    Oldfield
6/20/1954   Parish      Claude            .               .              .            Weakley Co., TN                    .              John Henry Parish             Geneva             6/20/1954    Sharon
7/11/1990   Park        Thomas            Evans           .              10/18/1910   Pontotoc, Miss.                    Garrison       Thomas Eldridge Park          Ida Elizabeth      7/11/1990    Crockett Mills
10/29/1950  Parker      Buford            Limual          .              8/18/1896    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Minuto Parker                 Emma               10/29/1950   Floyd's Chapel
3/17/1955   Parker      Danny             .               .              3/16/1955    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Nolen Parker                  Iona               3/17/1955    Nance
8/17/1957   Parker      David             Cicero          .              4/20/1887    Not in record                      .              Not in record                 Not in record      8/17/1957    ??
4/13/1971   Parker      Doll              Roosevelt       .              3/4/1905     Hodles, Ala.                       .              Tandy Parker                  Elizabeth          4/13/1971    Nance
6/20/1994   Parker      Doris             Mills           .              11/8/1934    Crockett Mills,Tn.                 Wright         Unavailable                   Ester              6/20/1994    Providence
5/12/1963   Parker      Eula              Bell            Parker         5/11/1907    Franklin, Alabama                  .              Buck Parker                   Dee                5/12/1963    Nance
4/9/1994    Parker      Herbert           Nolan           .              7/27/1935    Red Bay, Alabama                   Bushart        Rosevelt   Parker             Eula               4/9/1994     Nance
2/17/1974   Parker      Hilliard          Taft            .              6/2/1937     Franklin Co. Vina, Ala.            .              Taft Parker                   Ethel              2/17/1974    Nance
2/12/1995   Parker      Jessie            Livengood       .              2/4/1901     Brownsville, Tn                    .              William E. Parker             Alpha Emily        2/12/1995    Providence
3/11/1987   Parker      Josie             Lou             Cantrell       2/1/1910     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Jade Cantrell                 Della              3/11/1987    Maury City
8/9/1960    Parker      Lisa              Lynne           .              8/1/1960     Shelby Co., TN                     .              Dalton Parker                 Annie L.           8/9/1960     Archer's Chapel
12/29/1985  Parker      Lorrena           Ann             Parker         11/2/1898    Haywood Co., TN                    .              William Edward Parker         Alpha Emily        12/29/1985   Providence
6/30/1952   Parker      Ludie             Belle           Unknown        3/5/1892     Not in record                      .              Unknown                       Unknown            6/30/1952    Hollywood
12/17/1946  Parker      Lula              Oliver          Watkins        10/4/1876    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Newt Watkins                  Mattie Jane        12/17/1946   Pond Creek
9/9/1971    Parker      Lula              Rose            Norvell        11/25/1889   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Cullen Norvell Sr.            Neely              9/9/1971     Floyd's Chapel
5/11/1973   Parker      Mary              Geraldine       Kenner         12/5/1909    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Daniel Kenner                 Minnie             5/11/1973    Center
9/22/1961   Parker      Preston           Lee             .              11/25/1943   Franklin County, Alabama           .              Doll Parker                   Eula               9/22/1961    Nance
11/21/1994  Parker      Wade              Jack            .              2/15/1934    Red Bay,  Al                       Plunk          Doll Parker                   Eula               11/21/1994   Alamo
9/30/1990   Parlow      Earl              Hopper          .              2/29/1916    Alamo, TN.                         .              Osmond Parlow                 Hattie             9/30/1990    Nance
1/22/1967   Parlow      Ousmond           Benjaman        .              2/9/1886     McNairy Co., TN                    .              Nathaniel W. Parlow           Martha             1/22/1967    Cypress
12/16/1978  Parlow      Ruth              .               Sanders        3/8/1925     Crockett Co., TN                   .              James B. Sanders              Erbie              12/16/1978   Nance
5/30/1988   Parlow      Theron            Odell           .              8/23/1912    Crockett Co., TN                   Boone          Osmond Parlow                 Hattie             5/30/1988    Nance
3/8/1989    Parrish     Minnie            .               Jones          8/3/1926     Alamo, TN                          .              Olin Jones                    Alice              3/5/1989     Oak View
8/17/1968   Pate        Bert              Thomas (Bill)   .              1/22/1910    Dyer Co                            Robertson      John Pate                     Minnie             8/17/1968    Fairview
6/25/1962   Pate        John              W.              .              2/9/1875     Eloise, TN                         .              William Pate                  Julia              6/25/1962    Fairview
9/9/1977    Patrick     Clyde             Calvin          .              7/29/1912    Jackson Co., Georgia               McWhorter      James C. Patrick              Mary               9/9/1977     Cypress
6/24/1939   Patrick     David             Clarence        .              1/28/1889    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George Willis Patrick         Annie Bell         6/24/1939    Bell Vernon
7/2/1990    Patrick     Hazel             .               McWhorter      5/5/1912     Carnesville, Ga.                   .              Samuel S. McWhorter           Julia Eddye        7/1/1990     Cypress
10/1/1953   Patrick     Nancy             Helen           Watson         1/9/1866     Tennessee                          .              Thomas Watson                 Nancy              10/1/1953    Young's
2/5/1972    Patrick     Ora               Faye            Not in Record  Not in rec.  .                                  .              .                             .                  2/5/1972     Youngs
7/2/1992    Patterson   Annie             Ruth            Case           5/13/1916    Jackson, TN                        .              Joe Perry Case                Annie Lee          7/2/1992     Gadsden
7/30/1993   Patterson   Bonnie            Sue             Turner         5/17/1940    Alamo, TN                          .              Ream Turner                   Abbie Lou          7/30/1993    Cairo
2/15/1951   Patterson   Eva               Pearl           Lovelace       4/25/1889    Haywood Co., TN                    .              Charles Lovelace              Nancy Jane         2/15/1951    New Zion
10/13/1977  Patterson   Jennie            Jane            Baker          3/17/1900    Gibson Co., TN                     .              Joseph Baker                  Lula               10/13/1977   Bellevue
2/24/1955   Patterson   John              Monroe          .              9/15/1869    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Zan Patterson                 Mattie             2/24/1955    Center
