Ronk Funeral Home Records
Surnames M
Alamo, Crockett Co., TN

A special thank you to , who compiled and contributed these records for use on this site.

RECORD                                                                 BIRTH                                          NAME                                                            DEATH
12/17/1977   MaCaig     Addie               Myrtle      Trull          12/25/1891   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jim Trull                    Mary               12/17/1977  Providence
9/19/1977    Macdowell  Leora               May         Johns          2/27/1897    San Francisco, Calif              .               Walter L. Johns              Maude  Barnes      9/19/1977   Oak View
6/24/1940    Maclin     Robert              P           .              Not in rec.  Not in record                     .               Robert Maclin                Not in record      6/24/1940   Ridgley
6/23/1960    Macon      Bessie              .           .              .././...     .                                 .               .                            .                  6/23/1960   Not in record
8/6/1992     Macon      Mattie              Mae         Ellis          3/17/1907    Ripley, Tn.                       .               James Benjamin Ellis         Nellie             8/6/1992    Salem
5/30/1987    Macon      Nathaniel           Duke        .              6/15/1903    Haywood Co., TN                   .               Nathaniel D. Macon           Bessie Elizabeth   5/28/1987   Salem
4/14/1995    Maddox     Buford              Bruto       .              2/9/1925     Philcambell, Alabama              .               William Ernest Maddox        Margie Elizabeth   4/14/1995   Holly Grove
12/22/1989   Maddox     Patricia            Ann         Pinkston       6/16/1941    Alamo, Tenn.                      .               Wesley Pinkston              Ruth               12/22/1989  Oak View
2/12/1951    Malone     Herbert             .           .              04/?/185     Alamo, Tenn                       .               Polk Malone                  Maggie             2/12/1951   Alamo
5/1/1996     Malone     Pauline             Frances     Blair          2/5/1917     Alamo, Tn                         .               James Oscar Blair            Hattie Mae         5/1/1996    Alamo
5/1/1996     Malone     Pauline             Frances     Blair          3/5/1917     Alamo, Tenn                       .               James Oscar Blair            Hattie Mae         5/1/1996    Alamo
11/29/1970   Malone     Viola               Ann         Boyd           10/3/1892    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Nelson Boyd                  Idella             11/29/1970  Alamo
1/13/1962    Malugeon   Egbert              Clinton     .              10/5/1895    Humphreys Co., TN                 Cherry          George W. Malugeon           Mattie E.          1/13/1962   Center
9/5/1943     Malugeon   Jesse               .           .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Not in record                Not in record      9/5/1943    Center
3/10/1986    Maness     Hershel             E.          .              2/19/1920    Lexington, Tenn.                  .               William Maness               Annabell           3/10/1986   Holly Grove
12/15/1976   Maness     Lucille             .           Fullbright     6/19/1920    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Sam Fulbright                Bessie             12/15/1976  Holly Grove
7/14/1972    Maness     William             Clifton     .              4/24/1944    Chicago, Ill                      .               Herchel Maness               Lucille            7/14/1972   Holly Grove
11/24/1979   Manley     Harry               Artice      .              12/12/1912   Crockett Co., TN                  Colvett         William Manley               Lillian Florence   .           .
10/21/1952   Manley     James               William     .              18631215     Tennessee                         .               Jacob  Manley                Unknown            10/21/1952  Bethesda
6/29/1995    Manley     Kathrine            .           Colvett        7/9/1915     Crockett Mills, TN                .               Henry Colvett                Levi               6/29/1995   Crockett Mills
5/10/1969    Manley     William             Hugh        .              10/10/1941   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Harry Manley                 Katherine          5/10/1969   Crockett Mills
8/26/1983    Manning    Annie               Elizabeth   Reddick        10/24/1901   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert Reddick               Ada                8/26/1983   Floyd's Chapel
9/4/1945     Manning    Avpm                .           .              ??/./...     Obion Co., TN                     .               James Manning                Not in record      9/4/1945    Old Fremont
5/17/1965    Manning    Gerald              Elred       .              5/4/1918     Crockett Co., TN                  Not in record   Henry L. Manning             Jimmie             5/17/1965   Maury City
10/10/1979   Manning    Lorene              Elizabeth   Hall           4/28/1902    Hamilton Co., TN                  .               George Hall                  Sally              10/10/1979  Maury City
9/25/1990    Manning    Monnie              Lou         Jennings       4/25/1906    Maury City, TN                    .               Author C. Jennings           Abbie Lee          9/25/1990   Maury City
7/1/1976     Manning    Thomas              Felix       .              1/17/1898    Crockett Co., TN                  Riddick         Johnny Benjamin Manning      Mary               7/1/1976    Floyd's Chapel
12/12/1988   Manning    William             Kenneth     .              10/18/1901   Hot Springs, Ark                  .               Henry Manning                Jimmie             12/9/1988   Maury City
8/8/1983     Mansfield  Berdie              .           Climer         5/21/1895    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Milton Climer                Martha             8/8/1983    Maury City
7/13/1983    Mansfield  Buna                .           Harber         2/2/1900     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Newt Harber                  Molly              7/13/1983   Providence
6/10/1961    Mansfield  Irene               .           Eason          7/18/1905    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jim Eason                    Hettie             6/10/1961   Robertson
3/3/1979     Mansfield  James               Marvin      .              1/28/1904    Crockett Co., TN                  Harber          Joe Allen Mansfield          Maudie             3/3/1979    Providence
2/10/1948    Mansfield  Joe                 Allen       .              12/18/1881   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jim Mansfield                Mary Ann           2/10/1948   Providence
6/13/1979    Mansfield  Maudie              .           Griggs         1/22/1884    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Riley Griggs                 Maggie             6/13/1979   Providence
6/11/1952    Mansfield  Rachel              Frances     Onley          1/29/1883    Tennessee                         .               Lee Onley                    Mary               6/11/1952   Floyd's Chapel
11/20/1984   Mansfield  Raynond             Horald      .              6/10/1915    Tyler Mo.                         .               Jim Tally Mansfield          Pearl              11/20/1984  Providence
1/30/1962    Mansfield  Uron                Otis        .              5/18/1888    Crockett Co., TN                  Not in record   Henry Mansfield              Nancy              1/30/1962   Maury City
1/13/1981    Mansfield  Velma               Lee         Hatch          11/12/1920   Obion Co., TN                     .               Chester Hatch                Annie Lou          1/13/1981   Providence
6/30/1985    Mansfield  William             Lesley      .              9/14/1905    Crockett Co., TN                  Call            Joe Mamsfield                Maude              6/30/1985   Providence
9/22/1982    Mansfiled  William             Buford      .              11/7/1902    Dyer Co., TN                      Clark           William Chatman              Rachel Fances      9/22/1982   Robertson
3/5/1984     Mardin     Albert              Earl        .              11/16/1922   Libson, N. H.                     Pierce          Elbert Mardin                Esther             3/5/1984    Maury City
9/25/1973    Markes     Linda               Joyce       Williams       11/6/1941    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Doyle Williams               Nina               9/25/1973   Cario
10/13/1969   Marlowe    Ethel Frances       Schnider    .              3/19/1892    Louisville, Ky                    .               .                            .                  10/13/1969  Cypress
4/23/1974    Marlowe    John                Armagh      .              3/14/1895    Arkansas                          .               John Payton Marlowe          Mary               4/23/1974   Cypress
