Ronk Funeral Home Records
Surnames N
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                            BIRTH                            NAME                                                       DEATH
11/3/1986   Nance      Elizabeth      .            Harris         10/23/1909   Madison Co., TN     .              Jule Harris                Annie Elizabeth  11/3/1986   Alamo
1/25/1974   Nance      Henry          Booker       .              10/13/1880   Crockett Co., TN    Alsobrook      P. B. Nance                Mollie           1/25/1974   Alamo
6/25/1959   Nance      J.  Jr.        G.           .              10/24/1909   Maury City, TN      Hammond        John G. Nance Sr.          Lou              6/25/1959   Maury City
6/26/1987   Nance      James          Booker       .              6/16/1905    Crockett Co., TN    .              Henry Booker Nance         Katherine        6/25/1987   Alamo
4/19/1973   Nance      Katherine      .            Alsobrook      12/28/1884   Capleville, TN      .              James Thomas Alsobrook     Carrie           4/19/1973   Alamo
5/28/1996   Nanney     Joshua         W.           .              7/18/1975    Jackson, TN         .              Cayce Nanney               Donna            5/28/1996   Crockett Mills
11/11/1971  Nanney     Lucian         Lee          .              6/24/1897    Henry Co., TN       Sullivan       Jeff Davis Nanney          Mary             11/11/1971  Robertson
5/10/1994   Nanney     Marvin         Eugene       .              8/13/1904    Paris,Tn            Hampton        Jeff Davis Nanney          Mary Randall     5/10/1994   Robertson
4/2/1990    Narak      Elizabeth      .            Navard         6/9/1896     Chicago, Ill        .              Joseph Navard              Angela           4/1/1990    St Casimir's
6/1/1991    Narak      Mable          "Kitty"      Alford         2/6/1911     Trenton, TN         .              Robert J. Alford           Lula             5/31/1991   Oaklawn
12/4/1956   Nation     Ida            .            Gulledge       12/1/?..     Parsons, TN         .              Dodson Gulledge            Mary             12/4/1956   Cross Roads
2/27/1968   Nation     Wade           Hampton      .              11/18/1896   Farmington, Mo.     .              Henry Nation               Frankie          8/27/1968   Cross Roads
12/28/1987  Neal       Ella           Elizabeth    Standley       3/17/1891    Illinois            .              George Standley            Sarah            11/26/1987  Floyd~s Chapel
6/19/1987   Neal       Ray            .            .              3/10/1907    Crockett Co., TN    Pendergrass    Bob Neal                   .                6/19/1987   Alamo
6/28/1987   Neal       Robert         Leslie       .              12/4/1900    Crockett Co., TN    Jetton         Robert M. Neal             Mabell           6/28/1987   Floyd|s Chapel
4/21/1971   Neal       Robert         McDonald     .              3/20/1875    Crockett Co., TN    Standley       Will Z. Neal               Cora             4/21/1971   Floyd's Chapel
7/29/1955   Nearn      Bertha         Mae          Preston        11/20/1876   Michigan            .              Stephen Preston            Unknown          7/29/1955   Lebanon
10/4/1976   Nearn      Eugene         .            .              3/8/1893     Crockett Co., TN    .              Martin Nearn               Bertha           10/4/1976   Halls
3/17/1973   Nearn      Florence       Beatrice     Manning        9/12/1900    Adgar, Ala.         .              Jeff Manning               Matilda          3/17/1973   .
8/1/1972    Neisler    John           Henry        .              5/4/1907     Luray, TN           White          Joseph Marshall Neisler    Susan            8/1/1972    Not in record
10/23/1980  Nelson     Annie          Mae          Williams       2/8/1904     Crockett Co., TN    .              W. Zabdiel Williams        Elizabeth        10/23/1980  Belleview
11/17/1956  Nelson     Artie          .            Carter         05/?/183     Tenn                .              Thomas Carter              Unknown          11/17/1956  Rosehill
1/18/1947   Nelson     Charles        Henry        .              3/6/1886     South Carolina      .              John Nelson                Mary             1/18/1947   Providence
10/14/1994  Nelson     Clarence       H.           .              9/13/1902    Fruitvale, TN       .              James Nelson               Martha E.        10/14/1994  Bellevue
10/30/1987  Nelson     Donald III     Thomas       .              .././...     .                   .              Donald Thomas Nelson Jr.   Joyce            10/28/1987  Smith
1/14/1972   Nelson     Elizabeth      Pearl        Jackson        7/21/1884    Crockett Co., TN    .              James Newton Jackson       Margaret         1/14/1972   BelleVue
7/11/1984   Nelson     George         Milton       .              11/11/1907   Crockett Co., TN    Lowery         Walter Cleveland Nelson    Elizabeth Pearl  11/11/1984  Oakview M. G.