9/14/1994   Patterson   Julian            James           .              5/25/1919    Gadsden, Tn                        Summer         Walter Patterson              Alice              9/14/1994    Gadsden
11/5/1943   Patterson   Nancy             .               Reasons        7/23/1878    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George Reasons                Unknown            11/6/1943    Salem
2/20/1965   Patterson   Otho              .               .              .            Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  Joseph L. Patterson           Jo Ann             2/20/1965    Bellview
9/15/1950   Patterson   Pled              Gibson          .              1/28/1877    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Al Patterson                  Miline             9/15/1950    Salem
2/2/1956    Patterson   William           Newton          .              2/9/1865     Tennessee                          Not in record  Zan Patterson                 Unknown            2/2/1956     Salem
12/13/1993  Payne       Ruby              Louese          Edwards        4/23/1923    Lobleville, TN                     .              Henry Lee Edwards             Perlie Mae         12/13/1993   Liberty All
8/13/1970   Payne       Wade              Douglas         .              9/25/1946    Carroll Co., TN                    .              James Paynes                  Ruby               8/13/1970    Liberty All
3/27/1990   Peace       James Sr.         Ernest          .              4/29/1911    Bells, TN.                         .              Newt W. Peace                 Annie Belle        3/27/1990    Oakview
4/7/1986    Peace       Lillie            Mae             Smallwood      4/14/1912    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James L. Smallwood            Maude              4/7/1986     Oakview M. Gardens
2/12/1994   Peace       Maxine            .               Holland        1/5/1947     Hazard, Ky                         .              Adam Holland                  Willie Mae         2/12/1994    Oakview
9/26/1962   Peace       Newt              William         .              10/24/1883   Perry Co., TN                      .              Jim Peace                     May                9/26/1962    Providence
10/31/1947  Peace       Robert            Henry           .              6/9/1918     Gibson Co., TN                     .              Newt Peace                    Annabelle          10/31/1947   Providence
8/22/1986   Peacock     Calvin            Warner          .              11/15/1918   Lauderdale Co., TN                 King           Louis Milton Peacock          Versa N.           8/22/1986    Maury City
1/30/1953   Peal        Carl              David           .              8/3/1891     Tennessee                          .              James Fernando Peal           Mariah             1/30/1953    Floyd's Chapel
9/1/1960    Peal        Finis (Mrs.)      M               Not in record  1/18/1882    Hardeman Co., TN                   .              NOt in record                 Not in record      9/1/1960     Providence
10/10/1988  Pearson     Birtia            Richard         Lites          11/11/1904   Caddo Parrish, La                  Singletary     Herbert Lites                 Ida                10/7/1988    Alamo
9/1/1949    Pearson     James             Oscar           .              8/28/1879    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James Pearson                 Mary Emma          8/1/1949     Rose Hill
10/11/1992  Pearson     James             Roger           .              3/23/1918    Bells,Tn.                          .              James Oscar Pearson           Roxie Elizabeth    10/11/1992   Rose Hill
9/28/1969   Pearson     Mary              .               Humphreys      4/25/1891    Madison Co., TN                    .              Emerson Ethridge Humphreys    Martha             9/28/1969    Bellevue
6/22/1946   Pearson     Roxie             Elizabeth       Hunter         08/2/?..     Chester Co., TN                    .              J. H. Hunter                  Ella Jane          6/22/1946    Rose Hill
9/16/1956   Pearson     Starkey           A.              .              8/21/1886    Braden, TN                         Humphreys      J. M. Pearson                 Jane               9/16/1956    Bellview
2/19/1978   Pease       Melaine           Kay             .              9/9/1777     .                                  .              Donald Pease                  Nora Kay           2/19/1978    Oak View Memorial
6/3/1994    Peerey      James             Jefferson       .              11/20/1917   Adamsville, TN                     Britt          Not in record                 Not in record      6/3/1994     Center
7/18/1977   Peerey      Mary              Frances         Selph          1/28/1919    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George Selph                  Vera               7/18/1977    Center
1/22/1960   Pendergrass Brodie            Elisha          .              3/5/1922     Crockett Co., TN                   Phillips       John Pendergrass              Gracie             1/22/1960    Alamo
10/10/1990  Pendergrass Gracie            Lou             Arnold         10/10/1900   Bells, TN.                         .              Elisha Arnold                 Anna               10/10/1990   Alamo
4/27/1988   Pendergrass Jessie            Lee             Hudson         5/5/1903     Hardin Co., TN                     .              William Hudson                Mary Alice         4/26/1988    Pond Creek
11/9/1967   Pendergrass John              Henry           .              12/25/1896   Crockett Co., TN                   Arnold         Joe Pendergrass               Rebecca            .            Alamo
9/10/1993   Pendergrass Mary              Conway          Pendergrass    9/23/1917    Alamo,Tn.                          .              Joe Pendergrass               Martha Rebecca     9/10/1993    Bethel
8/29/1945   Pendergrass Roger             Dale            .              5/14/1945    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Floyd Pendergrass             Kathleen           8/29/1945    Alamo
11/16/1963  Pendergrass William           Mitchell        .              7/1/1888     Gibson Co., TN                     Not in record  Joe Pendergrass               Rebecca            11/16/1963   Pond Creek
3/8/1950    Penick      Sarah             Avery           Smith          12/13/1868   Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Bemry Smith              Julia              3/8/1950     Alamo
6/9/1940    Perigen     James             W.              .              .            Tennessee                          .              Ezeriah Perigen               Unknown            6/9/1940     Zion Hill
10/3/1961   Perigen     Rhoda             Ann             Bowens         4/2/1880     Middle Tennessee                   .              Tobe  Bowens                  Sammie             10/3/1961    Zion Hill
4/3/1985    Permemter   Pansy             .               Kenner         12/17/1918   Crockett Co., TN                   .              D. Kerb Kenner                Monnie             4/3/1985     Center
7/8/1972    Permenter   Bobby             .               .              2/16/1937    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George Permenter              Maude              7/8/1972     Salem
6/22/1991   Permenter   Charles           Wade            .              5/29/1923    Gadsden,Tn                         .              George Henry Permenter        Maude              .            .