1/24/1950    Marsh      Alene               .           .              1/7/1950     Crockett Co., TN                  .               J. C. Marsh                  Ettie Lee          1/24/1950   Center
3/25/1950    Marsh      Allene              .           .              1/7/1950     Crockett Co., TN                  .               J. C. Marsh                  Ettie Lee          3/25/1950   Center
12/24/1945   Marsh      John                Minor       .              11/28/1848   Humphreys Co., TN                 Not in record   Soloman Marsh                Ginnie             12/24/1946  Not in record
11/19/1949   Marsh      Lenie               Almeda      Walker         1/5/1877     Wayne County                      .               Stephen Walker               Elizabeth          11/19/1949  Quincy
8/27/1963    Martin     Blanche             Follis      Davis          11/15/1893   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Sam Davis                    Sara               8/27/1963   Mt Zion
10/4/1962    Martin     Clarence            Marvin      .              7/7/1894     Madison Co., TN                   .               Matthew David Martin         Mary               10/4/1962   Rose Hill
9/18/1957    Martin     Eicy                Elizabeth   Caudle         8/29/1892    Tennessee                         .               William Caudle               Sarah Catherine    9/18/1957   White Rose
4/15/1941    Martin     George              W.          .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      4/15/1941   Crump
5/20/1960    Martin     Ida                 Louella     Jenkins        8/1/1885     Tennessee                         .               Albert Jenkins               Alice              5/20/1960   Old Gibson
6/20/1988    Martin     Jeremy              Earl        .              12/12/1982   Peru, Ind,                        .               .                            Shannondoah        6/20/1908   Oakview
1/6/1963     Martin     Kenny               Ross        .              9/15/1914    Alcorn Co., Miss.                 .               George Martin                Rhoda              1/6/1963    Crump
4/4/1950     Martin     Mary                Edna        Robertson      02/2/100     Madison Co., TN                   .               John Robertson               Unknown            4/4/1950    Rosehill
11/5/1959    Martin     Mary                Nancy       Scott          12/9/1889    Ennis, Texas                      .               William Porter Scott         Martha             11/5/1959   Oakfield
1/3/1953     Martin     Virgil              Johnson     .              12/31/1878   Tennessee                         .               John Martin                  Unknown            1/3/1953    Old Gibson
3/13/1964    Massey     Albert              Forrest     .              4/29/1894    Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Massey                  Alice Anna         3/13/1964   Oak View Memorial n
5/28/1963    Massey     Douglas             Edward      .              5/27/1963    Gibson County Hosp Trenton, TN    .               Melvin Edward Massey         Johnnie Olene      5/28/1963   Kail
9/16/1950    Massey     John                Wiley       .              5/30/1950    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert Massey                Maude Ophelia      9/15/1950   Bethesda
12/17/1950   Massey     Johnnie  (Jr.)      .           .              6/11/1949    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Johnnie Massey               Lorene             12/17/1949  Bethesda
12/17/1949   Massey     Lorene              .           Smallwood      01/1/?..     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Harley Smallwood             Georgia            12/17/1949  Bethesda
2/20/1995    Massey     Maude               Ophelia     Griffin        10/3/1899    Bells, Tn                         .               John I. Griffin              Willie             2/20/1995   Oak View
5/19/1976    Massey     Melvin              Edward      .              8/24/1937    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert Massey                Maude              5/19/1976   Oak View
3/26/1970    Mathes     Annie               Mae         Gifford        3/3/1895     Wayne Co., TN                     .               George Gifford               Cordie             3/26/1970   Oakview
1/26/1947    Mathews    Alta                .           Jackson        11/29/1873   Jasper County, Ill.               .               Peter Jackson                Nancy Jane         1/26/1947   Newton, Ill
11/23/1987   Mathews    Eddie               Louise      .              9/20/1906    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Thomas L Mathews             Jim                11/22/1987  Robertson
10/16/1955   Mathews    Mattie              .           Carter         6/5/1872     Tennessee                         .               William Carter               Lucinda            10/16/1955  Robertson
3/4/1951     Mathews    Thomas              L.          .              7/15/1878    Cherokee Co., Alabama             .               James Mathews                Jane               3/4/1951    Robertson
1/4/1946     Mathis     Cora                .           Norval         3/27/1870    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jimmie Norval                Mary Jane          1/4/1946    Norval
3/28/1987    Mathis     Donna               Sue         Grady          11/29/1936   Gibson Co., TN                    .               Earl Grady                   Laverne            3/28/1987   Memorial Park Crema
11/16/1995   Mathis     Eliza               Lee         Hickerson      9/12/1899    .                                 .               James Hickerson              Mary Alice         11/16/1995  Old Gibson
9/4/1972     Mathis     Ellen               .           Kincaid        5/28/1898    Perry Co., TN                     .               Jack Kincaid                 Kizzie             9/4/1972    Walnut Grove
2/21/1994    Mathis     James               Kelsie      .              3/23/1918    Crockett Co., TN                  Tritt           Bob Mathis                   Ellen              2/21/1994   Oak View
5/10/1965    Mathis     K.                  H.          .              ??/./...     .                                 .               .                            .                  5/10/1965   .
5/10/1995    Mathis     Kizzie              Lorene      Burns          4/1/1921     Trenton, Tn                       .               George Thomas Burns          Ellen              5/10/1995   Oak View
4/3/1957     Mathis     Minnie              McCoy       ??             6/29/1888    Dickerson Co., TN                 .               Not in record                Not in record      4/3/1957    Jewett Cemetery
4/3/1959     Mathis     Pearl               .           Taylor         1/5/1911     Tennessee                         .               Cager Taylor                 NOt in record      4/3/1959    Old Gibson
11/18/1960   Mathis     Robert              Lee         .              9/30/1877    Perry Co., TN                     Not in record   Buford Mathis                Mary               11/18/1960  Old Gibson
6/30/1972    Mathis     Robert              Taylor      .              7/23/1909    Perry Co., TN                     .               Robert Mathis                Martha             6/30/1972   Old Gibson
3/13/1989    Mathis     Ruby                Beatrice    Mathis         9/29/1918    Halls, Tenn.                      .               Andres Mathis                Ida                3/10/1989   Halls
9/9/1989     Mathis     William             Andrew      .              11/20/1913   Linden, Tenn.                     Burns           Robert Lee Mathis            Martha Ella        9/9/1989    Oak View Memorial
4/2/1977     Mathis     William             Henry       .              1/23/1894    Clifton, Tn.                      Jordon          .                            .                  4/2/1977    Oakview
2/3/1977     Matlock    Faye                Lorine      Branch         10/29/1903   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Eli Hugh Branch              Eunice             2/3/1977    Magnolia
10/13/1963   Matlock    Pamelia             Exer        Scarbrough     10/28/1869   Madison Co., TN                   .               Joe Scarbrough               Liza Jane          10/13/1963  Bethel Cemetery
1/18/1977    Matthews   Martha              .           Pearson        4/21/1916    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Starkey A Pearson            Mary               1/18/1977   Bellevue
10/15/1987   Matthews   Mary                Louise      .              11/4/1971    Madison Co., TN                   .               Richard Matthews             Nancy              10/14/1987  Gadsden
5/4/1986     Mauldin    Jesse Sr.           Elton       .              3/17/1932    Covington, TN                     Reggins         Jessie Neal Mauldin          Letha              5/4/1986    Alamo
12/21/1967   Maxey      Leni                .           Foresyth       5/14/1881    Crockett Co.                      .               George Foresyth              Ada                12/21/1967  Bellvieu
3/11/1944    May        Ruth                .           .              ???./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      3/11/1944   ??