8/7/1951    Nelson     James          Butler       .              11/19/1990   Tennessee           .              James Butler Nelson        Margaret         9/7/1951    Young
2/28/1947   Nelson     James          Henry        .              2/28/1947    Crockett Co., TN    Not in record  John Nelson                Unknown          2/28/1947   Rosehill
8/18/1960   Nelson     Louie          Strong       Loyd           7/2/1869     North Carolina      .              James Loyd                 Sarah Ann        8/18/1960   Oak Hill
2/28/1983   Nelson     Ouzie          .            .              8/26/1906    Raleigh, Ms.        Raines         Daniel Nelson              Sallie           2/28/1983   Leaf River
4/28/1951   Nelson     Robert         Howard       .              3/24/1931    Crockett Co., TN    .              Clarence Howard Nelson     Annie Mai        4/28/1951   Belleview
10/28/1941  Nelson     Thomas         Byno         .              ??/./...     ??                  .              ??                         ??               10/28/1941  Young
8/18/1962   Nelson     Walter         Cleveland    .              8/9/1884     Gibson Co., TN      Not in record  James W. Nelson            Martha           8/18/1962   Belleview
2/11/1984   Nethery    James          Brooks       .              9/15/1900    Gibson Co., TN      .              James R. Nethery           Sarah  Frances   2/11/1984   rose Hill
12/27/1989  Nettles    Albert         B.           .              1/15/1908    Crockett Mills, TN  Powell         Authur Nettles             Pearl            12/27/1989  Providence
7/26/1991   New        Herbert        Franklin     .              5/8/1918     Jackson, TN         Sims           Fred New                   ??               7/26/1991   Providence
5/31/1971   Newman     Larry          Eugene       .              10/1/1958    St. Charles, IL     .              John William Newman        Jessie Francies  5/31/1971   Green Hill Garden
4/1/1989    Newman     Mary           Josie        Baxter         1/19/1895    Haywood Co., TN     .              Richard Samuel Baxter      Laura            4/5/1989    Memorial Park
4/3/1979    Nichols    Algie          Lee          .              9/20/1903    Crockett Co., TN    .              Johnson Nichols            Rose             4/3/1979    Cypress
1/20/1947   Nichols    Arthur         .            .              1/1/1882     Crockett Co., TN    .              W. A. Nichols              Dora             1/20/1947   Cairo
1/11/1960   Nichols    Dewey          Millen       .              8/15/1898    Crockett Co., TN    May            Johnson Nichols            Rose Lorene      1/11/1960   Cypress
9/17/1979   Nichols    Esther         Victoria     Pyland         9/1/1898     Crockett Co., TN    .              James Pyland               Mollie           9/17/1979   Floyd's Chapel
7/1/1958    Nichols    Golden         Gilbert      .              3/6/1900     Tennessee           Cooper         Johnson Nichols            Rosa             7/1/1958    Cypress
6/15/1966   Nichols    Inez           .            Cooper         6/29/1903    Gibson Co., TN      .              John Cooper                Vannie           6/15/1966   Cypress
9/28/1990   Nichols    John           Jackson      .              8/13/1911    Bells, TN           Bolton         A. Huston Nichols          Mary             9/28/1990   Cypress
8/12/1995   Nichols    John           Lilburn      .              4/15/1918    Lenox, TN           Magill         Gus Taylor Nichols         Ester Victoria   8/12/1995   Oak View Memorial
5/29/1954   Nichols    Johnnie        .            .              .            Not in record       .              Not in record              Not in record    5/29/1954   ??