8/9/1965    Permenter   George            Henry           .              6/22/1892    Crockett Co., TN                   Emison         Priest Permenter              Josephine          8/9/1965     Salem
11/30/1986  Permenter   John              Altonnter       .              12/7/1916    Crockett Co., TN                   Bell           Geroge Henry Permenter        Maude              11/30/1986   Center
12/25/1970  Permenter   Leon              Hales           .              9/6/1881     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Ruffian Gay Permenter         Eudora             12/25/1994   Rosehill
1/28/1947   Permenter   Martha            Jane            Wilson         6/4/1877     Hardin Co., TN                     .              John Wilson                   Not in record      1/28/1947    Salem
8/24/1988   Permenter   Maude             Irma            Emerson        6/20/1896    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George W. Emerson             Unknown            8/23/1988    Salem
11/28/1990  Permenter   Pamela            Jo              Liles          7/11/1961    Humboldt, Tn                       .              Samuel Liles Sr.              Jeanette           11/28/1990   Rose Hill
5/26/1970   Permenter   Willie            Frances         Pittman        12/28/1884   Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Pittman               Frances            5/26/1970    Rosehill
5/14/1985   Perry       Annie             Laura           Tipton         2/3/1906     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Lawrence /tipton              Bertie             5/14/1985    Alamo
6/17/1970   Perry       Beatrice          Odell           .              11/26/1889   Hickman, Ky                        .              Not in record                 Not in record      6/17/1970    Bellvue
6/3/1959    Perry       Benonie           .               .              10/17/1889   Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  James Walter Perry            Lula               6/3/1959     Perry Cemetery
9/17/1979   Perry       Charles           Robert          .              8/17/1905    Crockett Co., TN                   Edmonson       John Henry Perry              Nettie             9/17/1979    Alamo
11/25/1946  Perry       Cicero            L               .              ??/./...     Not in record                      .              Not in record                 Not in record      11/25/1946   Not in record
11/30/1985  Perry       David             Lloyd           .              12/14/1921   Crockett Co., TN                   Davison        B. O. Perry                   Mattie Lou         10/30/1985   Perry's
12/16/1981  Perry       Delma (Mrs.)      D               Williams       9/30/1911    Blythaesville, Ak.                 .              James H. Williams             Eul                12/16/1981   Crockett Mills
11/19/1978  Perry       Douglas           Boone           .              5/30/1902    Crockett Co., TN                   .              John H. Perry                 Mattie             11/19/1978   Alamo
2/12/1937   Perry       Elizabeth         .               Hopper         ??/./...     Carroll Co., TN                    .              Tom Hopper                    Margaret           2/12/1937    Hollywood
3/31/1965   Perry       Eva               Dora            Hall           7/15/1886    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Unknown                       Unknown            3/31/1965    Cairo
2/7/1964    Perry       Frank             Sewell          .              8/18/1888    Crockett Co., TN                   Cunningham     Frank Perry                   Janie              2/7/1964     Crockett Mills
11/10/1979  Perry       Gilbert           Clibern         .              7/6/1930     Crockett Co., TN                   McCarner       John Gilbert Perry Sr.        Georgia            11/10/1979   Bellevue
10/2/1984   Perry       Herbert           A               .              5/12/1892    Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Henry Perry              Mettie             10/2/1984    Alamo
2/20/1972   Perry       Ida               Ruth            Madry          3/22/1912    Benton Co., TN                     .              John Wesley Madry             Maybell            2/20/1972    Bell View
5/5/1973    Perry       Issac             Marion (Buddy)  .              1/14/1913    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Chester Arthur Perry          Fannie             5/5/1973     Maury City
8/31/1981   Perry       Joe               Carl            .              9/6/1910     Crockett Co., TN                   Burress        Thomas G. Perry               Vandalia           8/31/1981    Youngs
6/23/1992   Perry       Joe               Elliott         .              8/20/1910    Alamo, TN                          .              Cicero Perry                  Addie              6/23/1992    Nance
12/1/1960   Perry       John              Alymer          .              5/3/1879     Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  John Alfred Perry             Not in record      12/1/1960    Crockett Mills
1/18/1968   Perry       John              Gilbert         .              3/17/1898    Jackson, TN                        Brooks         John Henry Perry              Elizabeth          1/28/1968    Bellevue
1/18/1948   Perry       John              Henry           .              10/28/1863   Madison Co., TN                    .              John Thomas Perry             Adeline            1/18/1948    Hollywood
5/22/1949   Perry       John              Walter          .              7/18/1874    Lauderdale Co., TN                 .              Henry Clay Perry              Johnetta           5/22/1949    Alamo
11/13/1962  Perry       Katherine         .               Parker         4/9/1877     Gibson Co., TN                     .              Dr. James Carrol Parker       Priscilla          11/13/1962   Crockett Mills
9/4/1989    Perry       Martha            Myrum           Cain           3/20/1894    Brownsville, TN (Jones Station)    .              T.A. Cain                     Unknown            9/2/1989     Holly Grove
1/10/1985   Perry       Mattie            Lou             Castellaw      12/28/1898   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Ben Castellaw                 Callie             1/10/1985    Perry
10/17/1967  Perry       Rose              Amanda          Raper          12/18/1908   Ramer, McNairy Co., TN             .              John J. Raper                 Nora               10/17/1967   Alamo
10/15/1950  Perry       Tollie            Earlie          .              5/20/1892    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James Walter Perry            Lula               10/15/1950   Perry
6/12/1983   Perry       Varion            Laverne         Burress        9/12/1924    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Raymond Burress               Lessie             6/12/1983    Young
3/14/1988   Perry       William           D.              .              12/30/1919   Gibson Co., TN                     Frazier        Sebren Perry                  Beatrice           3/14/1988    Bellevue
3/28/1962   Perry       William           Franklin        .              2/15/1873    Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  Frank Perry                   Lou                3/28/1962    Cairo
10/21/1986  Perry       William           Franklin        .              10/21/1927   Crockett Co., TN                   Turner         Frank Sewell Perry            Gladys             10/21/1986   Crockett Mills
3/25/1979   Perry       William           Noel            .              10/30/1899   Crockett Co., TN                   Tipton         John H. Perry                 Nettie             3/25/1979    Alamo
12/7/1973   Perry       William           Wilson          .              9/27/1899    Fannin County, Ala.                Adair          James Perry                   Mary               12/7/1973    Oak View
12/15/1981  Persell     Bulah             Catherine       Brandenburg    7/15/1885    Crockett Co. ,Tn                   .              .                             .                  12/15/1981   Rosemond
9/26/1979   Persell     William           David           .              5/11/1915    Gadsden, TN                        Smith          Willie J. Persell             Kathryn            9/26/1979    Not recorded in book
5/12/1982   Peterson    Alisha            Kay             .              5/12/1982    .                                  .              Jackie Peterson               Loleta Kay         5/12/1982    Oakview
1/14/1964   Petty       Homer             L.              .              11/21/1891   Not in record                      .              Mark Petty                    Martha             1/14/1964    Oakwood
1/19/1951   Phebus      Orlie             Gleen           .              12/16/1916   Humphreys Co., TN                  .              Ernest Phebus                 Not in record      1/19/1951    Rose Hill