4/26/1990    May        Verna               Mae         Johnson        10/10/1900   Maury City, TN                    .               Jim H. Johnson               Lenna              4/24/1990   Alamo
2/7/1954     May        William             Eron        .              4/7/1898     Gibson Co., TN                    Johnson         B. J. May                    Annie              2/7/1954    Alamo
4/14/1980    Mayfield   Amy                 .           Simmons        3/4/1909     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Bill Simmons                 Mamie              4/14/1980   Alamo
6/19/1996    Mayfield   Bertha              Mae         Phillips       3/29/1935    Sledge, Ms                        .               Ellis L. Phillips            Paralee            6/19/1996   Alamo
9/18/1941    Mayfield   D. V. (Mrs.)        .           Harvey         8/23/1876    Unknown                           .               Alexander Bradford Harvey    Ruth Jo            9/18/1941   Norville
3/29/1991    Mayfield   Earnest             Lee         .              9/10/1912    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Frank Mayfield               Ardelia            3/29/1991   Norvell
3/26/1982    Mayfield   George              Odell       .              3/19/1910    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Frank Mayfield               Ardelia            3/26/1982   Alamo
4/6/1971     Mayfield   J.                  W.          .              5/25/1911    Crockett Co., TN                  Turner          William Mayfield             Margie             4/6/1971    Alamo
7/21/1974    Mayfield   James               William     .              2/16/1899    Carrol Co., TN                    Wainright       Frank Mayfield               Adelia             7/21/1974   Norville
11/25/1982   Mayfield   Joseph {Billy}      Elisha      .              12/20/1927   Crockett Co., TN                  .               James William Mayfield       Zora Lee           11/25/1982  Norville
9/1/1986     Mayfield   Malcolm 'Mack'      Sylvester   .              8/16/1916    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Frank Mayfield               Delia              9/1/1986    Alamo
11/1/1971    Mayfield   Margie              Sarah       Spain          4/11/1880    Carroll Co., TN                   .               Millard Spain                Caroline           11/1/1971   Alamo
4/12/1986    Mayfield   Nora                Marie       Turner         12/20/1900   Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Turmer                  Lilly              4/12/1986   Alamo
9/2/1978     Mayfield   Priestly            .           .              4/12/1904    Crockett Co., TN                  Not in record   William Mayfield             Not in record      9/2/1978    Alamo
7/17/1986    Mayfield   Robert              Allen       .              3/2/1919     Crockett Co., TN                  Jones           James William Mayfield       Zora               7/17/1986   Oakview
8/18/1979    Mayfield   Sammy               .           .              1/23/1944    Crockett Co., TN                  Hunt            Prestly Mayfield             Amy                8/18/1979   Oak View
8/24/1980    Mayfield   Tilda               Marsh       Unknown        10/2/1980    Monticello, Ky                    .               Unknown                      Unknonw            8/24/1980   Alamo
6/9/1980     Mayfield   William             Asberry     .              1/11/1923    Lauderdale Co., TN                Thompson        William H. Mayfied           Alice              6/9/1980    Floyd's Chapel
5/26/1955    Mayfield   William             Howard      .              2/23/1877    Tennessee                         .               James W. Mayfield            Mary               5/26/1955   Alamo
8/7/1982     Mayfield   Zora                Lee         Wainright      18920114     Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Wainright               Laura              8/7/1982    Norville
3/9/1980     Mayo       Alton               Guy         .              8/10/1908    Crockett Co., TN                  Patterson       Guy Mayo                     .                  3/9/1980    Nunn
3/10/1955    Mayo       Bonnie              Osborne     Green          2/8/1881     Tennessee                         .               Columbus H. Green            Jane Ann           3/10/1955   Nunn
1/30/1987    Mayo       Grace               Maxine      .              3/9/1927     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Clarence Mayo                Bertha             1/30/1987   Nun
12/7/1967    Mayo       Larimore            Mosley      .              11/7/1919    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Robert Guy Mayo              Bonnie Mayo        12/7/1967   Nunn
5/14/1981    Mayo       Robert              Paul        .              4/18/1904    Crockett Co., TN                  Wood            R. Guy Mayo                  Bonnie             5/14/1981   Nunn
4/3/1990     Mays       William             Horace      .              2/4/1904     Alamo, Tenn.                      .               Alanzo Mays                  Gertie             4/3/1990    Alamo
6/28/1996    McArthur   Leston              Andrew      .              7/12/1938    Dyess, Ark                        Moore           Hayes McArthur               Rosalind           6/28/1996   Crypt  Oak View
3/6/1944     McBride    Charles             Edward      .              12/24/1900   Haywood Co., TN                   .               William Martin McBride       Mollie             3/6/1944    Holly Grove
1/1/1945     McBride    Henry               H.          .              6/6/1904     Haywood Co., TN                   .               William McBride              Mary               1/1/1945    Holly Grove
8/27/1957    McBride    Louis               Kenneth     .              10/21/1885   Tn                                .               William Martin McBride       Mollie             8/27/1957   Holly Grove
12/24/1970   McBride    William             Thomas      .              2/20/1915    .                                 .               Louis K. McBridg             Annie              12/24/1970  Holly Grove
12/28/1987   McCaig     Alvin               W.          .              1/14/1917    Johnsonville, TN                  .               Robert Lee McCaig            Addie M.           12/25/1987  Providence
6/29/1971    McCaig     Dewey               .           .              5/22/1922    Tennessee                         .               James Henry McCaig           Willie             .           Antioch
11/19/1967   McCaig     George              Washington  .              7/27/1885    Tenn.Tn                           .               Thomas McCaig                Sarah Frances      11/19/1967  Eaton
8/2/1978     McCaig     James               Henry       .              8/16/1883    Perry Co., TN                     .               James McCaig                 Sarah Frances      8/2/1978    Antioch
4/5/1968     McCaig     Lillie              Mae         Joyce          9/12/1905    Perry Co., TN                     .               Thomas Joyce                 Myrtle             4/15/1968   Wilson
6/7/1966     McCaig     Robert              Lee         .              3/19/1889    Middle Tennessee                  Not in record   Tom McCaig                   Sarah              6/7/1966    Providence
11/3/1949    McCaig     Sarah               Frances     Ashley         5/10/1851    Tennessee                         .               Don Ashley                   Unknown            11/3/1949   Wilson
11/16/1952   McCaig     William             Otto        .              3/26/1884    Tennessee                         .               Thomas McCaig                Sarah              11/16/1952  Wilson
9/15/1951    McCaslin   Ellen               .           Halliburton    12/24/1861   Tennessee                         .               W.B. Halliburton             Mary               9/15/1951   Good Hope
1/20/1974    McClain    Mary                Lou         Nance          8/25/1898    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Arthur Nance                 Mamie              1/20/1974   Alamo
5/5/1991     McClaran   Rose                Marie       .              8/10/1940    Memphis, Tn.                      .               Harry Hartsfield McClaran    Rosemary           5/5/1991    Crockett Mills
4/14/1995    McClaran   Rosemary            .           Deaton         2/14/1918    Alamo,Tn.                         .               William Harry Deaton         Mary Elizabeth     4/7/1995    Crockett Mills
12/7/1962    McClean    Clyde               Albert      .              7/1/1889     Crockett Co., TN                  Not in record   Norman McLean                Mary               12/7/1962   Alamo
2/15/1965    McCollum   Mona                L.          .              1/23/1965    Not in record                     .               Carl McCollum                Nancy              2/15/1965   Oakview
11/1/1977    McComb     Birdie              .           Springer       1/5/1896     Hardin Co., TN                    .               George Springer              Rose Ann           11/1/1977   Cairo
10/8/1982    McCord     David               Howard      .              10/4/1910    Crockett Co., TN                  Malone          Robert McCord                Minnie             10/8/1982   Gadsden
2/26/1995    McCord     Evelyn              .           Malone         1/17/1914    Gadsden, Tn                       .               Herbert Malone               Viola              2/26/1995   Gadsden
12/26/1964   McCord     George              Robert      .              11/23/1874   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Thomas McCord                Claudia            12/26/1964  Gadsden
4/25/1991    McCord     Jessie              Phillip     .              12/28/1925   Gadsden,Tn.                       .               James Eugene McCord          Addie Irene        4/25/1991   Rose Hill
1/28/1995    McCord     Mattie Lou (Clara)  .           Reasons        1/24/1909    Coxville, Tn                      .               Dorsey Thomas Reasons        Ethel              1/28/1995   Salem
7/20/1962    McCord     Minnie              Thadina     Casey          3/19/1876    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Benjamin Casey               Mary Virginia      7/20/1962   Gadsden
12/22/1979   McCord     Robert              Lewis       .              8/28/1903    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Goerge R. McCord             Minnie             12/23/1979  Oak View
9/30/1986    McCoy      Billy Jr.           Wayne       .              6/13/1970    Tiptonville, TN                   .               Billy Wayne McCoy Sr         Mary Elizabeth     9/30/1986   Robertson
3/21/1949    McCoy      John                Warren      .              6/18/1892    Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Warren CoCoy            Not in record      3/21/1949   Center
9/17/1975    McCoy      John Jr.            Warren      .              11/13/1923   Crockett Co., TN                  Randolph        J. W. McCoy                  Verbie             9/17/1975   Center
7/25/1970    McCoy      Nancy               Lou         Call           3/9/1879     Corinth, Miss.                    .               Robert Call                  Unknown            7/25/1970   Wilson Co Mem Garde
1/3/1946     McCoy      Sarah               Katherine   NOt in record  ???./...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Not in record                Not in record      1/3/1946    Cypress
4/9/1947     McCoy      Thomas              .           .              .            Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      4/9/1947    ??