9/9/1944    Nichols    Johnson        .            .              7/25/1876    Wayne Co., TN       .              John Jackson Nichols       Juliann          9/9/1944    Cypress
4/18/1949   Nichols    Lula           Lavenia      Hunt           12/19/1888   Crockett Co., TN    .              William I Hunt             Julia            4/18/1949   Nance
1/12/1967   Nichols    Mary           .            Blair          6/29/1988    Crockett Co., TN    .              Virgil L. Blair            Lula             1/12/1967   Cypress
11/4/1993   Nichols    Olive          Inez         Gibbons        11/13/1913   Maury City, TN      .              Robert Reed Gibbons        Johnnie          11/4/1993   Nance
8/6/1964    Nichols    William        Edwin        .              12/14/1913   Crockett Co., TN    Gibbons        Not in record              Not in record    8/6/1964    Nance
1/11/1955   Nichols    William Sr.    Edgar        .              3/14/1879    Tennessee           .              William Nichols            Dora             1/11/1955   Nance
9/26/1954   Nichols    Willie         Dudley       .              3/25/1880    Tennessee           .              Not in record              Mattie           9/26/1954   Nance
1/27/1996   Nichols    Willie "Bill"  Franklin     .              4/18/1917    Bells,Tn.           Simmons        Arthur Houston Nichols     Mary  Evalena    1/27/1993   Rose Hill
11/27/1969  Nicks      Earlie         Frances      Robertson      11/21/1897   Hickman Co., TN     .              Jesse Anderson Robertson   No in record     11/27/1969  Salem
2/28/1937   Nicks      W. M. (Mrs.)   .            Not in record  .            Not in record       .              Not in record              Not in record    2/28/1937   Not in record
6/15/1964   Nicks      Walter         Monroe       .              10/15/1877   Monroe County, Ark  ??             William G. Nicks           Mary Frances     6/15/1964   Center
10/27/1973  Nippers    Annie          Lou          McGee          9/16/1898    Crockett Co., TN    .              Thomas B. McGee            Laura A.         10/27/1973  Providence
3/1/1968    Nippers    Jennie         Lee          Baxter         7/1/1885     Tennessee           .              G. B. Baxter               Iuliria          3/1/1968    Alamo
4/22/1956   Nippers    William        Andrew       .              1/7/1882     Lincoln Co., TN     Not in record  Frank Nippers              Rosie            4/22/1956   Alamo
6/14/1977   Nolen      Christopher    Thomas       .              6/14/1977    Jackson, TN         .              Larry Nolen                Laverne          6/14/1977   Center
12/20/1974  Nolen      Grace          Virginia     Hopper         7/2/1902     Crockett Co., TN    .              Jim Hopper                 Sadie            12/20/1974  Alamo
7/26/1989   Nolen      Jesse Jr.      Pierce       .              9/21/1920    Alamo, TN           O'Neil         Jesse Pierce Nolen Sr.     Maude            7/23/1989   Oak View Memorial P
11/13/1960  Nolen      Jesse Sr.      Pierce       .              9/16/1895    Crockett Co., TN    Not in record  William Neal Nolen         Cordelia         11/13/1960  Oak View
1/30/1966   Nolen      Lexie          Neal         .              8/13/1896    Crockett Co., TN    Hopper         Neal Nolen                 Cordilia         1/30/1966   Alamo
7/31/1983   Nolen      Maude          Myrtle       Worrell        7/26/1898    Crockett Co., TN    .              Hiram Parker Worrell       Elizabeth        7/31/1983   Oakview Memorial
3/1/1977    Nolen      Richard        Gene         .              12/4/1945    Crockett Co., TN    McCory         Tommy Nolen                Sue              3/1/1977    Alamo
5/12/1973   Norfleet   Clarence       .            .              5/25/1901    Tennessee           Perry          Ernest Norfleet            Matidla          5/12/1973   Oak Hill
7/29/1979   Norfleet   Matilda        .            Gilman         8/23/1881    Madison Co., TN     .              Louis Gilman               Susie            7/29/1979   Oak Hill
1/18/1983   Norfleet   Ruth           .            Perry          8/17/1905    Crockett Co., TN    .              Johm H. Perry              Mettie           1/18/1983   Oak Hill
10/31/1957  Norris     Harriett       .            Brown          12/24/1901   Tennessee           .              Richard Brown              Cora             10/31/1957  Maury City