4/1/1956    Philips     Lula              .               Hughes         ??/./...     Not in record                      .              Not in record                 Not in record      4/1/1956     Robertson
9/16/1944   Phillips    Alfred            .               .              3/11/1873    Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Phillips                 Mary Janes         9/16/1944    Oldfield
7/31/1990   Phillips    Andrew            Jackson         .              7/28/1897    Friendship, TN.                    .              Alford Phillips               Lucy               7/31/1990    Robertson
4/19/1989   Phillips    Annie             Jewell          Branch         9/12/1908    Alamo, TN.                         .              Brint Granch                  Hattie             4/19/1989    Alamo
10/31/1994  Phillips    Dorothy           Lucille         Greenway       10/16/1916   Linden, Tn                         .              Albert Greenway               Lula Pearl         10/31/1994   Oak View
7/6/1987    Phillips    Frank             Robertson       .              1/9/1909     Crockett Co., TN                   Murphy         John Franklin Phillips        Almeda             7/4/1987     Alamo
5/20/1992   Phillips    James             Lloyd           .              1/1/1903     Alamo, TN                          .              James Franklin Phillips       Almeta             5/20/1992    Alamo
2/28/1966   Phillips    John              Franklin        .              1/22/1870    Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Phillips              Hallie             2/28/1966    Robertson
4/9/1990    Phillips    Katie             Irene           Uselton        2/12/1914    Maury City, TN.                    .              Dawson Uselton                Betty              4/7/1990     Oakview
7/14/1941   Phillips    Larry             Joe             .              ??/./...     Not in record                      .              Frank Phillips                Elsie              7/14/1941    Kail
12/11/1962  Phillips    Lewis             Hunter          .              6/22/1882    Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  William Phillips              Haley              12/11/1962   Robertson
1/16/1964   Phillips    Lula              Jane            Kennely        6/10/1869    Unknown                            .              Joseph S. Kennely             Not in record      1/16/1964    New Antioch
4/14/1965   Phillips    Mary              Etta            Castner        11/17/1885   Missouri                           .              Joseph H. Castner             Unknown            4/14/1965    Robertson
7/7/1983    Phillips    Mary              Frances         Williamson     4/5/1893     Madison Co., TN                    .              William Jackson Williamson    Mary               7/7/1983     Robertson
5/9/1976    Phillips    Michael           Dewayne         .              9/11/1952    .                                  .              Dewey Phillips                Dorothy            5/9/1976     Robertson
4/17/1951   Phillips    Nancy             Almedie         Puckett        10/21/1876   Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Marshall Phillips        Unknown            4/17/1951    Robertson
2/23/1981   Phillips    Raymond           A.              .              10/6/1915    Crockett Co., TN                   Greenway       Alf Phillips                  Lula               2/23/1981    Oak View Memorial
4/6/1995    Phillips    Terry             Glynn           .              10/1/1959    Dyersburg, Tn                      .              Willie Phillips               Joan               4/6/1995     Robertson
10/31/1949  Phillips    William           .               .              10/30/1949   Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Phillips                 Jane               10/30/1949   Providence
5/30/1991   Pickens     Alton             Laborn "Jack"   .              3/9/1909     Madison Co., TN                    Jones          Ed Pickens                    Vennie             5/30/1991    Cypress
5/30/1981   Pierce      Alma              Lurline         Babb           3/3/1891     Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Simon Babb            Minervia           5/30/1981    Memorial Gardens
8/13/1970   Pierce      Walter            Emery           .              11/21/1893   Pensylvania                        Lanier         David Pierce                  Not in record      8/13/1970    Oakview
11/24/1962  Piercey     Lillie            Irene           Blurton        8/9/1893     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Thomas Sydney Blurton         Sally Ann          11/24/1962   Walnut Hill
3/31/1960   Piercy      William           Robert Lee      .              4/5/1876     Madison Co., TN                    Not in record  Al Piercy                     Martha             3/31/1960    Moore's Cemetery
9/29/1977   Pigue       Harry             V               .              7/29/1895    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Alexander Pigue               Lillie             9/29/1977    Tipton Co., TN
3/4/1956    Pigue       Lillie            Belle           Skipper        1/9/1898     Tennessee                          .              Ernest Skipper                Jeannie            2/4/1956     Tipton
4/12/1994   Pilant      Arley             Raymond         .              6/7/1907     Thornfield, Mo                     Hardin         Neal Pilant                   Unknown            4/12/1994    Follis Chapel
12/29/1994  Piller      Alfred            Joseph          .              2/7/1918     New York, New York                 .              Joseph Piller                 Anna               12/29/1994   Arlington Nat Cemete
12/18/1994  Piller      Sylvia            Lynne           Williams       1/13/1938    Bells, TN                          .              Plomer S. Williams            Dora Bessie        12/18/1994   Cremated Memorial Pk
3/23/1970   Pillow      Willard           Maie            Reasons        12/24/1903   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Leroy Reasons                 Oddie              3/23/1970    Salem
3/5/1969    Pinkston    Adenia            Frances         Evans          4/12/1880    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Thomas J. Evans               Margaret Ann       3/5/1969     Alamo
10/24/1970  Pinkston    Bessie            Arlene          Yearwood       4/21/1891    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Frank Yearwood                Mary Elizabeth     10/24/1970   Alamo
3/19/1968   Pinkston    George            Wesley          .              18940914     Ark                                Mayfield       William W. Pinkston           Margaret           3/19/1968    Oakview
12/9/1978   Pinkston    Jerry             Wayne           .              10/31/1930   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Wesley Pinkston               Ruth               12/9/1978    Oakview
6/29/1988   Pinkston    Lurlyne           .               .              8/9/1905     Crockett Co., TN                   .              James Harrison Pinkston       Vannie Lou         6/27/1988    Alamo
4/21/1972   Pinkston    Ruth              .               Mayfield       11/13/1904   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Frank Mayfield                Delia              4/21/1972    Oak View
3/4/1950    Pinkston    Virgil            Edmond          .              ??/./...     Not in record                      .              Not in record                 Not in record      3/4/1950     Alamo
8/15/1947   Pipkins     Willie            Ross            Poole          ???./...     Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Poole                    Not in record      8/15/1947    Maury City
10/17/1979  Pitner      Annie             Laurie          Conyers        8/25/1900    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Robert L. Conyers             Unknown            10/17/1979   Alamo
10/14/1962  Pitner      Effie             Mae             Norville       7/3/1881     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Robert Norville               Margaret           10/14/1962   Alamo
1/4/1951    Pitner      Lida              Frances         Wainright      8/12/1871    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Allen Wainright               Martha             1/4/1951     Alamo
10/2/1975   Pitner      Luther            B               .              12/5/1885    Crockett Co., TN                   Byassee        Unknown                       Unknown            10/2/1975    Bellevue
11/16/1990  Pitner      Mary              Ann             Byassee        1/28/1898    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Eddie Byassee                 May                11/16/1990   Maury City