1/9/1982     McDaniel   Ann                 .           Cobb           4/30/1925    Johnson City, TN                  .               Edwin Parker Cobb            Clifford           1/9/1982    Alamo
5/22/1973    McDaniel   Joseph              Frank       .              7/7/1888     Green Co., Ark                    .               Henry Jasper McDaniel        Emily              5/22/1973   New Bethel
3/26/1991    McDonald   Ida                 Bell        Marlow         7/27/1950    Friendship, TN                    .               Raymond Marlow               Savannah           3/26/1991   Providence
9/21/1975    McDonald   Thomas              L           .              .././...     .                                 Dobbins         D. L. McDonald Sr.           Unknown            9/21/1975   Pond Creek
2/14/1958    McDow      Robert              Sanford     .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      .           Munford Cemetery
10/7/1993    McFarlen   Ethel               Ellen       Bledsoe        5/25/1904    Alamo,Tn.                         .               Charles Bledsoe              Lula               10/7/1993   Alamo
1/31/1988    McFarlen   Marvin              Ray         .              9/23/1920    Fisk,Mo.                          Bledsoe         Clarence McFarlen            Annie              1/30/1988   Alamo
2/7/1985     McGarity   Thomas              Void        .              3/25/1900    Hardman Co., TN                   Smith           William F. McGaurity         Nancy Ann          2/7/1985    Cairo
6/8/1984     McGaury    George              Wesley      .              2/7/1905     Crockett Co., TN                  Beard           Wesley McGaury               Rhonda             6/6/1984    Archer's Chapel
9/17/1995    McGee      Denise              Carol       .              10/6/1970    Ashland, Ky                       .               Bennie McGee                 Alinee             9/17/1995   Cypress
9/19/1986    McGee      Herman              Francis     .              9/12/1923    Paris, Tenn.                      .               William Thomas McGee         Nellie E.          9/18/1986   Zion
2/5/1988     McGee      Lillian             Ruth        .              6/28/1910    Gibson Co., TN                    .               Charlie Blankenship          Vera Laura         2/4/1988    Oakview
7/17/1989    McGinley   Vurgie              Bell        Burnett        11/27/1908   Alamo, Tenn.                      .               Robert G. Burnett            Ada                7/15/1989   Quincy
7/17/1937    McGinley   William             Gary        .              1/10/1937    Crockett Co., TN                  .               W. T. McGinley               Virgie Bell        7/17/1937   Quincy
12/28/1937   McGlothen  Ray                 .           .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      12/28/1937  Not in record
4/16/1996    McGlothin  Florence            Jane        Allen          10/26/1901   Dyersburg, Tn                     .               James Calvin Allen           Deliah             4/16/1996   Oak View
4/11/1948    McGlothin  Inf of M/M Thomas   .           .              4/11/1948    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Thomas McGlothin             Doris              4/11/1948   Quincy
8/13/1992    McGuary    Wesley              Wayne       .              9/21/1969    Dyersburg, Tn.                    .               Dillard McGuary              Elizabeth          8/13/1992   Archer's Chapel
4/6/1979     McGuinley  William             Thomas      .              .././...     .                                 .               .                            .                  .           .
10/20/1988   McKeehen   James               Floyd       .              7/11/1927    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jimmy McKeehen               Ethel              10/19/1988  Alamo
7/29/1957    McKelvy    Ruth                Elizabeth   .              4/4/1909     Tennessee                         .               Thomas William Mckelvy       Laura              7/29/1957   Pond Creek
4/27/1985    McKenzie   Bertie              Francis     Lewis          10/28/1912   Tipton Co., TN                    .               Ed Lewis                     Rosis              4/27/1985   Cypress
3/30/1973    McKenzie   Clara               .           Ballentine     3/3/1894     Tenn                              .               Charles Ballentine           Nancy Jane         3/30/1973   Center
1/31/1951    McKenzie   Edd                 Alonzo      .              7/20/1892    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Mac McKenzie                 Fannie             1/31/1951   Center
1/6/1990     McKenzie   Edd                 Murphy      .              12/10/1913   Alamo, Tenn.                      .               Edd Alonzo McKenzie          Clara              1/6/1990    Cypress
8/16/1996    McKenzie   Henry               Ertis       .              9/14/1906    Atlanta, Ga                       Short           William A. McKenzie          Jessie Launa       8/16/1996   Oak View
10/2/1973    McKinney   Frankie             .           Randolph       5/29/1917    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Frank Randolph               Lillie B.          10/2/1972   Kail
12/21/1962   McKinnon   Gerald              .           .              ??/./...     .                                 Not in record   .                            .                  12/21/1962  Not in record
5/26/1967    Mckinnon   Ludie               Irene       Prescott       2/14/1905    Crockett Co., TN                  .               William Prescott             Liza               5/26/1967   Bellview
9/27/1977    McKinnon   William             Matthew     .              1/28/1895    .                                 Not in record   Not in record                Not in record      9/27/1977   Bellevue
10/12/1953   McLain     Euris               Mae         Thomas         ]2/0/100     Tennessee                         .               ??  Thomas                   Ethel              10/12/1953  Alamo
5/2/1959     McLain     Harold              Alston      .              2/6/1897     Kirksville, Mo                    Poston          Dr. H. C. McLain             Clare              5/2/1959    Alamo
9/10/1963    McLean     Cordia              Veatrice    Bennett        1/1/1886     Tennessee                         .               G. L Bennett                 Aggie Nora         9/10/1963   Alamo
9/22/1972    McLean     Cordye              .           Watson         12/31/1895   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Bob Watson                   Not in record      9/22/1972   Alamo
1/9/1994     McLean     Dorothy             .           Kincaid        11/25/1918   Gadsden, TN                       .               Joe Byron Kincaid Sr.        Mary               1/9/1994    Avery
8/5/1986     McLean     Down                .           Poston         2/21/1920    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Clyde L. Poston              Pearl              8/5/1986    Alamo
12/16/1937   McLean     Elbert              .           .              11/11/1875   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert Galatin McLean        Addie              12/26/1937  Alamo
4/24/1969    McLean     Elemuel (Lem)       Bernard     .              9/17/1894    Crockett Co., TN                  Watson          McLean                       Albert A. McLean   4/24/1969   Alamo
4/4/1962     McLean     Ewell               David       .              5/1/1883     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Norman McLean                Mollie             4/4/1962    Alamo
8/15/1983    McLean     Grace               Myrtle      .              1/4/1902     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert G. McLean             Mattie             8/15/1983   Avery
6/29/1963    McLean     Harold              Clyde       .              12/9/1927    Crocket Co., TN                   .               Clyde Albert McLean          Margaret           6/29/1963   Alamo
9/24/1978    Mclean     Hershel             Alexander   .              6/30/1910    Crockett Co., TN                  Not in record   Albert G. McLean             Orlie              9/24/1978   Avery