1/26/1984   Norvell    Homer          Windford     .              5/20/1920    Crockett Co., TN    .              Ernest L. Norvell          Gertie           1/26/1984   Oakview M. Gardens
8/15/1977   Norvill    Henry          Neal         .              7/20/1913    Crockett Co., TN    Tritt          Ruben H. Norville          Mamie            8/15/1977   Oak View
7/25/1965   Norvill    Mary           Maniza       Pigue          11/7/1880    Crockett Co., TN    .              Benjamin Calvin Pigue      Not in record    7/25/1965   Robertson
12/29/1995  Norville   Birtie         Mae          Ketchum        4/1/1901     Bells, TN           .              Henry Ketchum              Jenny            12/29/1995  Cypress
5/7/1990    Norville   David          Hershel      .              4/6/1915     Gadsden, TN         Smith          Percy A. Norville          Mattie Lorene    5/7/1990    Center
2/16/1960   Norville   Earl           Lester       .              6/4/1913     Haywood Co., TN     .              Ernest Norville            Gertrue          2/16/1960   Maury City
4/23/1943   Norville   Edward         Stephenson   .              1/19/1861    Crockett Co., TN    .              James Norville             Charlotte        4/23/1943   Norville
1/12/1966   Norville   Ila            Hamilton     Norville       ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN    .              James Harvey Norville      Betty            1/12/1966   Western State
11/16/1967  Norville   James          Carmel       .              10/9/1910    Crockett Co., TN    .              Percy Norvelle             Lorene           11/16/1967  Center
10/9/1975   Norville   Laura          Thelma       Laman          8/9/1909     Crockett Co., TN    .              Bill Laman                 Ida              10/9/1975   Center
11/3/1939   Norville   Leona          Elizabeth    .              ??/./...     .                   .              Frank Norville             Not in record    11/3/1939   Cross Roads
9/8/1973    Norville   Lorene         .            Jackson        3/17/1890    Crockett Co., TN    .              James A. Jackson           Svannah          9/8/1973    Center
7/3/1967    Norville   Luther         H            .              Not in rec.  .                   .              Not in record              Not in record    7/3/1967    Not in record
2/29/1968   Norville   Minnie         Alice        Norville       11/30/1890   Crockett Co., TN    .              Dave Norville              Annie E.         2/29/1968   Cypress
6/23/1990   Norville   Ollie          Lloyd        .              11/16/1925   Bells,Tenn.         Permenter      Ollie Francis Norville     Bertie Mae       6/23/1990   Cypress
10/24/1963  Norville   Otha           Gene         .              12/24/1936   Crockett Co., TN    .              Herschel Norville          Thelma           10/24/1963  Center
2/20/1966   Norville   Percy          Atheans      .              7/30/1887    Dyer Co., TN        Not in record  David Norville             Annie            2/20/1966   Center
1/22/1958   Norville   Robert         Allen]       .              2/2/1880     Crockett Co., TN    .              James Norville             Mary Jane        1/22/1958   Norville Cemeter
3/4/1975    Norville   Robert         Francis      .              3/23/1903    Crockett Co., TN    Smith          Francis M.                 Leona            2/4/1975    Cross Roads
7/19/1965   Norville   Roy            Otto         .              7/19/1924    Crockett Co., TN    .              Ernest Norville            Gertie           7/9/1965    Maury City
9/18/1939   Norville   Sam            .            .              11/21/1906   Crockett Co., TN    .              Frances M. Norville        Lena             9/18/1939   Cross Roads
6/27/1973   Norville   Zula           Weston       .              4/8/1885     Crockett Co., TN    .              Robert D. Norville         Margaret         6/27/1973   Cross Roads
7/13/1948   Noulin     Neely          .            .              .            Not in record       .              Not in record              Not in record    07/?/148    ??
7/19/1975   Nunn       Minnie         Pearl        Lipscomb       8/21/1882    .                   .              Tom Lipscomb               Martha           7/19/1975   Center
9/30/1950   Nyland     Ann            Elaine       .              4/8/1950     North Carolina      .              George Nyland              Rebecca          9/30/1950   Crockett Mills


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