4/5/1979    Pitner      Mary              Louise          Pitner         11/8/1914    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Otha Pitner                   Annie              4/5/1979     Bellevue
1/9/1964    Pitner      Otho              .               .              3/2/1888     Haywood Co., TN                    .              Not in record                 Not in record      1/9/1964     Bellview
5/8/1947    Pitner      Pauline           .               Jenkins        3/22/1895    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Enos Jenkins                  Rena               5/8/1947     Belleview
7/19/1989   Pitner      Robert            Norville        .              10/14/1913   Alamo, TN.                         George         Guy Robertson Pitner          Effie Mae          7/7/1989     Alamo
2/28/1980   Pitner      William           Roy             .              3/26/1903    Crockett Co., TN                   .              W. E. Pitner                  Lida               2/28/1980    Alamo
6/29/1971   Pitt        Clarence          Noel            .              3/25/1916    Crockett Co.                       .              Robert L. Pitt                Mary Ann           .            Robertson
11/9/1985   Pitt        Henry             O               .              7/20/1912    Crockett Co., TN                   Medford        Robert Pitt                   Mary Ann           11/9/1985    Robertson
12/12/1964  Pitt        Herschel          .               .              01/0/109     Dyer Co., TN                       .              Robert Lee Pitt               Mary Ann           12/12/1964   Robertson
12/27/1994  Pitt        Lora              Inez            Medford        3/2/1917     Brownsville, Tn                    .              Oscar W. Medford              Ersuea             12/27/1994   Robertson
6/21/1986   Pitt        Malvin            Carvin          .              9/13/1919    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Learcy Bridger Pitt           Lucy J             6/21/1986    Bellevue
11/23/1965  Pitt        Mary              Ann             Smith          8/2/1874     Summer Co., TN                     .              George A. Smith               Mary  Ann          11/23/1965   Robertson
4/22/1952   Pitt        Robert            Lee             .              7/18/1868    Tennessee                          .              Allen Pitt                    Not in record      4/22/1952    Robertson
11/18/1985  Pitt        Robert Sr.        Floyd           .              11/23/1905   Davidson Co., TN                   Hughes         Robert Lee Pitt               Mary Ann           11/18/1985   Oakview M. Park
3/8/1970    Pitt        Terry             Lee             .              3/8/1970     Methodist Hosp Memphis, TN         .              Robert Floyd Pitt Jr.         Darlene            3/8/1970     Robertson
3/12/1978   Pittman     Allie             Jane            Pittman        11/14/1897   Crockett Co.  Tn.                  .              James A Pittman               Ellen A.           3/12/1978    Nance
10/25/1948  Pittman     Ellen             Ann             Fewell         12/14/1866   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Willie Fewell                 Lucretia           10/25/1948   Nance
8/12/1956   Pittman     Elsie             Ester           Acred          08/2/?..     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Hilliary Acred                Lera               8/12/1956    Alamo
8/13/1965   Pittman     Henry             Lawrence        .              3/10/1892    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James  Allen Pittman          Ellen Ann          8/13/1965    Alamo
8/13/1952   Pittman     James             Allen           .              3/8/1862     Tennessee                          .              Unknown                       Unknown            8/13/1952    Nance
7/23/1993   Pittman     Johnny            S.              .              9/3/1894     Alamo, TN                          .              James Allen Pittman           Ellen Ann          7/23/1993    Nance
8/3/1996    Pittman     Lena              Ann             Daniel         1/12/1935    Crockett Mills, Tn                 .              Willie T. Daniel              Ora                8/3/1996     Alamo
1/4/1975    Pittman     Lillian           .               Jones          2/3/1881     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Henry J. Jones                Sarah F.           1/4/1975     Alamo
9/3/1973    Pittman     Willie            Joe             .              9/22/1901    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James A. Pittman              Ellen Ann          9/3/1973     Alamo
10/19/1963  Pitts       G.                M.              .              ?????...     .                                  .              Not in record                 Not in record      10/19/1963   Robertson
8/31/1962   Pitts       Guy               M               .              2/23/1882    Ripley, TN                         Williams       Carter Abner Pitts            Maggie             8/31/1962    Young's
7/14/1986   Pitts       Learcy Jr.        Bridger         .              4/2/1928     Haywood Co., TN                    .              Learcy Bridger Pitts Sr.      Lucy Jane          7/14/1986    Bellevue
2/6/1973    Pitts       Lucy              Janice          Carvin         3/9/1898     Tennessee                          .              Morgan Carvin                 Mattie             2/6/1973     Bellevue
5/11/1961   Plaxco      Frances           Eline           .              2/11/1912    Palestine, Ark                     .              Unknown                       Edna               5/11/1961    Young
12/24/1983  Plemons     Barbara           .               Boone          9/21/1952    Huntsville, Alabama                .              Walter Roy Boone Jr.          Elizabeth          12/24/1983   Bellevue
3/22/1985   Plunk       Adrain            Everett         .              3/22/1924    McNairy Co., TN                    Teague         Lit E. Plunk                  Ethel              3/22/1985    Oakview M. Gardens
4/19/1990   Plunk       Arnold            Wayne           .              2/26/1933    Selmer, TN.                        Burleson       Lit Plunk                     Ethel              4/18/1990    Alamo
7/6/1982    Plunk       Ethel             .               Wall           11/11/1901   McNairy Co., TN                    .              Frank Wall                    Annie              7/6/1982     Alamo
12/3/1973   Plunk       Lit               .               .              5/24/1898    McNairy Co., TN                    Wall           Dove Plunk                    Unknown            12/3/1973    Alamo
3/13/1989   Pollard     Raymond Sr.       Leroy           .              12/25/1914   Erin, TN.                          Williamson     George Pollard                Ollie              3/12/1989    Robertson
3/3/1956    Poole       Ardelia           .               Robertson      11/11/1875   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Jim Robertson                 Ross               3/3/1956     Maury City
7/6/1972    Poole       David             Ernest          .              10/24/1897   Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Poole                    Babe               7/6/1972     Floyd's Chapel
4/14/1971   Poole       Gertrude          .               Kail           11/12/1906   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Edd Kail                      Etta               4/14/1971    Robertson
1/1/1987    Poole       John              Hugh            .              12/13/1923   Paragould, Ark.                    .              David Ernest Poole            Lena               1/1/1987     Floyd's Chapel
5/25/1946   Poole       John              Wesley          .              04/2/?..     Lauderdale Co., TN                 Not in record  Joseph Poole                  Unknown            5/25/1946    Maury City
5/3/1982    Poole       Liza              Lou             Acred          10/25/1907   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Sam Acred                     Alice              5/3/1982     Center
12/5/1968   Poole       Lona              .               Brown          3/24/1894    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Hugh Brown                    Dollie             12/5/1968    Floyd's Chapel
5/20/1958   Porter      Archie            Thomas          .              7/26/1882    Tennessee                          .              Not in record                 Not in record      5/20/1958    Cypress
2/5/1975    Porter      Barney            Mac             .              10/29/1909   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Charles Porter                Ida Tennie         2/5/1975     Cypress
8/14/1990   Porter      Billie            Mae             Holladay       12/26/1928   Alamo, TN.                         .              Willie Elmer Holladay         Cora Eula          8/14/1990    Alamo