10/1/1993    McLean     Joseph              Woodfen     .              9/16/1917    Alamo, Tn                         .               Joseph Clayton McLean        Vera               10/1/1993   Alamo
5/14/1955    McLean     Katie               .           Gibson         1/10/1875    Tennessee                         .               Thomas Gibson                Annie              5/14/1955   Alamo
12/12/1968   McLean     Lois                Ailean      Riddick        8/6/1902     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Louis Henry Riddick          Rosa Anna          12/12/1968  Alamo
7/14/1984    McLean     Margaret            .           Smith          11/21/1894   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Thomas J. Smith              Lois               7/14/1984   Alamo
11/19/1956   McLean     Margaret            Jane        Pittman        6/7/1882     Tennessee                         .               William Pittman              Frances            11/19/1956  Alamo
2/12/1981    McLean     Mildred             .           McClanahan     8/27/1910    Tennessee                         .               Walter McClanahan            Lizzie             2/12/1981   Rose Hill
8/20/1968    McLean     Sophia              Myrtle      Harris         10/31/1875   Gibson Co., TN                    .               Tobe Harris                  Mattie             8/20/1967   Alamo
2/3/1968     McLean     Vera                .           Babb           9/14/1880    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Simian  Babb                 Minerva F.         2/3/1968    Alamo
4/14/1989    McMackin   Nancy               Faye        Perry          2/12/1904    Friendship, Tenn.                 .               James L. Perry               Maude              4/14/1989   Maury  City
10/7/1956    McMillan   Gladys              .           Cates          8/25/1894    Crockett Co., TN                  .               David Washington Cates       Alice              10/7/1956   Alamo
1/25/1953    McMillan   James               Neal        .              ??/./...     Not in record                     Not in record   Not in record                Not in record      1/25/1953   Alamo
5/20/1965    McMillian  Robert              Massey      .              7/13/1888    .                                 Not in record   Nathan McMillian             Sarah Elizabeth    5/20/1965   Myrtle Hill
9/30/1966    McMullins  Doris               Ann         .              3/30/1966    Haywood Co., TN                   .               J. L. McMullins              Jessie Joe         9/30/1966   Bellevue
10/4/1965    McNatt     John                A.          .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      10/4/1965   Maury City
11/9/1955    McNatt     Mattie              .           Early          11/11/1872   Tennessee                         .               Asberry Early                Nancy              11/9/1955   Maury City
2/5/1946     McNeal     William             Franklin    .              6/13/1871    Columbia, TN                      .               Billie McNeal                Sallie             2/5/1946    Belleview
2/10/1962    McNee      Danny               Wayne       .              12/19/1961   Not in record                     .               Leon McNee                   Dorothy            2/10/1962   Quincy
12/12/1978   McNeeley   Eunice              Vesta       Shivers        8/13/1898    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Samuel L. Shivers            Minnie             12/12/1978  Alamo
1/29/1964    McNeeley   Murray              M           .              2/8/1900     Maury City, TN                    .               Joe Alford McNeeley          Alice Parlee       1/29/1964   Cypress
2/10/1950    McNeely    Alice               Paralee     .              04/1/?..     Williamson Co., TN                .               Not in record                Not in record      2/10/1950   Cypress
5/14/1949    McNeely    John                B.          .              9/2/1870     Williamson Co., TN                .               Unknown                      Unknown            5/14/1949   Young
11/4/1962    McNeely    Josie               .           McNeely        10/9/1888    Maury Co., TN                     .               Joe Alford McNeely           Alice Parlee       11/4/1962   Cypress
3/30/1970    McNeely    Sam                 Jones       .              8/4/1894     Maury Co., TN                     Shivers         Joe A. McNeely               Alice              3/30/1970   Alamo
1/24/1957    McPherson  Jo                  Estta       Stallings      09/1/...     Tennessee                         .               John Alfred Stallings        Mary Jane          1/24/1957   Old City
11/20/1962   McQuarrie  W                   E.          .              ??/./...     .                                 .               .                            .                  .           .
2/26/1967    Mealer     Randy               Dale        .              1/6/1967     Alamo, Tenn                       .               Clifton D. Mealer            Dorothy            2/26/1967   Robertson
12/9/1972    Mealer     William             Clifford    .              12/3/1911    Obion Co., TN                     Sadler          Charlie M. Mealer            Not in Record      12/9/1972   Archer's Chapel
9/8/1980     Mealer     Willie              May         Farmer         7/5/1946     Lake Co., TN                      .               Henry Farmer                 Annie Mae          9/8/1980    Archer's Chapel
9/9/1978     Mealer     Zula                Mae         Sadler         3/27/1913    Obion Co., TN                     .               Jacob Sadler                 Martha Bell        9/9/1978    Archer's Chapel
2/4/1948     Medford    Oscar               Washington  .              2/7/1887     Mississippi                       .               Jeff Medford                 Betty              2/4/1948    Robertson
4/21/1954    Medlin     Dee                 .           .              3/30/1877    Tennessee                         White           J. T. Medlin                 Alice              4/21/1954   Floyd's Chapel
2/22/1941    Medlin     Dee (Mrs.)          .           .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      2/22/1941   Old Field
1/5/1951     Medlin     Edward              Gray        .              4/27/1882    Dyer, Tenn                        .               James Thomas Medlin          Alice              1/5/1951    Oak Grove
6/23/1955    Medlin     Florence            White       Oldham         3/16/1891    Tennessee                         .               F. Pearce Oldham             M.E.               6/23/1955   Belleview
12/21/1971   Medlin     Fred                .           .              .            .                                 .               .                            .                  12/21/1971  Alamo
7/27/1950    Medlin     Jennie              Ann         Holland        9/2/1880     Dyer Co., TN                      .               Casse Holland                Ann                7/27/1950   Old Gibson
10/5/1983    Mehr       Ora                 Fay         Evans          1/31/1913    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Whitman Evans                Mary               10/5/1983   Bellevue
10/19/1965   Merrill    Patricia            .           Williams       8/26/1931    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Milton Williams              Bertha             10/10/1965  Nance
10/8/1993    Middleton  Rosamond            .           Avery          11/7/1906    Alamo,Tn.                         .               T.H. Avery                   Sarah              10/8/1993   Alamo
7/29/1947    Midgett    Lillian             .           Porter         2/27/1879    Crockett Co., TN                  .               John C. Porter               Ncie               7/29/1947   Alamo
12/17/1952   Midyett    Emma                Edna        McMillan       11/25/1873   Tennessee                         .               Neal McMillan                Azalee             12/17/1952  Alamo
7/13/1962    Midyett    James               Robert      .              18710427     Alamo, Tenn                       .               Sal H. Midgett               Nancy              7/13/1962   Alamo
2/21/1977    Mikulinac  Peter               .           .              4/28/1903    Ruma Yugoslavia                   Moore           Stefhan Mikulinac            .                  2/21/1977   Floyd's Chapel
4/9/1979     Mikulinae  Rosa                Lumley      .              7/28/1992    Arkansas                          .               No In our records            Not in record      4/9/1979    Floyd's Chapel
12/15/1988   Milam      Alice               Faye        Burton         2/29/1964    Gibson Co., TN                    .               Billy Burton                 Rosie              12/10/1988  Salem
3/28/1996    Milam      Eva                 Carrie      Shivers        2/14/1904    Trenton, Tn                       .               Richard Shivers              Matilda            3/28/1996   Nance
9/5/1973     Milam      Henry               Clay        .              3/18/1899    Dyer Co., TN                      Shivers         Edwin Milam                  Sally              9/5/1973    Nance
9/29/1950    Millard    Charles             Ray         .              9/28/1950    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Chester Logan Millard        Thelma Frances     9/28/1950   Robertson
6/27/1973    Millard    Chester             Logan       .              9/15/1905    Crockett Co., TN                  Carter          Jessie Bryan Millard         Mary               6/27/1973   Robertson
7/25/1973    Millard    Jessie              Carter      .              7/2/1946     Crockett Co., TN                  Cline           Chester L. Millard           Thelma             7/25/1973   Robertson
1/1/1971     Miller     Albert              Lee         .              7/14/1878    Madison Co., TN                   Not in record   George Washington Miller     Martha             1/1/1971    Bellevue
4/11/1956    Miller     Anthony             Eugene      .              4/11/1956    Gibson Co., TN                    .               Eugene Miller                Wilma Evelyn       4/11/1956   Holly Grove
5/5/1992     Miller     Carl                Taylor      .              1/1/1914     Bells, Tn.                        .               Charles Taylor Miller        Fanny              5/5/1992    Bringance
1/1/1964     Miller     Ella                .           Russell        .            Madison Co., TN                   .               .                            .                  1/1/1964    Walnut Hill
2/5/1987     Miller     Forest              Sallie      Cleveland      7/9/1919     Ittawamba, Miss                   .               Andrew Cleveland             Berdie             2/5/1987    Salem
6/18/1954    Miller     George              Alexander   .              9/12/1877    Tennessee                         Not in record   Columbus Miller              Lue                6/18/1954   Walnut Hill
7/9/1946     Miller     Lizzie              Juanita     Harvey         3/13/1894    McNairy Co., TN                   .               William Eric Harvey          Ruthie Joan        7/9/1946    Bellevue
3/13/1963    Miller     Lydia               May         Simmons        7/1/1891     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Price Simmons                Sara               3/13/1963   Walnut Hill
11/30/1980   Miller     Mildred             .           Luckenbill     6/6/1920     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Irvin Luckenbill             Julia              11/30/1980  Brigance
7/16/1996    Miller     Oscar               Willington  .              6/18/1902    Jasper, Alabama                   .               Thomas Miller                Minnie Bell        7/16/1996   Oak View
4/14/1983    Miller     Perneal             .           McFadden       12/2/1916    Utawamba County, Miss             .               Webster McFadden             Modenia            4/14/1983   Oak View
1/26/1978    Miller     Terry               Glynn       .              6/21/1961    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Merl A. Miller               Helen A            1/26/1978   Oak View
4/6/1977     Miller     Thomas              Harwood     .              5/9/1921     Crockett Co., TN                  Hensley         William K. Miller            Lottie Mae         4/6/1977    Bowers Chapel
5/29/1974    Miller     William             Kelley      .              1/11/1893    Tennessee                         .               Columbus Miller              Lucy               5/29/1974   Walnut Hill
3/9/1950     Mills      Andy                Casey       .              10/27/1843   Madison Co., TN                   .               Joe Cody Mills               Alice              3/9/1950    Belleview
5/2/1984     Mills      Jason               Scott       .              7/26/1973    Nevada                            .               Michael D. Mills             Della              6/2/1984    Salem
4/22/1992    Mills      Johnny              Franklin    .              1/28/1930    Dixie, Fla                        Wallis          Jack Mills                   Rachel             4/22/1992   Memorial Park Creama
11/8/1944    Mills      Joseph              Cody        .              ??/?/104     Mississippi                       .               Not in record                Not in record      11/8/1944   Bellevue
10/10/1992   Mills      Margaret            Cox         Wallis         8/21/1931    Gadaden, Tn.                      .               Leland Wallis                Marion             10/10/1992  Memorial Park Creama
2/20/1992    Mills      Michael             David       .              9/14/1956    .                                 Unknown         Johnny Mills                 Margaret           2/20/1992   Salem
10/11/1959   Mills      Vickie              Dianne      .              7/14/1953    Tennessee                         .               Johnny F. Mills              Margaret           10/11/1959  Alamo
2/6/1978     Milton     Anna                Rainey      .              .././...     .                                 .               Not in record                No in our records  2/6/1978    Sudbury
9/29/1990    Mincy      Betty               C           Leggett        10/13/1913   Dyersburg, TN                     .               Clyde W. Leggett             Josie Irene        9/29/1990   Salem
5/7/1986     Mitchell   Ada                 D.          Nelson         2/28/1895    Gibson Co., TN                    .               James Nelson                 Etta               5/7/1986    Gadsden
3/21/1970    Mitchell   Alma                .           Cox            2/24/1890    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Robert Cox                   Antionetta         3/21/1970   Rose Hill
10/17/1953   Mitchell   Betty               Sue         Jones          2/3/1931     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Cleve Jones                  Nannie Maie        10/16/1953  Rose Hill
4/25/1994    Mitchell   Charles             Edwin       .              6/28/1929    Gadsden, Tn.                      Moore           Robert Edwin Mitchell        Annie Lou          4/25/1994   Gadsden
8/2/1959     Mitchell   E                   P           .              10/12/1883   Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Mitchell                Frances            8/2/1959    Rosehill
2/25/1975    Mitchell   Ethel               Ida         Arnold         8/24/1902    Gibson Co., TN                    .               Joe Arnold                   Fanny              2/25/1975   Jr. James Williams
4/10/1943    Mitchell   Franklin            Hill        .              11/28/1938   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Zack Mitchell                Ada Dee            4/10/1943   Rosehill
8/29/1989    Mitchell   John                Milton      .              9/6/1911     Gadsden, Tenn                     Stephens        Edwin P. Mitchell            Alma               8/28/1989   Gadsden
2/5/1984     Mitchell   Martha              Fern        McLean         8/14/1901    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Joe C. McLean                Vera               2/2/1984    Oakland
10/8/1948    Mitchell   Melissa             .           .              8/30/1875    Missouri                          .               Unknown                      Unknown            10/8/1948   Robertson