4/3/1995    Porter      Calvin            Clay            .              10/20/1924   Alamo, Tn                          .              Carmel Clay Porter            Monie              4/3/1995     Alamo
2/22/1967   Porter      Carl              V.              .              2/22/1912    Not in record                      .              Charles C. Porter             Ida                2/22/1967    Cypress
9/27/1985   Porter      Carmel            Clay            .              3/24/1905    Crockett Co., TN                   Lewis          Tom Porter                    Mauda Ella         9/27/1985    Cypress
4/5/1992    Porter      Catherine         Grace           Harris         10/7/1891    Trenton, TN                        .              Edward Dewitt Harris          Martha Louise      4/5/1992     Cox's Chapel
9/2/1985    Porter      Charlie           Chester         .              2/5/1905     Crockett Co., TN                   H              Steven Porter                 Lucy               9/2/1985     Crypress
11/30/1969  Porter      Elmer             Forrest         .              1/3/1892     Crockett Co., TN                   Uselton        Razz Porter                   Lucy               11/30/1969   Cypress
8/28/1970   Porter      Ernest            Egbert          .              7/31/1902    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Charles Porter                Ida                8/28/1970    Cypress
7/25/1996   Porter      Frances           Ann             Jones          9/4/1948     Alamo, Tn                          .              Morris Henry Jones            Virginia           7/25/1996    Alamo
5/15/1973   Porter      Francis           M.              .              8/18/1893    Crockett Co., TN                   Patterson      Charles C. Porter             Tinny              5/15/1973    Alamo
12/19/1983  Porter      Fredda            Leo             Patterson      1/6/1902     Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Thomas Patterson      Maude              12/19/1983   Alamo
2/1/1977    Porter      Gertie            Florence        Blurton        2/8/1892     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Andy Blurton                  Mattie             2/1/1977     Gadsden
6/7/1971    Porter      Grace             .               Tyler          1/20/1905    Unknown                            .              William F. Tyler              Minnie M.          6/7/1971     Cypress
6/12/1977   Porter      J.                D.              .              10/9/1898    Johnson County, Texas              Blurton        Steven Porter                 Lucy               6/12/1977    Bethel
5/21/1939   Porter      James             Keith           .              ??/./...     .                                  .              Carmel Porter                 Not in record      5/21/1939    Not in record
4/25/1977   Porter      James             Marshall        .              2/6/1906     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Charles O. Porter             Cora               4/25/1977    Porter
3/29/1955   Porter      James             William         .              12/2/1891    Tennessee                          Not in record  Charlie Porter                Not in record      3/26/1955    Cypress
3/15/1945   Porter      Jefferson         Davis           .              4/30/1863    Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  King Porter                   Ebelina            3/15/1945    Rose Hill
1/1/1980    Porter      Jennie            A               Uselton        8/4/1899     Crockett Co., TN                   .              James D. Uselton              Betty              1/1/1980     Cypress
9/16/1948   Porter      Jim               Wash            .              10/6/1889    Crockett Co., TN                   .              ??? Porter                    Lucy               9/16/1948    Cypress
11/12/1955  Porter      Lela              May             Rosamond       ??/./...     Not in record                      .              Bob Rosamond                  Sarah              11/12/1955   Cypress
12/3/1991   Porter      Leslely           G               .              10/4/1917    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Charles D. Porter             Cora               12/3/1991    Porter Cemetery
12/23/1957  Porter      Maude             .               Clay           5/10/1883    Tennessee                          .              Henry Clay                    Mary               12/23/1957   Alamo
3/12/1995   Porter      Maxine            Evelyn          Johnson        2/10/1941    Brownsville, Tn                    .              Joseph Johnson                Clarkie            3/12/1995    Walnut Hill
4/23/1969   Porter      Nannie            Elizabeth       McKinnon       5/1/1898     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Not in record                 Not in Record      4/23/1969    Cypress
7/12/1967   Porter      Nellie            .               Huguely        Not in rec.  Dyer Co., TN                       .              Charles Hugueley              Cora               7/12/1967    Walnut Hill
10/1/1979   Porter      Nelson            O               .              10/5/1907    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Stephen Porter                Lucy               10/1/1979    Oakview
3/20/1965   Porter      Nora              .               Young          10/29/1872   .                                  .              Fountain Young                Susan Van          3/20/1965    Rose Hill
4/6/1984    Porter      Paul              Gregory         .              9/11/1966    Humboldt, TN                       .              Paul Porter                   Kathryn Ann        4/6/1984     Nance
5/1/1976    Porter      Rose              Bell            Arnold         11/28/1897   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Tom Arnold                    Nannie             5/1/1976     Cypress
11/17/1974  Porter      Rubye             Crossnoe        Crossnoe       7/25/1907    Crockett, Co. Tn.                  .              Otha King Porter              Lurline            11/17/1974   Oakview M. Gardens
8/11/1992   Porter      Ruffin            Gray            .              9/1/1893     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Stephen Porter                Lucy Clara         8/11/1992    Cypress
5/31/1960   Porter      Thomas            Alexander       .              9/3/1884     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Bud Porter                    Not in record      5/31/1960    Alamo
2/15/1979   Porter      Walter            Erastus         .              1/20/1887    Gibson Co., TN                     Rachele        Andy Porter                   Elizabeth          2/15/1979    Walnut Grove
9/17/1966   Poston      Baby              .               .              9/17/1966    Greenboro, Guifford Co., NC        .              Robert Poston                 Joyce              9/17/1966    Pond Creek
12/21/1985  Poston      Eddie             Mae             Jones          11/27/1895   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Joshua H. Jones               Sarah Frances      12/21/1985   Maury City
11/12/1985  Poston      Floy              Lucille         Perry          4/29/1899    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James W. Perry                Lula               11/12/1985   Maury City
7/20/1962   Poston      Frank             .               .              3/12/1918    Crockett Co., TN                   Not in record  Edwin Poston                  Mae                7/20/1962    Maury City
10/19/1966  Poston      Henry             Wyse "Jack"     .              3/7/1897     Crockett Co., TN                   Riddick        Dr. Tom Poston                Dora               10/19/1966   Maury City
3/30/1995   Poston      John              Lancelate       .              9/21/1903    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Richard Franklin Poston       Elizabeth          3/30/1959    Bellvue
8/5/1958    Poston      Maidie            Belle           Griffin        10/7/1908    Tennessee                          .              Thomas Jefferson Griffin      Flora              8/5/1958     Bellview
2/23/1980   Poston      Mary              E.              .              6/28/1889    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Mauldin Poston                Cordie             2/23/1980    Nunn
6/29/1974   Poston      Nelson            Whitefield      .              10/19/1898   Maury City, TN                     Perry          Richard Franklin Poston       Mary Elizabeth     6/29/1974    Maury City
12/23/1963  Poston      Pearl             .               Wright         4/12/1890    Mississippi                        .              W. J. Wright                  Sarah              12/23/1963   Maury City
9/8/1984    Poston      Ruby              .               Riddick        5/25/1896    Crockett Co., TN                   .              W. A. J. Riddick              Elizabeth          9/8/1984     Potter Memorial C.