10/13/1945   Mitchell   Napolean            .           .              6/1/1870     Cromwell, Ky                      .               Alphews Mitchell             Kate               10/13/1945  Robertson
11/3/1975    Mitchell   Robert              Edwin       .              3/2/1910     Crockett Co., TN                  Blackmore       Edd Mitchell                 Alma               11/3/1975   Gadsden
1/14/1968    Mitchell   William             J.          .              6/20/1901    Tennessee                         Arnold          Virgel Mitchell              Lucy               1/14/1968   Alamo
8/1/1965     Mitchell   Zack                Talmadge    .              5/7/1891     Crockett Co., TN                  Nelson          Z. A. Mitchell               Emma               8/1/1965    Rose Hill
9/4/1975     Mobley     Alder               Inez        Richardson     9/5/1890     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Henry Hill Richardson        Margaret           9/4/1975    Rosehill
8/15/1962    Mobley     Lonnie              L.          .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      8/15/1962   National Cemetery
4/27/1985    Mohundro   Martha              Carolyn     Williams       9/14/1938    .                                 .               Ralph Williams               Irene Dickey       4/27/1985   Memory Lane Gardens
5/13/1957    Moncier    Charlie             Earl        .              2/15/1896    Tennessee                         .               Oliver Moncier               Hester             5/13/1957   Alamo
12/16/1937   Moncier    George              .           .              10/8/1918    Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Moncier                 Mattie             12/16/1937  Robertson
8/5/1969     Moncier    Irene               .           Lonon          11/21/1896   Crockett Co., TN                  .               John W. Lonon                Zula               8/5/1969    Alamo
1/3/1956     Moncier    James               O.          .              ??/./...     .                                 .               Not in record                Not in record      1/3/1956    Tipton
3/10/1969    Moncier    John                Franklin    .              3/3/1882     Tennessee                         Faircloth       Oliver Moncier               Hester             3/10/1969   Robertson
1/27/1981    Moncier    Martha              Ann         Faircloth      6/2/1883     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Lemuel Faircloth             Clementine         1/27/1981   Robertson
2/23/1986    Moncier    Rebecca             Reddick     Reddick        4/12/1914    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Albert C. Reddick            Ada                2/23/1986   Floyd's Chapel
10/18/1966   Moncier    Ruth                Louise      Clark          12/7/1895    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Frank Clark                  Micie              10/18/1966  Tipton
1/4/1957     Moncier    Tom                 Wesley      .              10/1/1885    Tennessee                         .               Unknown                      Unknown            1/4/1957    Tipton
1/18/1952    Moncier    Wiley               Lee         .              3/10/1889    Tennessee                         .               Oliver Moncier               Hester             1/18/1952   Tipton
4/21/1979    Monney     Exie                May         Smith          3/5/1922     Chester Co., TN                   .               John Hardy Smith             Ollie              4/21/1979   Cedar Grove
10/10/1981   Montague   Ollie               Marie       Watson         10/31/1887   Tenn.                             .               Thomas Watson                Tennie             11/10/1981  Bellevue
7/20/1937    Moody      James               .           .              9/8/1922     Madison Co., TN                   .               John Moody                   Lillie Mae         7/20/1937   Brigance
4/2/1955     Moody      John                Jefferson   .              11/10/1889   Cherokee, Ala                     Not in record   Harvey Moody                 Rosie              4/2/1955    Brigance
7/4/1969     Moody      Lena                .           .              .            .                                 .               Not in record                .                  7/4/1969    .
5/31/1941    Moody      Lillie              .           Williams       10/7/1892    Henderson, TN                     .               George Williams              Unknown            5/31/1941   Brigance
10/30/1982   Moore      Bessie              .           Smithey        8/15/1895    Gibson Co., TN                    .               Tom Smithey                  Dollie             10/30/1982  Alamo
3/15/1971    Moore      Dustan              Paul        .              7/4/1970     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Not in Record                Mary Jo            3/15/1971   Providence
11/11/1976   Moore      Edmond              Clancy      .              9/7/1907     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Robert L. Moore              Emma               11/22/1976  Oakview
12/30/1950   Moore      Emma                Iota        Evans          8/29/1876    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Thomas Evans                 Margaret Ann       12/30/1950  Alamo
5/17/1971    Moore      Eva                 Ethel       Nettles        5/27/1917    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Bill Nettles                 Jane               5/17/1971   Providence
4/12/1966    Moore      G.                  B.          .              ??/./...     Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      4/12/1966   ??
6/10/1974    Moore      Gladys              Beatrice    Privett        3/19/1904    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Willilam Jasper Privett      Lula               6/10/1974   Oakview
2/13/1977    Moore      Ida                 Maie        Hutchison      .././...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Hutchison               Mattie             2/13/1977   Bellevue
2/26/1971    Moore      James               Calvin      .              8/16/1894    McNairy Co., TN                   Smithey         Jim Moore                    Mary I             2/26/1971   Alamo
5/24/1938    Moore      Jim                 .           .              1/6/1872     McNairy Co., TN                   .               Nath Moore                   Unknown            5/24/1938   Alamo
8/11/1989    Moore      Jim Sr.             Henry       .              11/28/1989   Crockett Mills, TN                Conley          Euriel Moore                 Eva                8/11/1989   Nance
10/8/1991    Moore      Joseph              Franklin    .              11/5/1905    Friendship,Tn.                    Carman          Ben Moore                    Ellen Elizabeth    10/8/1991   OakView Mausoleum
6/13/1992    Moore      Juanita             .           Jones          3/14/1912    Maury City, Tn.                   .               Otis Cleveland Jones         Bessie             6/13/1992   Crockett Mills
3/29/1976    Moore      Lennie              Leon        .              11/21/1919   Crockett Mills, TN                Watson          George W. Moore              Annie Laura        3/29/1976   Providence
4/3/1987     Moore      Martha              .           Boyett         11/28/1976   Gibson Co., TN                    .               John Wilson Boyett           Ollie Framces      4/4/1987    Oakview
2/20/1970    Moore      Mattie              Ernestine   Cates          8/27/1891    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Fanning Cates                Ella               2/20/1970   Pond Creek
6/23/1939    Moore      Mrs. J.C. (Sr.)     .           Garrett        2/2/1872     McNairy Co., TN                   .               John Garrett                 Mollie             6/23/1939   Alamo
4/16/1969    Moore      Nattie              Eurine      Payne          11/11/1874   Morgan County, Alabama            .               Lum Payne                    Nan                4/16/1969   Floyd's Chapel
10/14/1946   Moore      Oliver              .           .              .            Not in record                     .               Not in record                Not in record      10/14/1946  ??
8/25/1966    Moore      Ora                 Faye        Moore          9/14/1920    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Robert E. Moore              Ida                8/25/1966   Belleview
5/28/1943    Moore      Ralph               .           .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Oliver Moore                 Not in record      5/25/1943   Pond Creek
8/13/1986    Moore      William             Bernard     .              8/19/1917    Crockett Co., TN,                 Beckerstaff     Bob Moore                    Ida Mae            8/13/1986   Bellevue
2/9/1987     Moore      William             Earl        .              4/16/1930    Haywood Co., TN                   Capps           William Thomas Moore         Ivy                2/9/1987    Harmon
7/26/1941    Moore      William             Thomas      .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Not in record                Not in record      7/26/1941   Pond Creek
10/7/1968    Moore      William Jr.         Thomas      .              8/17/1917    Crockett Co., TN                  .               William Thomas Moore         Mattie             10/7/1968   Pond Creek
2/13/1941    Moorehead  Charlie             Iverson     .              2/4/1886     Not in record                     Not in record   Not in record                Not in record      2/13/1941   Oak Grove
8/1/1961     Moorehead  Lou                 Ellen       DePriest       3/3/1886     Tennessee                         .               John DePriest                Unknown            9/1/1961    Oak Grove
1/27/1941    Morehead   Ross (Mrs.)         .           Hall           5/6/1913     Humphreys Co., TN                 .               Robert Stewart Hall          Nancy              1/27/1941   Oak Grove
8/25/1939    Morgan     Carolina            .           ??             ??/./...     ??                                .               Not in record                Not in record      8/25/1939   Pleasentview
8/10/1995    Morgan     Mary                .           Brown          10/20/1911   Parsons,Tn                        .               Robet Milton Brown           Sallie             8/10/1995   Alamo
11/17/1996   Morphis    Dorothy             Dimple      Ball           9/23/1905    Alamo, Tn                         .               John Ball                    Eva                11/17/1996  Alamo
4/24/1972    Morphis    Elza                Green       .              9/14/1895    Henry Co., TN                     Baker           William A. Morphis           Nora A             4/24/1972   Robertson
9/17/1973    Morphis    Hugh                Theldon     .              11/9/1903    Crockett Co., TN                  Ball            Atlas Morphis                Nora               9/17/1973   Alamo
5/14/1994    Morphis    John                Herron      .              3/25/1948    Jackson, Tn.                      .               John Theldon Morphis         Mary Evelyn        5/14/1994   Alamo
9/21/1983    Morphis    Katy                Francis     Baker          5/11/1898    Crockett Co., TN                  .               George Baker                 .                  9/21/1983   Robertson
1/30/1958    Morris     Bertha              Cardelia    Morris         6/5/1926     Tennessee                         .               Tom Morris                   Mary               1/30/1958   Robertson
5/11/1994    Morris     Hudie               Jane        Goode          2/6/1907     Alamo, Tn.                        .               George Goode                 Sally              5/11/1994   Bellevue
6/1/1966     Morris     James               Jefferson   .              5/13/1911    Crockett Co., TN                  Goode           John Thomas Morris           Mary Etta          6/1/1966    Bellvue
6/24/1938    Morris     John                Calvin      .              .            Lexington, TN                     .               Not in record                Not in record      6/24/1938   Cairo
8/7/1994     Morris     Johnny              Alvie       .              12/16/1916   Ridgley, Tn                       Cobb            John Thomas Morris           Mary Etta          8/7/1994    Robertson
3/10/1975    Morris     Sarah               Marion      .              3/21/1897    Arkansas County, Ark              .               .                            .                  3/10/1975   Alamo
4/12/1991    Morton     James               Aubrey      .              9/27/1907    Crockett Mills, TN                Mitchell        Walter Morton                Katie              4/12/1991   Bellevue
6/9/1941     Mosier     Donald              .           .              ??/./...     Crockett Co., TN                  .               Teddy Mosier                 ??                 6/9/1941    Bellview
8/2/1977     Mosier     Ellie               Mae         Hendrix        12/10/1913   McNairy Co., TN                   .               Ed Hendrix                   Mary Isabelle      .           .
2/17/1983    Mosier     Floyd               Gene        .              11/15/1950   Madison Co., TN                   Hughes          Floyd Mosier                 Louise             2/17/1983   Oakview M. Gardens
8/29/1989    Mosier     John                Albert      .              7/2/1909     Jackson, Tenn.                    .               George Leonard Mosier        Mary Elizabeth     8/27/1989   Providence
11/2/1978    Mosier     Marcus              William     .              3/27/1901    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Jack Mosier                  Martha             11/2/1978   Walnut Hill
11/23/1952   Mosier     Martha              Ann         Sipes          12/18/1877   Tennessee                         .               Jack Sipes                   Unknown            11/23/1952  Walnut Hill
6/9/1977     Mosier     Nora                Victoria    Wauton         8/27/1899    Crockett Co, TN                   .               ?? Wauton                    Martha Ann         6/9/1977    Walnut Hill
2/1/1988     Mosier     Pauline             .           Cowan          11/19/1922   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Edgar Cowan                  Ruby               1/31/1988   Providence
10/16/1982   Mosier     William             Floyd       .              8/19/1916    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Will Mosier                  Nora               10/16/1982  Walnut Hill
9/2/1990     Moss       Ellen               Lucille     Keenan         9/13/1990    Humboldt, Tenn.                   .               Wilse Thomas Keenan          Maudie Pearl       9/2/1990    Alamo
1/1/1962     Mount      Dorothy             Helen       .              12/13/1911   Crockett Co., TN                  .               Henry Winchester Mount       Maudine            1/1/1962    Maury City
7/2/1965     Mount      Henry               Winchester  .              10/7/1882    Crockett Co., TN                  .               Harris Mount                 Martha Janes       7/2/1965    Maury City
2/9/1963     Mount      Maudie              .           Dobbins        11/25/1883   Crockett Co., TN                  .               John Dobbins                 Josephine          2/9/1963    Maury City
9/12/1967    Mount      Rosa                .           Hopper         9/15/1880    Martin, Tn                        .               Joseph T. Hooper             Mallie             9/14/1967   Bellview
3/30/1996    Mount      Theda               .           Pinkston       2/17/1918    Alamo,Tn                          .               Harlie Pinkston              Bessie             3/30/1996   Maury City
3/10/1975    Mount      William             Cary        .              4/5/1893     Gibson Co., TN                    .               .                            .                  3/10/1975   Balleview
7/4/1966     Mullin     Lois                Ann         .              3/30/1966    Haywood Co., TN                   .               J.L. Mullin                  Jessie Joe         7/4/1966    Bellevue
5/21/1984    Mullins    Oscar               Dewitt      .              4/19/1918    Laflour County Miss.              Hill            Art Mullins                  Nora               5/21/1984   Concord
9/23/1991    Munn       Robbie              Nell        Coop           10/5/1920    Humboldlt, Tn.                    .               .                            .                  9/23/1991   Cox's Chapel
4/6/1972     Murchison  Straughn            .           .              ?./?/193     Tennessee                         .               H. C.Murchison               Elizabeth          4/6/1972    Pond Creek
7/24/1960    Murphy     Cora                Belle       Via            12/14/1888   Mayfield, Ky                      .               James Via                    Mary Elizabeth     7/24/1960   Alamo
11/25/1965   Murphy     Ernest              Monroe      .              9/30/1884    Graves County, Ky                 .               Dan Murphy                   Mattie             11/25/1965  Alamo
9/2/1976     Murphy     Gladys              Gloria      Canaday        8/21/1987    Crockett Co., TN                  .               William B. Canaday           Maria              9/2/1976    Alamo
6/13/1979    Murphy     Hoyt                Dolan       .              6/24/1911    Cedar Crest Hosp, Humboldt TN     Hudson          James Murphy                 Tabetha            6/13/1979   Alamo
11/20/1955   Murphy     Mary                .           Murphy         11/20/1955   Humboldt, Tenn                    .               Gerald Murphy                Betty Lee          11/20/1955  Salem
3/14/1991    Murphy     William             Aaron       .              11/25/1917   Alamo,Tn.                         Scalion         Ernest Monreo Murphy         Cora Bell          3/14/1991   Oak View Memorial
2/26/1988    Murray     Barton              Allen       .              6/4/1965     Madison Co., TN                   Patrick         Jimmy Murray                 Donna              2/25/1988   Center
11/30/1966   Murry      Tom                 .           .              9/16/1884    Tennessee                         Not in record   Unknown                      Unknown            11/30/1966  Brazil
7/26/1981    Musitelli  Richard             James       .              6/5/1965     Gary, Ind.                        .               Richard Musitelli            Phyllis            7/26/1981   Oak View
10/28/1970   Myers      Howard              Odell       .              4/5/1916     Tennessee                         ????            Edgar Myers                  Nancy Anna         10/28/1970  Providence
7/1/1966     Myers      Idell               .           Edwards        10/18/1914   Haywood Co., TN                   .               Will Edwards                 Nora               7/1/1966    Providence


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