8/6/1974    Poston      Wayne             Thomas          .              6/4/1894     Crockett Co., TN                   Jones          Wayne Thomas Poston           Dora               8/6/1974     Maury City
2/19/1961   Potter      Connelly          Radford         .              6/5/1885     Tennessee                          Not in record  John Potter                   Latishia           2/19/1961    Valhalla
5/15/1981   Potter      Dora              Florence        Gifford        10/15/1886   Perry Co., TN                      .              William B. Gifford            Amanda             5/15/1981    Wilson
7/6/1983    Potts       James             Ellison         .              6/28/1897    Crockett Co., TN                   .              .                             Mary               7/6/1983     Cross Roads
10/6/1982   Potts       Norma             .               Babb           10/6/1888    Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Simeon Babb           Minerva            10/6/1982    Cross Roads
10/22/1982  Potts       William           Edwards         .              2/15/1888    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James L. Potts                Mary               10/22/1982   Crossroads
8/6/1973    Powell      Athel             Lynwood         .              9/7/1882     Crockett Co., TN                   .              David Henry Powell            Mollie             8/6/1973     Nunn
12/27/1946  Powell      Claude            Lacy            .              4/20/1873    Crockett Co., TN                   .              David Powell                  Mary               12/27/1946   Nunn
1/28/1947   Powell      David             H.              .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN                   .              David Powell                  Mary               1/28/1947    Nunn
7/5/1989    Powell      Flora             Belle           Altman         04/2190.     Aiken County, SC                   .              Milledge Altman               Minnie Lee         7/5/1989     Nunn
12/8/1983   Powell      Joe               Edward          .              4/4/1947     Madison Co., TN                    Moore          Joe Powell                    Maxine             12/8/1983    Oakview M. Gardens
1/23/1947   Powell      Josie             .               .              2/7/1876     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Joseph Powell                 Fannie             1/23/1947    Nunn's
5/15/1961   Powell      Luther            H.              .              5/23/1895    Indian Territory                   Not in record  Elijah  Lee Powell            Done               5/15/1961    ???
7/8/1955    Powell      Margaret          Rachel          Lanier         1/7/1876     Tennessee                          .              Henry Lanier                  Mattie             7/8/1955     Nunn
1/31/1974   Powell      Minnie            Magdaline       Busby          8/3/1898     Blytheville, Ark                   .              Daniel Busby                  Alice              1/31/1974    Bellvernon
5/27/1985   Powell      Ruth              Maxine          Butler         3/29/1919    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Avery Curtrel Butler          Lillie Bell        5/27/1985    Oakview M Gardens
7/20/1948   Prather     Annie             Marie           Metcalf        9/29/1860    Illinois                           .              John Metcalf                  Mary Ann           7/20/1948    Pleasant Ridge
4/14/1973   Prather     Beatrice          .               Jolin          7/21/1904    Aberdeen S.D.                      .              Henry Jolin                   Unknown            4/14/1973    East Lawn
5/18/1966   Prather     Ellsworth (Dr.)   Otto            .              2/8/1906     Effingham, Illinois                Not in record  Ellsworth Otto Prather Sr.    Rose               5/18/1966    East Lawn At Home
10/24/1952  Prather     Ellsworth Sr.     O.              .              10/15/1879   Illinois                           .              Willliam Henry Prather        Anna               10/24/1952   Thompson Brothers
1/23/1989   Prather     James             William         .              8/21/1935    Trezevant, TN.                     Campbell       Howard Prather                Alma               1/21/1989    Poplar Springs
9/29/1980   Prather     Ronald            Lynn            .              3/17/1959    Carrol Co., TN                     Doss           James William Parther         Patsy Ruth         9/29/1980    Providence
1/10/1987   Pratt       Charles           Leroy           .              8/4/1938     Crockett Co., TN                   Castallaw      George Thomas Prat            Melisa             1/10/1987    Maury City
4/21/1938   Pratt       Martha            .               .              ??/./...     ??                                 .              Not in record                 Not in record      4/21/1938    Not in record
7/17/1989   Pratt       Melisa            Isabell         Vaughn         1/25/1912    Bolivar, TN.                       .              John Vaughn                   Della              7/16/1989    Maury City
10/1/1980   Prescott    Justin            Alan            .              4/28/1972    Madison Co., TN                    .              Charles Donald Prescott       Betty Jean         10/1/1980    Crockett Mills
6/17/1962   Prescott    Lessie            .               Johnson        8/8/1910     Hardeman Co., TN                   .              W. J. Johnson                 Rena               6/17/1962    Bellview
10/1/1965   Prescott    Lunora            .               Brewer         7/12/1891    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Morgan Brewer                 Annetia            10/1/1965    Pond Creek
1/27/1970   Prescott    Otho              Lenzo           .              4/7/1887     Crockett Co., TN                   Brewer         John Prescott                 Not in record      1/27/1970    Pond Creek
7/9/1981    Preslar     Lawrence          Neal            .              11/26/1935   Gibson Co., TN                     Jaynes         Marshall Preslar              Mary Josephine     7/9/1981     Gadsden
9/21/1994   Preslar     Marshall          Rubin           .              12/12/1909   Dyer, Tn                           Shea           Joel Presler                  Lizzie             9/21/1994    Gadsden
11/10/1988  Price       James             Edward          .              11/13/1917   W. Va.                             DiMarco        Sidney Price                  Matilda            11/5/1988    Center
12/6/1937   Price       James             Ray             .              8/28/1937    Crockett Co., TN                   .              James Price                   Nora Bell          12/6/1937    Center
3/27/1996   Price       Josephine         Frances         DiMarco        2/13/1925    Memphis, TN                        .              Vincent DiMarco               Allie              3/7/1996     Center
9/23/1943   Price       T. L. (Mrs.)      .               Moore          .            Mississippi                        .              James David Moore             Fannie             9/23/1943    Pond Creek
2/17/1971   Price       Thomas            Leo             .              7/29/1896    McNairy Co., TN                    .              Thomas Price                  Caldonia           2/27/1971    Pond Creek
2/7/1949    Price       Zilpha            .               Price          8/21/1923    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Leo Price                     Mary               2/7/1949     Pond Creek
12/16/1979  Prierce     Gladys            .               Lanier         8/15/1900    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Willliam Joel Lanier          Molly Janes        12/16/1979   Oak View
2/9/1985    Prince      Rev Morris        Etheridge       .              12/19/1902   Weakley Co., TN                    Collier        Jeff P. Prince                Sarah              2/9/1985     Collier
2/10/1988   Prince      Vida              Sue             Collier        7/29/1903    Weakley Co., TN                    .              Joseph Harries Collier        Sarah              2/8/1988     Collier
12/18/1983  Pritchard   Cleavis           .               .              4/11/1909    Perry Co., TN                      .              Sam Pritchard                 Nikkue             12/18/1983   Oakview
5/23/1988   Pritchard   Elsie             M               Battles        5/27/1912    Eaton,Tenn.                        .              .                             .                  5/22/1988    Quincy
12/30/1994  Privett     Alice             Theodore        Smithwick      10/6/1912    Marmaduck, Ark                     .              Jim Tom Smithwick             Lula Ethel         12/30/1994   Providence
2/25/1968   Privett     Amanda            Belle           Stamps         3/13/1879    Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Stamps                Sarah              2/25/1968    Pond Creek
2/16/1952   Privett     Arthur            Andrew          .              1/25/1890    Tennessee                          .              Hence Privett                 Kate               2/16/1952    Pond Creek
8/26/1956   Privett     Betty             Permita         .              5/14/1882    Tenn                               .              Bennie Privett                Barthenia          8/26/1956    Pond Creek
1/31/1988   Privett     Carrie            .               Pearson        12/21/1895   Crockett Co., TN                   .              James H. Pearson              Louella            1/31/1988    Pond Creek
2/18/1991   Privett     Clara             Uradean         Patterson      3/19/1913    Alamo,Tn.                          .              William Thomas Patterson      Nancy              2/18/1991    Oak Vieiw
11/10/1986  Privett     Claude            Benjamin        .              7/27/1908    Crockett Co., TN                   .              William Thomas Privett        Betty Elizabeth    11/10/1986   Pond Creek
11/11/1987  Privett     Henry             Carless         .              3/5/1900     Crockett Co., TN                   Brasfield      Henry Privett                 Sally              11/10/1987   Oakview
5/4/1961    Privett     Henry             Oscar           .              11/4/1888    Tennessee                          Not in record  John Privett                  Nannie             5/4/1961     Providence
1/4/1976    Privett     Herman            .               .              9/26/1915    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Oscar Privett                 Emily              1/4/1976     Alamo
1/4/1982    Privett     Hessie            Victoria        Studdard       11/5/1900    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Ernest Studdard               Effie              1/4/1982     Cairo
5/16/1976   Privett     Hubert            Thomas          .              6/5/1906     Crockett Co., TN                   Patterson      William Thomas Privett        Betty Elizabeth    5/16/1976    Oakview
5/7/1990    Privett     Irene             .               Mayfield       10/29/1915   Alamo, TN.                         .              Bill Mayfield                 Margie             5/7/1990     Alamo
12/23/1974  Privett     James             Richard         .              10/2/1892    Missouri                           .              John J. Privett               Nancy              12/23/1974   Alamo
10/14/1978  Privett     Jeff              Ethridge        .              12/16/1892   Crockett Co., TN                   .              W. Hense Privett              Kate               10/14/1978   Cairo
2/8/1943    Privett     John              W.              .              ?? ./...     Not in record                      .              Not in record                 Not in record      2/8/1943     Providence
4/4/1944    Privett     Katie             .               Connell        5/7/1860     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Jimmie Connell                Harriet            4/4/1944     Cooks
11/8/1967   Privett     Luna              Hester          Rice           8/30/1895    Crockett Co., TN                   .              George Rice                   Meddie             11/8/1967    Cairo
1/1/1974    Privett     Mamie             .               Buford         11/14/1889   Tennessee                          .              Spencer Buford                Jennie             1/1/1974     Providence
1/20/1947   Privett     Mary              Susan           .              1/20/1947    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Hubert Privett                Uradean            1/20/1947    Pond Creek
5/2/1950    Privett     Millie            Odell           Halbrook       1/6/1904     Henderson Co., TN                  .              Charlie Halbrook              Missie             5/2/1950     Alamo
9/12/1946   Privett     Nancy             Lucenda         Hay            3/6/1860     Crockett Co., TN                   .              Jeremia Hay                   Tilda Jane         9/12/1946    Providence
5/5/1992    Privett     O'Neal            .               .              1/19/1919    Alamo,Tn.                          Birmingham     Jeff Privett                  Willie             5/5/1992     Cairo
2/5/1976    Privett     Otis              Thomas          .              7/20/1891    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Joseph Thomas Privett         Mary               2/5/1976     Alamo
1/31/1958   Privett     Sally             Caroline        Hay            2/29/1868    Tennessee                          .              George Hay                    Sussie             1/31/1958    Providence
2/17/1977   Privett     Staut             Clarence        .              8/8/1895     .                                  Studdard       Henderson Privett             Katie              2/17/1977    Cairo
6/8/1972    Privett     Tommy             Pleasant        .              6/6/1903     Crockett Co., TN                   Cathey         Henry Privett                 Sally              6/8/1972     Oakview
3/9/1960    Privett     Will              Thomas          .              3/2/1874     Crockett Co., TN                   .              W. Henderson Privett          Jane               3/9/1960     Pond Creek
7/30/1985   Privett     William           Alferd          .              2/9/1903     Crockett Co., TN                   Reddick        James Alfred Peivett          Amanda Bell        7/30/1985    Pond Creek
10/18/1979  Privett     William           Clarence        .              5/17/1896    Crockett Co., TN                   .              Henry Privett                 Sally              10/18/1979   Providence
2/16/1973   Proctor     Edna              .               .              .././...     .                                  .              .                             .                  2/16/1973    Robertson
5/13/1972   Proctor     Samuel            Edward          .              9/24/1913    Haywood Co., TN                    Climer         Thomas Edward Proctor         Sarah Frances      5/13/1972    Robertson
3/21/1966   Proctor     Sarah  "Sally"    Frances         Cobb           12/25/1877   Haywood Co., TN                    .              John David Cobb               Unknown            3/21/1966    Robertson
3/18/1974   Proctor     Vina              Sue             .              ??/./...     .                                  .              .                             .                  .            Not in record
3/12/1952   Pruett      Earl              Wilson          .              2/20/1889    Gibson Co., TN                     .              William David Pruett          Adrianna           3/12/1952    Robertson
1/15/1952   Pruett      Lyda              .               Fife           7/26/1898    Tennessee                          .              Jake Fife                     Betty              1/15/1952    Robertson
4/2/1968    Puckett     Dorothy           Marie           Hart           6/27/1927    Haywood Co., TN                    .              Vester Hart                   Lottie Belle       4/2/1968     Providence
2/14/1990   Puckett     Elsie             .               Cleek          8/20/1910    Crockett Co., TN                   .              John Cleek                    Martha             2/13/1990    Oakview
7/29/1995   Puckett     George            Curtis          .              11/24/1911   Mercer, Tn                         .              Charles Franklin Puckett      Mattie Estee       7/29/1995    New Salem
11/24/1971  Puckett     Harvey            Allen           .              3/2/1909     Crockett Co., TN                   .              James Puckett                 Lou Alice          11/24/1971   Maury City
4/9/1964    Puckett     James             Buford          .              1/10/1946    Haywood Co., TN                    .              Lester B. Puckett             Etta Mae           4/9/1964     Archer's Chapel
5/3/1983    Puckett     John              Nunn            .              8/17/1909    Crockett Co., TN                   Cleek          James Franklin Puckett        Lou Alice          5/3/1983     Oakview M. Gardens
6/2/1970    Puckett     Lester            Burkett         .              3/20/1909    Madison Co., TN                    .              Jim M. Puckett                Mammie             6/2/1970     Huntersville
5/10/1963   Puckett     Lou               Alice           Kail           11/13/1876   Crockett Co., TN                   .              Billy Kail                    Sarah              5/10/1963    Pond Creek
10/7/1963   Puckett     Ross              Buford          .              2/12/1901    Madison Co., TN                    Not in record  James Puckett                 Mamie              10/7/1963    Holly Grove
2/4/1955    Putman      Henry             .               .              ??/./...     Alabama                            .              Not in record                 Not in record      2/3/1955     Bemis


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